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File: 90 KB, 595x871, gtaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12744918 No.12744918 [Reply] [Original]

You have reserved your copy, right?

>> No.12745072

What am I looking at and why does it exist?

>> No.12745106

>its another /pol/bait thread
why don't you faggots fuck off if you don't want to actually discuss literature

>> No.12745181

So cover strat is to make the person talking sense and has a strong argument is to silence them. Yep. Sounds like the left.

>> No.12745194


>> No.12745205


>> No.12745206

>You have reserved your copy, right?
Of course I do, Ben

>> No.12745207

Ya and it doesn’t help the left are the ones being depicted as a judge. Because, you know, they’re being judemental. There are so many levels of fucked up going on in that. I really hope this is fake.

>> No.12745225
File: 15 KB, 300x358, Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schopenhauer already published a professional trolling guide


>> No.12745228

>the left are the ones being depicted as a judge

>> No.12745231

nigga thats Hume

>> No.12745242 [DELETED] 

wow another jew

>> No.12745243

why would lefties use Hume as an example of one of their own? Hume was a monarchist

>> No.12745248

I've watched the videos Burgis has uploaded on the Zero Books yt channel. From the looks of it, it's just identifying the most common logical fallacies in conservative thought. It's not so much about cherry picked facts than a crash course in basic logic, with a leftist twist.

>> No.12745252

idk nigga read the book

suck my balls

>> No.12745254

>depicted as a judge

absolute state of lit and americunts.

>> No.12745271

Honestly, if it's stuff in your wheelhouse, ZeroBooks has a decent amount of good shit, but man is it full of attention seeking garbage too.

>> No.12745298

Actually I rechecked and it turns out I got my books confused and thought stuff was zero books when it wasn't. It's bad folks.

>> No.12745319

>zero books
lol fuck no

>> No.12745339

Hume was also pretty racist too.

>> No.12745367

I really like the Zero Books youtube channel, but this Ben Burgis guy is so inherently unsympathetic.
The smug way in which he speaks about his chosen opponents is so far from a person seeking a synthesis. I try to be a lefty, but these attitudes really make it hard.

>> No.12745377

douglas lain is the only one there capable of making a coherent video essay

>> No.12745407

>front cover is one in which the leftist is silencing their opponent from speaking through force

powerful representation of left wing """arguments""" throughout time

>> No.12745426

Why is America left vs right? I thought the whole point is to work together. Isn't it a single country? United we stand, divided we fall? Everyone is so polarized in this country, we're absolutely fucking doomed. Even the "intellectuals" are playing into the left vs right narrative. Jefferson is rolling in his grave.

>> No.12745427
File: 580 KB, 843x1200, __kagura_mizuhara_koyomi_chiyo_chichi_kasuga_ayumu_mihama_chiyo_and_etc_azumanga_daiou_hoshuu_hen_and_etc_drawn_by_azuma_kiyohiko__182202f43240d0aaec339eadc35f59a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Arguing with the intent to win rather than engaging in a dialectic with the intent to enrich the knowledge and understanding of all involved

Adversarial fact finding is for courtrooms and cable TV gentlemen, we should aim higher.

>> No.12745445

I think the point is that a lot of people don't have hard refutations ready for bad-faith arguments from people like Ben Shapiro but it's relatively simple to supply them with such. Seriously doubt the book is more universal than that.

>> No.12745471

>Even the "intellectuals" are playing into the left vs right narrative.
lmao the intellectuals, especially leftist academics, were the ones that played a major role in starting this

>> No.12745519

>I think the point is that a lot of people don't have hard refutations ready for bad-faith arguments

A philosophy of harm prevention then? Seems like a bandage solution but could be indispensable to deal with someone shallow but clever.

>> No.12745852

The left in this country is explicitly opposed to nationhood as a principle. They have no reason to care about civic duty.

>> No.12745862

>believing in the bad faith meme

>> No.12745968

>there is no way to rationalize a position with faulty information and reasoning
big if true

>> No.12746043

>all these /pol/tards getting triggered by a book cover

>> No.12746210

das not hume; wtf lol, use yo eyes.


>> No.12746239
File: 78 KB, 282x300, Fib2sWc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we can too use logic
but then they'd be forced to reject their internally inconsistent position

>> No.12746399


America is actually "right" versus "right." The overton window in America is so absolutely fucked up and anything that isn't almost straight fascism is seen as "leftism."

>> No.12746411

no, its left versus old left

>> No.12746720

>not on Amazon
>not on Zero Books
>not on Powell's
This is a shop, isn't it?

>> No.12746755
File: 250 KB, 1357x551, 5E18945B-C683-4453-AD80-E277CD43C174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently it’s real

>> No.12746756

This sentence is an abortion.

>> No.12746770

Well, that's bizarre then.

>> No.12746804

Zero Books. Well, there's your problem.

>> No.12746822

>Shapiro: "Facts don't care about your f-"
>*Hume puts index finger to Shapiro's lips*
>Hume: "Shhhh... but I care about yours."
>*Hume opens his lips and proceeds to kiss Shapiro*

>> No.12746892

assuming it is hume, it would likely be an attempt to say "no, facts actually do care about your feelings" given his epistemological conservatism hume might have seemed to be a good instance of clear and highly acclaimed academic criticism of common-sense and even academically enshrined epistemology.
foucault wouud actually be a much more appropriate figure i think, but that's beside the point

>> No.12746915

Ironic post. I'm complaining about people like you.
Even if you're correct, it'd be beside the point. I'd suggest this is all by design. It's even in our own slogan. "United we stand, divided we fall". Ever heard the idiom "divide and conquer"? Fuck our founding fathers for ever agreeing to a bipartisan government in the first place.
"representative" democracy my ass. more like an oligarchy. America as we know it won't continue on like this. I don't know how it'll turn out, but I really don't think America will be a relevant country in 100 years. I think the top 1% of the globe are just milking the retarded populous for as long as they can plot us against each other instead of against them, and as soon as people get tired of their living conditions shit will change for better or worse.
As an American, I don't want to raise children in this country. Would you?

>> No.12746939

hard agree
i really dislike this approach and consider everyone practicing it to turn a profit morally shit
i think hbomberguy is pretty good at this schtick as far as youtube goes. really though you shouldnt head to youtube to be convinced either way.
if you want to see good modern leftism, read kant (essay on perpetual peace), rawls (theory of justice), habermas, fromm, and popper IMO

if youre interested in this line of thinking, try zizek's double blackmail. i find it a very interestind analysis of nationhood, cosmopolitanism, and international justice in the context of the european refugee crisis.
i think it has some premises you may disagree with, but i dont think it treats rightist ideas in bad faith, which may make it worth a read for you regardless
expecting a large group of people to embrace an authentic and internally consistent political ideology is going to leave you blueballed for all eternity anon
hell no i fuckin dont were on a direct course for shithole-ville with our culture and policy

>> No.12746974

I feel you. Part of me wants the Islamification of the West to happen for the sake of a return to tradition, wholesome values, and stability.

>> No.12747081

I had a teacher who took this book seriously as if Schoppy wasn’t teaching how to shitpost like he was a certified /int/ poster

>> No.12747116

For a moment I read that as Ben Bugman.

>> No.12747119

i don't think islam is the one religion immune to decline/change at the hands of capital/culture/whatever you want to call it.
if that was the case, iran would have looked a lot different like 40 years ago or whatever

>> No.12747241

Islam's "traditionalism" is largely the same as the West's and will succumb to a similar face. That is being largely a product of, and upheld by, the men. Islam would have to actually make a play for sovereign power in western nations if it were to avoid being dissolved in to shallow consumerism within a couple of generations.

>> No.12747285

Holy fuck

It's literally a troll guide

>> No.12747297

I have friends who live in Iran

All of them are basically Gnostic Liberal new-age faggots with an Islamic flare. They hate their government and dream of living in a neo-liberal cuckpit like the west.

Islam will not make it. Islamic men will be on their knees bowing in submission to the feminist arab women. Those women are made of iron and steel

>> No.12747311

google the author
he looks like one

>> No.12747327

discord trannies in the thread tonight
everybody just poison yourself with oestrogen
and we gon make you mutilate your penis
we just wanna see you
dun dun dun
kill yourselves as is statistically likely
every day im shufflin

>> No.12747373

t. very smart centrist adapting talking points of donald trump wow

>> No.12747400


>> No.12747413

Why doesn't the left just admit that they don't care about objective truth, argument, or logic.

I would respect them more if they just denounced reason

>> No.12747453

Where can i reserve one? I googled it nur cant seem to find any.

>> No.12747531
File: 123 KB, 1761x988, hume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reason is, and ought only to be, the slave of the passions.

>> No.12747577

>When teenagers try to analyze
Yeah, that’s gonna be a yikes from me.

>> No.12747589

>28. Persuade the Audience, Not the Opponent
This point, however, is sound. An argument isn’t won by you convincing your opponent. It’s exceedingly rare for someone to be both opinionated enough to get into an argument in the first place and open to being convinced of something else. You win by convincing the audience of your position.

>> No.12747593

As if that has ever stopped anyone from being a leftist.

>> No.12747609

>I would respect them more if they just denounced reason
they do though

>> No.12747620

The Overton is going to appear ridiculously small when looking at any country more closely. America doesn’t have any socialist party that isn’t just the punchline of some joke, but compare to the Scandinavian countries, for example, which don’t have any real conservative party.

>> No.12748140

Why can't they hire a proper illustrator?

>> No.12748469

I have determined you are about as sharp as a marble.

>> No.12748482

So what’s your analysis, Mr. 180 IQ?
Oh, that’s right. You don’t have one.

>> No.12748616
File: 33 KB, 205x252, 1543418170110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>left are the ones being depicted as a judge
As in judgemental or like as in Hume?

>> No.12748696

> ironic post. I'm complaining about people like you.
I was merely pointing out that a major portion of this divide and why it prevents any sort of reconciliation through national identity. That ship has sailed. The demographics of the left are more attached to to global economy than they are to any national institution or symbol. The socialists and anarchists among them oppose nationhood in principle. Their goal is to use the political apparatus to provide themselves with comfort and pleasure rather than to ensure the resilience of the state.

>> No.12748710

more like ben bourgis!

>> No.12748725

lol bootlicker

>> No.12748737


>> No.12748744

cry more you pathetic discord tranny

>> No.12748763

I agree, but I don't think it's "the left"'s design. Common people that identify with the left or the right are being manipulated either way. That's why the condemnation, by blaming leftists or rightists we're playing into the narrative ourselves. There are faults in the ideology of either extreme, which is why we're supposed to work together to synthesize the best solution using the ideas of one to patch the holes in the ideas of the other and vice versa. Instead, it's a screaming match with everyone trying to be the one voice that's heard among the dozens. Nobody is working toward solutions, only working toward being correct. We should be less concerned with being correct and more concerned with being at all. And when you actively voice your concerns about this growing apartheid, these idiots respond by calling you a fence-sitter or calling you a centrist as if it's a bad thing to not be a blind, rabid and radical ideologist. >>12747373
I think it's largely a symptom of the internet, obviously. Young people never really had a way to get involved in politics before, but with the advent of social media like Twitter being considered a serious platform for discussion, you have more hot-headed immature children who have yet to outgrow their egos all positing their worldview as the right one and all who oppose are "the other" to be condemned and ignored because they're "wrong" instead of just having a different view on the same topic. It's very childlike, although it's becoming more and more commonplace among American adults as time progresses and more people spend more time on the internet. I'm not a scientist researching the topic, so I don't know everything and this is an exceedingly complex topic that I can't make assumptions about either way, but I do think if all politicians were banned from Twitter America would be better off for it.

>> No.12748766

>boots are good so long as they are decentralized!

>> No.12748775

Jefferson invented partisan chicanery in american politics. He was a hack fraud and a coward pseud.

>> No.12748776

The idea is that none of those things are real.

>I would respect them more if they just denounced reason
It’s like you missed the entire second half of the 20th century

>> No.12748783

This cuck lectures at my college

>> No.12748809

nice strawman lol

>> No.12748815

>The socialists and anarchists among them oppose nationhood in principle.
They always have, why are you pretending it is a recent trend?

>> No.12748876

Because they were suppressed during the Cold War. Since then the forces working to legitimize them have managed to secure a cultural hegemony that makes them a serious political force for the first time in over half a century.

>> No.12748881

Yes, yes, authority is legitimate when you’re part of the mob.

>> No.12748886

typical statist cuckyboi

>> No.12748891


>> No.12748892

>a serious political force for the first time in over half a century
If anything they are only recently revived where socialism isn't a dirty word anymore and anarchists aren't just ancaps anymore

>> No.12748903

yeah you're not full of shit lmao

>> No.12748989
File: 107 KB, 700x695, leftists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how ironic

>> No.12749001

They exactly. The counterculture movement of the 60s has some socialist leanings, but they failed to bring about any meaningful economic reform and punk was nothing more than play acting.

>> No.12749016

So thats the new book of the Alt-Left?

>> No.12749095

>cultural hegemony
socialists are still headless chickens who don't even know how to distinguish themselves from socdems

>> No.12749751

Their immediate concerns are the same. They just seek to use the soc dems as a Trojan horse to introduce their system.

>> No.12749785

His videos are horrible but why does he have to put tumblr-tier "let me illustrate what i mean with a funny gif lol!" shit in every video?

>> No.12749791

*not horrible
freudian slip i guess

>> No.12749799

No man should have that kind of power

>> No.12749829

>depicted as a judge
these are the people I shitpost with

>> No.12749841

they've changes Bugis' mic set up like 3 times now and I still turn them off because of the godawful audio

>> No.12749853
File: 666 KB, 800x970, David_Hume_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga you retarded

>> No.12749892

"compare to the Scandinavian countries, for example, which don’t have any real conservative party."



>> No.12750382

Come on. You’re in good company

>> No.12750391

Wit dat wyhte boy doe. Not da same. Learn 2

>> No.12750569


>> No.12750576

Underrated post, I laughed out loud at this beautiful true story of gay love

>> No.12750585

>Claim Victory Despite Defeat
this is too good

>> No.12750667

>reading Hume