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12745268 No.12745268 [Reply] [Original]

Post books that women can't understand

>> No.12745272

ITT: Incel cringe

>> No.12745275
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obvious one

>> No.12745277

ok Reddit

>> No.12745279
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>> No.12745322
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>> No.12745337

You ask this as if women don't browse this board.

>> No.12745350

Any Mishima.
Don Quixote.
Dorian Grey.

>> No.12745354

almost any good book

>> No.12745361

Wasn't the whole point of that book to satirise toxic masculinity and capitalism? Lmfao, incel cucks actually identifying with this shit

>> No.12745368

>toxic masculinity and capitalism

>> No.12745374


>Any Mishima.


Objectively the most feminine writer who isn't an actual woman

>> No.12745419

Anything with friendship

>> No.12746147

>Dorian Grey
Women adore this book, though.

I don't see how they wouldn't get any of these either:
All of the above books are critiques of an incel mindset and preach the emptiness of such an existence. If anything you'd think women would understand these books better considering that they're statistically less likely to adopt those mind sets and thus look at them from an outside perspective.

>> No.12746556

What did it have to do with toxic masculinity? Are you talking about Raskolnikov's ideology that leads him to kill the woman? Because that had more to do with egoism and immoralism than masculinity

>> No.12748204

Peer Gynt
Iliad, Odyssey, Aeneid
Basically anything heroic, tragic, triumphant, going beyond their petty social dynamics

>> No.12748299

This but unironically.

He's talking about American Psycho you brainlet

>> No.12748345
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>> No.12748372

>toxic masculinity
Yuppie culture, anon.

>> No.12748380

Women can't truly understand any legitimate piece of art, literature included. Obviously they can follow the words, plot, characters, etc., but they will never appreciate it to its full extent.
You're basically giving a book to a child with an adult's reading level.

>> No.12749069

Anything written before women’s novellas became popular in the 19th century

>> No.12750224

>Post books that women can't understand
Post books that women can understand

More fair

>> No.12750258
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>implying women CAN understand books

>> No.12750272
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>> No.12750273

aren't Dosto fangirls a popular phenomenon? I even know one myself

>> No.12750422

lol imagine this cope

>> No.12750433

*laughs in oppresive

>> No.12750441
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That cover looks nazi.

>> No.12750530
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Irredeemable trash.
muh russian soul

Does a 3 out of 4 make me a woman?

>> No.12750627

when has "cope" become the new "projecting" aka "I don't know what this word means but I've heard it wins arguments"?

>> No.12750954
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>> No.12750985

>implying there are any books women can understand

>> No.12750998

being a fangirl and understanding the book are two different things.

>> No.12751004

The book is meant to shit on Yuppie culture dumbass. Stop using brainlet, indentitarian politics tier words like "toxic masculinity" that literally dont mean anything.
Just because people like it and understand the points of the book it doesnt mean people praise the "ideology", only dumb teens think like that and say they dont like the book because they dont like its ideas or dont indentify with the main protag.