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/lit/ - Literature

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12744109 No.12744109 [Reply] [Original]

So i'm reading The Lord of the Rings again this year (i'm totally inlove with the story and the world despite certain flaws, i'm making like the C-Man and reading every year) and i've just finished The Fellowship. My problem is that it hurts to open The Two Towers because of what happens to Boromir, my favourite character alongside Theoden. Does anybody get the same feeling with characters in The Lord of the Rings or other series?

>> No.12744120

Why do you like Boromir so much?

Pretty much the whole of the first novel sets him up for the eventual betrayal.

>> No.12744132

the dutiful son

>> No.12744153

Spoilers, nigger.

>> No.12744157
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rip sean bean

>> No.12744160

faramir is better - cool younger son who stands to the side, but actually does all the work

>> No.12744195

The first novel does not simply set him up for his betrayal, it explains very aptly the reasons behind what made such a stalwart warrior succumb to temptation. Nonethless, the moment passes and we see him fall into despair and shame, only to rise one final time to die heroically defending two of the "free people"

>> No.12744289

No, I feel more sorry for Sam in the ending of The Return of The King.

>> No.12744292

>cucked with Frodo's child
Poor Sam

>> No.12744304

I read it pretty recently, and maybe because I knew what was coming but Boromir comes across as belligerent much of the time and keeps saying how they could use the ring to defend Gondor etc.

>> No.12744308

I do. Boromir is fantastic; his betrayal and death are heartbreaking. The whole set-up is brilliant; Boromir is both the character who'd succumb to the temptation of the ring, but then be wracked with guilt and die defending his comrades who aren't even men of Gondor.

>despite certain flaws
what flaws motherfucker

>> No.12744655

>the C-man
Literally who?

>> No.12744735
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never 4get

>> No.12744742

Christopher Lee

>> No.12745154
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>> No.12745171

Certain flaws? Please tell. As also the series was originally broken up into a lot more than 3 books, which I think is for the best.

>> No.12745176

Isn't still broken up into 6 books? Just two books per physical book.

>> No.12745188
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So we all agree that Boromirs story and defeat is a reference to Onan and masturbation?

>> No.12746213


I mean, would you be any different if you were in his position? Step back from the character of Boromir and the story of LoTR, and look at larger context of his actions.
Homeland is ravaged by war.
Kin and countrymen suffering and dying, fighting to protect what they hold dear.
War is going badly, morale is plummeting among the average soldier.
Victory, no, even just survival seems hopeless.
Then, one day, you get an opportunity to have a weapon that will by all accounts will assure victory for you and your people, the weapon embodying a hope that you can survive. The cost of using this weapon? Uncertain, likely not good, but when you weigh it out, certain destruction (from this point of view) vs possible destruction? And then this one thing that can yours and your peoples guarantee survival is going to be denied from you and destroyed? Would you not be tempted? A classic metaphor, the path to hell is paved with good intensions.
Boromir realized the evil power of the ring too late, but he, realizing his fault, seeks forgiveness through his sacrifice. It's a plot arc about pride, honor, duty, fall to temptation, and redemption through self sacrifice. This is 100%, unadulterated, certified good shit.

>> No.12747043


>> No.12747245

grow the fuck up you manchild

>> No.12747865

Who is Onan?

>> No.12748048

Stop reading children's books. Shave your basedbeard, start lifting, evolve past manchildhood

>> No.12748412

kys nigger

>> No.12748452

See, this: the knee-jerk type of reaction, lashout of a wincing child rife with vulgarity and anger - this is what you should strive to purge from your behavior as you carefully pave the way towards emotional maturity and true adulthood.

>> No.12748477

lotr is literally on par with war and peace.

>> No.12748484
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>fantasy, myth and fairy tales are only for children
i don't know what causes people to become this way, but i'm glad it hasn't happened to me

>> No.12748500

upvote good sir

>> No.12748510


>> No.12748902

wait what

>> No.12748922

>cool younger son who stands to the side, but actually does all the work

Not true. I bet you only watched the movies.

>> No.12748940


I can smell your inability to squat more than 120 from here. You're the typical DYEL who spends more time on /fit/ than in the gym yet somehow believes he knows the definite road to perfection as a human.

>> No.12749103

>he can't into the Pentateuch

>> No.12749200

Sean Bean is a faggot, I just discovered I have a good 4(!) centimetre's on him. Suck it, you pseudo-alpha male, you.

>> No.12749370

>hurr people from the east are bad because their skin color is not as white
>hurr they live in the shadow and ride giant elephants
>hurr individualism is bad, long live the collectivist agricultural utopia
>hurr don't question the immortal race of your betters, goy... i mean gondorite
>hurr rainbow colors mean evil
>palantir? that's like using the internet to educate yourself. pfft, just use the plow until you drop dead
>orcs are evil but genociding them is a-ok
