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12745424 No.12745424 [Reply] [Original]

>be psychologically tortured in science experiment
>"dude technology is fundamentally alienating"
>outline your views in one giant shitpost
>word every categorical judgement so as to avoid criticism
>"By this we don't mean EVERY leftist is a retarded crybaby, only some of them"
>kill anyone who disagrees with you

Pssh, nuthin' personnel kid.

>> No.12746897

based pollack

>> No.12747093

more like
>be denied gender transition

>> No.12747227

>i want to call this guy wrong but he expressed his ideas in such a way that i can't demonstrate that they're wrong
sounds like a personal problem

>> No.12747249

You got it wrong.

>Realize modern society is too complex and memetic for humans to control and will degenerate into total nonsense dystopia
>Want to live in a society of self sufficient technophobes
>Media is centralized so no way to appeal to the masses and only about twenty people would read manifesto
>Sperg out and kill people that he describes in the manifesto as victims of the system just to get some attention.

If Ted waited for the internet, I think he would have been fairly popular.

>> No.12747260

yeah, it's not like he said anything we can't observe ourselves now. he was right about a lot, i think, but the bombs basically erased all his thought and made him into the guy that mails people bombs instead of the technobabble doomsayer he could've been. incredible misstep imo

>> No.12747299

Literally none of us in this thread would have read his ideas if he hadn't bombed people and you know it.

>no see all he needed to do was wait until academics read his ideas on how they're over-socialized control freaks ruining the world because of their inferiority complexes and wait until they impartially decided they couldn't refute his ideas and brought them to the mainstream

I would imagine there are many insightful manifestos floating around the internet that none of us will ever read.

>> No.12747310

No, I don't know it and neither do you. If the only way to get people to read your shit is to blow them up, it's probably not worth reading.

>> No.12747312

You gotta think back to when he did it, book readership was a declining fad, and still is. The only way information reached people was the television which by all rights had enslaved and homogenized the populace (just talk to a boomer). This was intensely frustrating not only to Ted but many other radical thinkers at the time.

The bombings were certainly stupid, and did nothing for his revolution. They did get attention though, now his work is immortalized although I believe he would have succeeded without it.

Maybe, maybe not. If a word salad idiot like Jordan Peterson can get the following that he did, I think Ted would have been fine.

>> No.12747313

the modern world is complex and painful, but man will overcome it

life is struggle, weakling

>> No.12747321

Uncle Ted is pretty great, sounds like you're a mad leftist bitter because he described you perfectly

>> No.12747337

>muh just world
you're not impartially evaluating the spread of ideas as a function of their truth. you're just desperately trying to rationalize why what he did was irrational because you can't handle the idea that rational behavior may have nothing to do with your preferences

dude wrote like an autist and had ideas the majority of people in power hate

>> No.12747341

>we missed the timeline where Kaczynski is a meme Twitter user alongside Nick Land

>> No.12747353

It doesn't change the fact that if you show this to an average wagie in our degenerate world, many would latch on to it as a desperate way out to escape their meaningless dopamine treadmill,

Just like Peterson promises success in a broken system Ted provides a workable alternative goal for living than the career life cycle.

>> No.12747372

There's like three threads about Uncle Ted on the catalog, might as well make a general

>> No.12747387

How are the wagies seeing his many pages of autistically worded ideas? Social media where he'd probably get censored and/or mass downvoted by people he hit too close to home? Revolutionary youtube videos?

>> No.12747398

He would probably own some libshits epic Ben Shapiro style in a youtube video and become the anprim internet daddy for millions of NEETs looking for a cause.

>> No.12747405

Has anyone here actually tried writing a letter to Ted? Think he'd respond to a non-American? Would he even be allowed to?

>> No.12747466

Being smart and capable of carefully expressing ideas in print doesn't mean he's charismatic enough to own the libshits. I dunno if it's true but I heard he was a bad lecturer.

I ultimately don't think the average normalfag would accept his ideas if they had no idea where they came from. Especially since he's insulting so many of them. I even think only the past few years when the people he described went full retard would a normalfag he wasn't targeting accept such a negative view of other people.

At most they take the power process stuff and view it as some kind of self help philosophy.

>> No.12747483

i've considered it but i'm not sure it's worth being put on a list for the rest of your life, especially considering the chance of a response is low