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12742934 No.12742934 [Reply] [Original]

Is spending 5 years of your life wihout significant income worth it? What if you don't even get a decent job with your degree?

>> No.12742942

if youre in america - HELL NO
anywhere else - yes

>> No.12742945

If you can’t go for free then you likely don’t belong there.

>> No.12742948

If you’re in America, yes.
If you’re anywhere else, maybe.

>> No.12742964

Only if it's the best uni in your country for your subject AND you're very interested in the subject. Otherwise, why bother? Also, get a scholarship if you really love the subject.

>> No.12742970

Op here, I'm a Krautfag and it's pretty cheap to go there. I'd have to move though. And I have the chance to study at the TU München, which is the second best university in germany.

>> No.12743679


Reason why American colleges are shit is because they cost absurd amounts of money and they force you to live on dorms for the first year with RA’s breathing down your neck because tyrone and chad from SAE can’t have a drink without raping three women

>> No.12743703

And by dorm I mean a 4x3 shoebox they will charge you 2x the rate of a nearby studio apartment for the privilege of sharing your room with another person

>> No.12744070

What degree are you considering? As long as you don't want to study anything stupid, you should get a job

>> No.12744187

Medicine or engineering. I can't decide desu.

>> No.12744211

For that, especially if it's free, yes it's definitely worth it. Moving away from home is something everyone should do for at least some part of their life anyway.

>> No.12744440
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>tfw fucked up my educational choices and now do a shit degree at a retard uni

I will never get the chance to study anything worth while now

>> No.12744459

Is living on campus a compulsory thing for students in the US?

>> No.12744478

As an economics question, on average you will earn more. If you’re a shit student who talks to nobody and never interns for anything or participates in clubs then it’s not worth it.

>> No.12744518

what's the best university in germany?

>> No.12744572

Not always but at my uni yes

They cite a lower drop out rate among those who live in the dorms as the reason but it’s just a scheme to collect shekels

>> No.12744577

>What if you don't even get a decent job with your degree?
That's me.
t. soon 3 years NEET after graduation

>> No.12744594

Ludwig Maximillians Universität München. Pretty elite uni. Named after a duke. Bavarian schools are all pretty tough desu. But if you finish uni there you can get a job pretty much anywhere.

>> No.12744605

Oh and 34 nobel Prize winners studied there. It's free too.

>> No.12744626

>worth it

that depends how much intrinsic value you put into your time

>> No.12744666

University doesn't guarantee you a job. You need to keep your eye out for opportunities and work hard. That said, university is a fertile ground for opportunity and networking. The qualification itself is a safety net.

I spent three years in a financially useless undergraduate degree (film/ history). It was ill-advised but I made a lot of great friends there. I happened to take a few tech-based units which led me towards an IT career. I make decent money, life is good, and I still cultivate a love of film.

tl;dr go for it, but keep your ear to the ground

>> No.12745030

I hate it honestly. I'm a shit student, I talk to no one, I don't go to office hours, don't have friends and definitely don't take interest in what I learn. I don't know if it's because I chose a major that is not for me or because I'm fucking loser. Maybe both. Anyway think long and hard before committing to something like uni.

>> No.12745196

You're not going to get a decent job without a degree unless you have specific connections/a plan. If you're working class, then good luck.

>> No.12745240

It does depending on the degree.
Obviously a useless degree like film/history will get you nowhere, but on the other side of the spectrum (eg anything healthcare related) you'll get a job straight away

>> No.12745270

history is not as useless as film. you can work at companies and teach with history

>> No.12745287

Not op but is Psychology worth studying at uni?

>> No.12745312

Depends. Are you social? You good at talking with people? What do u hope to do with it?

>> No.12745390

yes im more social than most and am usually the person in my social group that people turn to when they have problems. Been working in mental health as a support worker for the last year. Im not sure what i want to do with it in the end but its the only degree i am even vaguely interested in ( other than music which i prefer to study alone). Where my hope really lies, is for me to become successful as a musican/artist, however id like the possibility of a career from psychology degree as a backup.

>> No.12745395

I wonder what those rankings really entail though. I attend one of the top universities in Germany and desu it doesn't seem that different from the East German university I attended before. In the end it really depends on the lecturer. And most of the time really good lecturers are far and few between. No sight of an excellence university here, especially if you take a look at the majority of the students. Then again I do study humanities subjects. I wonder though if things were that different if I were to study in Munich.

>> No.12745403

Go for it

>> No.12745456

It's very worth it where I live atleast

>> No.12745516

I can't speak for German universities but I want to say it seems similarly enough to stuff here in America. It really is the lecturers that make the courses and classes. Repeating classes has shown me how insane some Professors are even if they are using the same material/subject matter as a previous one.

>> No.12745520

>5 years
Lmao. You could finish it in 4 years or less if you actually tried. Just don't major in any meme garbage. Make sure you learn how to write and speak effectively as well as develop a foundation in programming, math and stats. Whatever you do beyond that is up to you.

>> No.12745528

>Reason why American colleges are shit is because they cost absurd amounts of money
The price of school is overstated and only a problem if you can't afford it by majoring in retard shit.

>> No.12745596

>and they force you to live on dorms for the first year
What school do you go to? Mine didn't do this. But mine was in a major city.

>> No.12746360

>make friends very easily but only for the length of the course
>know exactly how to manipulate teachers to like me, get a good recommendation
>learning to restrain myself to not be the class sperg asking a hundred questions and giving my opinion on everything
>muh meaningful job
>current interests: phil, pol, eng
>lost interest in: maths, cs, psych, mu
How fucked am I if I get my AA this summer in Phil? Should I push for 2+ majors or just minor while working towards BA?

>> No.12746362

It is definitelt worth it, but if you dont go thats fine as well.

If you decide to go and have to get student loans, then major in STEM. If you can go to college debt free, then study whatever the fuck you want.
STEM has the highest probability of getting you a decent job that will help pay off your student loans. And if you do go to college and go STEM, widen your horizons and study a variety of other subjects, not just STEM.

t. Philosiphy major that is debt free

>> No.12746673
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How does anyone make it all the way through uni in the first place? I always break down, stop being able to write papers, stop showing up to class etc. I've spent 4 years for 1 year's worth of credits, having failed or dropped most of my classes. I desperately want this to be worth it, but I can't say that it has been so far.

>> No.12746747

Worth it for STEM, absolutely not worth it for anything in the arts.

>> No.12746928

Whats the best scenario then? Lick windows for a living?

>> No.12747086

What the fuck...

How's Freiburg university? Do American transfer students ever make it?

>> No.12747091

i go to the top university in my country and it's ranked #13 in the world in my area of study, and yet it stills feels sort of like a waste

>> No.12747218

>tfw depression caused me to drink and smoke myself into oblivion, causing my grades to suffer

I should’ve joined the military out of high school. Instead I graduated with a 3.1 in history. To any high schoolers here, join the military first if you don’t want to get in debt for uni. You can use the GI Bill to pay for your uni after your initial 4-6 years. Go navy, coast guard, or Air Force and you’ll be golden.