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12739938 No.12739938 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about the commodification of the Negro in the age of mass culture?

>> No.12739944

Man idk.
I just remember what Dave Chapelle said.
Everyone wants to be black, until the cops show up.

>> No.12739955

Jung talks about this, specifically regarding the negroification of Americans in general, but I am not sure what book.

>> No.12739970

If you think about it, didn't slavery make this sort of inevitable? Blacks have always been the great Other of American society. Baldwin talks about this, right? That whiteness is primarily defined in contrast with blackness. Black is the Other; black is exotic, different, unique. It makes sense that as those have become attractive qualities in Liberal society in the West, that American blacks would come to have the cultural cachet that they do. And of course, where the culture goes, the money follows.

>> No.12740273

I've never read Baldwin, so I can't answer that.
Everything else you said is essentially correct, reminds me of afro-pessimism.
>>12739938 Check out the works of Frank B. Wilderson III.

Says the Black Body is an ontological condition. Not in the Heideggerian sense of Dasein, but a social formation in which Being is determined by the system which produces it. Blackness is the condition of a body labelled as inhuman, uncivilized, etc. and is the figure by which Civil Society (=Whiteness) is defined against. The opposition of Civil Society being everything which is not the Black Body is the way racism perpetuates itself in the staus quo, and comes from a long tradition of slavery.

Slavery never "authentically ended", rather it has continually manifested itself in different ways. All blacks have Black Bodies as a result of the Middle Passage. Slaves entered boats as Africans and left as Blacks - there was a complete separation from their culture, heritage, and everything they had grown accustomed to. In that sense, the Black Body (the Westernized ex-slave) has no civil society because "Civil Society" is literally the society that is defined against the slave. Civil society requires the Black Body to exist as a form of juxtaposition, otherwise there is no means to define what a civil society is.

Things like the Civil Rights Act and Jim Crow were all broader political events, articulations of hope and futurism that serve to mask gratuitous violence. The Negro has been a commodity since the Trans-Atalantic slave trade began.

>> No.12740411

Look for the american obsession with authenticity. We know pain and violence are authentic, so we look to our oppressed peoples.
Read more about narcissism. Theres a lot of people out there trying to feel something (anything) and they've decided the best way to do that is go consume the media and art of lower classes.
NWA sold best in the white suburbs. Poor black people bootleg.
It also leads to a lot of rage. The whole thing is about as real as Disneyland.

>> No.12740418


>> No.12740471

Blues People by Amiri Baraka.

>> No.12740582

>Everyone wants to be black
yikes. what a dumb quote.

>> No.12740590

women prefer black men. that's just a fact.

>> No.12740597

This is true.

>> No.12740610
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>t. think twitter and black.com is real life

>> No.12740642

t. incel who thinks /pol/ and /v/ is real life

>> No.12740663

Alright fine. Show me any dating or marriage statistic where it shows women, not including black women, prefer black men. Should be an easy thing to prove.

>> No.12740675
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>> No.12740683

isn't the onus on you to prove tht white incels are desirable?

>> No.12740703

literally shows a black couple. no race statics anywhere. still waiting
Why do you keep bringing up incels? Is this some new discord tranny shill strategy? And you two made the claim that you can't back up. Not me.

>> No.12740707

There's more white people in America than black people.

>> No.12740713

I'm going to be straight here. I am a cuckold, but I am also a white nationalist. I believe that whites have contributed more to humanity than any other race, space travel, anti—biotics the list goes on. But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking. Theres no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite intellectual and moral superiority of the white race, black cock is just better at pleasing women.

The reason white women are turning from the cause and running to niggers is simply because they are not being sexually satisfied. Can you blame them? If you dont get enough to eat at home youre going to go out to eat. The only way to save the white race from miscegenation is cuckolding. My pure white wife is my angel, the apple of my eye. And I want nothing but the best for her. So every friday she gets to have her fill of big black cock. And our relationship goes on like normal. We love each other, and plan on having a child soon. She also shares my red pilled beliefs.

Monogamy is a tool of the jew. Just give it a chance once. Its exhilarating. Theres something deeply majestic about watching a toned muscular black stud going in and out of a beautiful white woman. Try it once.

>> No.12740715 [DELETED] 

>this is what it looks like when non-philosopher sociologists and cultural """theorists""" try to do metaphysics

>> No.12740732
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Sick bait bros. Really got me.

>> No.12740737

that em dash in antibiotics is funny to me

>> No.12740738

>this denial
I'm 100% serious. Blacks have bigger dicks. We all know this.

>> No.12740754
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>> No.12740766

That quote came to mind as a knee jerk reaction to all those whites around Stefan.
I myself do not wish I was black, for a variety of reasons.

>> No.12740772


>> No.12740773


>> No.12740778

>I'm 100% serious.
Then show me some proof, not your subjective longing for nigger dicks.

>> No.12740785


>> No.12740803 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.12740807

wtf I love nigger dicks now!

>> No.12740808
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Fuckin lel.
I guess they all do look the same...
I don't listen to JPEGMAFIA, his tats just looked like Stefan's to me.

>> No.12740812 [SPOILER] 
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Twix are so good.

>> No.12740899

>That whiteness is primarily defined in contrast with blackness.
YIKES! Where did you pull that psycho-babble from?

>> No.12740921

That's common sense...Why did that trigger you LMAO

>> No.12740940

reddit is based my dude what are you talking about?

>> No.12741009

>The Negro has been a commodity since the Trans-Atalantic slave trade began.
The negro has been a commodity much longer than that. History is rife with examples of negro (and other) slavery that far predate this. The rest of your post is nearly as bad as this example.

>> No.12741016

>everybody wants to be black
Lmao black people saying this shit is so hilarious, it's like thinking everybody wants to be bozo the clown because they all laughed and clapped at his show. They literally equivalate prominence in cheap, disposable pop culture(made, advertised, and distributed by whites and Jews) as a sign of their race being valued and desired, and then wonder why the world laughs at them. "Black culture" past 1965 does not exist in a vaccume as it's axioms of existence, negative or positive, depends on it's contrast with white culture. Its a purely reactive mindset. I say this as an Arab

>> No.12741038

The quote you lookin for is:
>Another thing that struck me [in the American] was the great influence of the Negro, a psychological influence naturally, not due to the mixing of blood. The emotional way an American expresses himself, especially the way he laughs, can best be studied in the illustrated supplements of the American papers; the inimitable Teddy Roosevelt laugh is found in its primordial form in the American Negro. The peculiar walk with loose joints, or the swinging of the hips so frequently observed in Americans, also comes from the Negro.[3] American music draws its main inspiration from the Negro, and so does the dance. The expression of religious feeling, the revival meetings, the Holy Rollers and other abnormalities are strongly influenced by the Negro. The vivacity of the average American, which shows itself not only at baseball games but quite particularly in his extraordinary love of talking – the ceaseless gabble of American papers is an eloquent example of this – is scarcely to be derived from his Germanic forefathers, but is far more like the chattering of a Negro village. The almost total lack of privacy and the all-devouring mass sociability remind one of primitive life in open huts, where there is complete identity with all members of the tribe.
-C.G. Jung

>> No.12741039
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There are two forces pushing for the liquidation of all traditional notions of identity: global capitalism, for which these are impediments to establishing NWO; and technocracy-as-morality, which we've replaced God with. The former wants a universalized mutt population so that there won't be opposition to the elimination of nations and borders, and the latter is an evangelical belief that this is both morally good and rational (the same thing) because it will theoretically minimize conflict (irrational, inefficient, morally bad).

The mechanism by which traditional notions of identity are deconstructed in the population at large is humiliation of those who try to defend them. If you don't like homosexuality it is because you lust for the cock; if you don't like black people / blackness it is because you fear the BBC; if you don't like women / femininity it is because you are a beta, and so on. The figure of the "angry white male" and related caricatures like "the man who gets really irrationally mad at gays" and "the woman-hating misogynist" are pre-loaded into everyone's mind so that you a priori know, whenever someone speaks up, that all opposition to progressive universalism is just projected insecurity and they can be safely dismissed.

This is why this thread is the way it is and why /pol/ is the way it is. The first few posts are taking the question seriously, but as soon as someone got a whiff of /pol/ >>12740582 , the very next post was umadytboi, followed by the same circular discussion of "/pol/" trying to rationally disprove their fear of the BBC (i.e., the white male making the posts trying to rationalize their projection of their personal insecurity in the form of racism) while "reddit" (or "leftypol" or "Chapo" or "discord trannies") bait them with cuckposting (demonstrating their own self-confidence and lack of insecurity by understanding that opposition to progressive universalism is nonsense for losers, which they are not).

>> No.12741042

Racism isnt cool

>> No.12741044 [DELETED] 

He lost me when he started talking about "jazz phobia" later on in the essay. Maybe I just have a bad taste from all of the modern "phobias". Medical terms turning into political terms is disingenuous.

>> No.12741072

Mein Kampf
The International Jew
Protocols of The Elders of Zion

>> No.12741109

>black and white aren't opposites

>> No.12741208

What about me, then? I'm against black culture mainly because of how stupid they are and the fact that they are typically much dumber and refuse to bring themselves to a higher level. For black people it's always someone else's fault, never their own due to their own fuck ups or lack of mental capacity.

This is what always annoys me. White dude's are typically okay with saying that Asian's are smarter and blacks have bigger dicks, but the second you say blacks are dumber and Asian's have smaller dicks everyone gets mad and screams racism. Blacks are happy when you say they're more athletic, but again, the second you say they're dumber its all racism. It appears to me that black people are more fragile than any other group out there. Of course there are exceptions, but media always tells us to expect the exception rather than treating the exception for what it is.

>> No.12741349
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Why do black people have this bizarre narcissism going on?

Black people are like a distant curiosity. It's funny to watch them do things, or hear their new vocabulary, or see whatever silly hijinks they're up to next with their shitty music. But it's nothing that should be taken seriously. It's not like they have any brilliant philosophers giving society a unique perspective to the objective world or anything like that. They rarely create anything "beautiful" either, besides maybe a few of their "smooth jazz" songs here and there. But even that isn't quite "beautiful", it's just sort of charming.

They're like monkeys at the zoo. But every black person I know has a different theory for how they're REALLY at the center of it all. I even have a "Black Israelite" friend, and she'll do all kinds of psycho mental gymnastics to explain how African Americans are really God's chosen tribe and in the future they're going to rise up! And the Egyptian kings were African! And the GREEKS were African! And the native americans were mostly African too!

Seriously. I honestly just think that black people tend to be immoral. Not all of them, but the absolutely delusional narcissism can only be described as some sort of immoral Zeitgeist that they're all plugged into at the same time.

Fuck. Imagine the United States with no obnoxious nasty loud minority groups shitting up everything constantly. White people have problems but holy fuck at least they can manage to be kind of peaceful/quiet sometimes.

>> No.12741352

This is fascinating and I've never thought of that before.

>> No.12741405

>I even have a "Black Israelite" friend
before the Covington thing popularized the "Black Hebrew Israelites," I was researching biblical apocrypha, and stumbled onto that subculture on Youtube. not long enough to grok what they're on about, but enough to realize it was out there as a living thing.

>> No.12741408

Why do you need a book?

>> No.12741410

I have a serious question I'm not sure how to ask and honestly not sure who to ask so I'll just ask it here:

Is the black folk way of calling a lot of people "mister/miss" a weird holdover/generational thing from slavery? Like deference to authority? It seems like they will always add in the title before the name a lot of the time.

>> No.12741423

>but the second you say blacks are dumber and Asian's have smaller dicks everyone gets mad and screams racism.

Probably because that's a racist thing to say.

>> No.12741434

>Everyone wants to be black

>> No.12741475 [DELETED] 

But it’s not racist to say Asians have small dicks?

>> No.12741493

My point went completely over your head. You must be a nigger or a chapo type. Or worse, a chapo nigger.

>> No.12741495
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Its not even specific to blacks except in their modern proximity to Americans. White people always just had a curiosity about the other that other duller people can't understand. They can't intellectually process the desire to learn and experience other culture just for the sake of it, so they view it only through the reasons that would motivate them- desire or envy.
But its been a thing that manifest throughout our history. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turquerie

>> No.12741505


>Jew sees black man
>Jew pumps money into chimp noises
>Blast it through every media platform available
>Dumb people start to like it
It's not even that complicated imo. Some jew literally invested in Hip Hop in the late 80's/early 90's

>> No.12741510


When you say blacks are better at athletics that's racism too, you know. Sure, they're happy because it's praise and they can tribally associate with it and be proud of it (pride in accomplishments you have absolutely no part in is stupid but that transcends [race]). It's still racist.

>> No.12741535

But yet only the positive is accepted while the negative is vilified. There are differences between races yet no one wants to acknowledge them. One prime example is how easy white people get skin cancer in southern climates, while black people typically suffer from vitamin d deficiency in northern climates. Or how about black get sickle cell, or how organ donations from a person of a different race are more easily rejected. Why do we have such a hard time accepting differences between groups when so many scientists try to bend backwards and say no differences exist at all? Why is it bad to raise these questions, because we’re afraid of hurting someone’s feelings?

>> No.12741568

There's nothing even slightly racist about OP. The only thing wrong he did was use the term "negro" which is as out of place as oriental is as an adjective to describe East Asian cultures/peoples. Dated? Yes. Implicitly racist? By no means.

>> No.12741572

>using negro is racist
Better write to the NANM and tell them to change their name.

>> No.12741592

what a dumb post
I feel repressed anger in every word

t. I'm white

>> No.12741609

Different dude. It’s not so much anger towards black people as it is their actions. It’s the same idea as hating the sin but loving the sinner, but knowing how black people are they’ll call people like him as someone with a savior complex or some bullshit. Black people have to save themselves, but many appear all to reluctant and are content with their current state of gibes.

>> No.12741626

>White people have problems but holy fuck at least they can manage to be kind of peaceful/quiet sometimes.

Italians are just as loud if not louder than black people

>> No.12741644

That comparison is utterly retarded

>> No.12741647

“In some ways middle-class society has become a pale copy of the black ghetto,” this social theorist, Christopher Lasch, wrote in his most popular work,The Culture of Narcissism. “We do not need to minimize the poverty of the ghetto or the suffering inflicted by whites on blacks in order to see that the increasingly dangerous and unpredictable conditions of middle-class life have given rise to similar strategies for survival,” he continued. “Indeed the attraction of black culture for disaffected whites suggests that black culture now speaks to a general condition, the most important feature of which is a widespread loss of confidence in the future.”

>> No.12741719

Shut up nigger.
I was talking about Wilderson's book.

>> No.12741834

try again sweaty

>> No.12741843

African American culture has always been a commodity because it was produced by people who were literally commodified. It has always aimed to be social and have mass appeal, and the only thing it ever really challenged were sexual attitudes of the tome it was created.

>> No.12741886

dude ...

>> No.12742142

>brilliant philosophers giving society a unique perspective to the objective world
who cares lmao

>> No.12742147

***Children want to be black

>> No.12742158
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>the objective world

>> No.12742207

This picture perfectly captures the zoomer mindset

>> No.12742464

>Some jew literally invested in Hip Hop in the late 80's/early 90's
citation needed.

>> No.12742498

Google Lyor Cohen.

>> No.12742513

Hung: The Measure of Black Men in America by Scott Poulson-Bryant