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/lit/ - Literature

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1273992 No.1273992 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, I have a bit of an existential dilemma.

For some reason, I lack motivation for almost anything, and pretty much don't care for my life.

On the other hand, I understand that suicide is a massive emotional shock to those close to me, so that is completely out of the question.

Since /lit/ occasionally talks philosophy, I though that maybe talking about it would help me figure this out.

So, ask someone who is indifferent at his life anything.

>> No.1273993

What about literature, do you like to read?

>> No.1273994


Nothing specific really, I've read works from Shakespeare, Cervantes, Tolkien, Stephen King, and I've been meaning to read a bit of Lovecraft at some point. This among other things.

I read less than I used to, though.

>> No.1274009


I just want to discuss for a while.

>> No.1274010

When did you discover you felt like this? What is your daily routine like?

>> No.1274011

Welcome to the post-modern society.

>> No.1274013

Do I know you?

>> No.1274019

You could read some Albert Camus

Don't kill yourself. Get a job, a hobby, anything, and find meaning in it. Also, >>1274010 answer this man.

>> No.1274020


I whould say I realized about a year ago, but I think I've been acting like this for much longer.

I procrastinate a lot, and can't get things done. Most of my time is spent on the internet.


I don't think so.

>> No.1274023

I had this same feeling about a year ago.
I think it's important to go through, you'll probably end up better in the long run, and I'm sure about 90% of people go through this.
Don't kill yourself, just don't.
Appreciate beauty in your life and count your blessings.

>> No.1274026


I know, offing myself is out of the question, I've come to realize how horrible it would be for everyone I've met.

>> No.1274033

Do you have a job or school?

>> No.1274034

I've had the same feeling for about a year now, and have thought about life, death and suicide, doctor recommended me anti depressants, but I refused.

Basically I look at life like this: There is your individual life, an incredibly small thing in the universe that will never mean shit. But what is the alternative? Nothingness? You were lucky enough to conquer the odds of the universe and end up being a chunk of matter that is concious. This chance is what gives you the option to choose between life and death, but if death and the ever lasting nothingness is unavoidable, why would you not choose the only thing you personally have an influence over? Death is not a choice, it comes anyway, the only choice you have is to live or not to, to see trough all this shit, even if it's hell.

After you realize this you should also realize that if you really are depressed, it's that depression that's making you think shit is worse than it actually is. You can see a doctor or you can try to help yourself, it worked for me, I stopped being a basement dweller, took up a sport (doing regular exercise, preferably in a club so you have some new social contacts as well) greatly improves your mental wellbeing. Then continou living life the way you want to, do things you want to do, and if people judge you for it, fuck them.

Also read some good books that aren't depressing as shit. Last I read was the stranger, it's pretty tragic what happens, but the way meursault looks at life can help you gain that "fuck all of your shit" attitude and just live trough it.

>> No.1274037

>the only choice you have is to live

fixd, not to shouldn't be there anymore

>> No.1274041

why are you posting this in /lit/?

>> No.1274044




Yes, the thing that gets me is the smallness of it all, now we're here, and then we will not, and the universe will continue without us.

>> No.1274046


Of all boards, this seemed the most appropiate for some reason.

>> No.1274048

Read the stranger, really.

>> No.1274052


Camus has no real answers.


>> No.1274065

Yeah, instead listen to the christfag.

Life isn't about answers bro.

>> No.1274074


Thanks, but I'm not really interested in religion related material.

>> No.1274084

You aren't indifferent about your life if you have a desire to end it and the only thing preventing you from doing so is the pain it would cause others. You obviously have strong negative feelings about your life and suffer from depression.

You need to either talk to a mental health specialist or bury your self in meaningless sex and drugs.

Also you never answered what you LIKE to read you only posted what you have read.

>> No.1274089

when you kill yourself people will be hurt for a while but after like 2 months they won't miss you anymore and be busy with their own stuff so you shouldnt be too hesitant on that part

>> No.1274097


Your constant moping about and depression will lower their quality of life more than the quick pain of getting over you.

If you kill yourself now it is a cigarette burn, it will hurt like hell and leave a scare but eventually it will just be a story to tell and people will move one.

Right now it is as if your loved ones are constantly being pestered by your existence. Like a constant burning that won't go away

>> No.1274099
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Hi troll, be less obvious next time.

>> No.1274100

exactly. killing yourself will probably hurt them but at the same time it relieves a huge load (namely you and the constant worries about your loathsome attitude and stance in life) of their shoulders. in the end it's a win win situation for everyone

>> No.1274101

does the truth hurt too much? i wonder how self-centered you must be to think peoples lives will be forever ruined when you are no longer part of it

>> No.1274104
File: 43 KB, 750x600, disgust1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Leave, your kind is not welcome here.

>> No.1274107
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hey, OP. i feel the same way. i like to think it's because i'm such a complex, deep person and not just a worthless lazy fuck. but that's probably not true.

i think the best way to go about it is to stop, and laugh. laugh at how ridiculous the world is, laugh at how ridiculous you are. just laugh at everything.

actually we ought to hang out, have a few beers and laugh together.

PS: read slaughterhouse five and watch i heart huckabees, listen to jazz like john coltrane and bill evans. feel cool.

>> No.1274111
File: 32 KB, 450x674, get-the-fuck-out_inline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>impling suicde doesent leave permanent emotional scarring.

>> No.1274113
File: 26 KB, 298x180, Jady_Dazzle_Salinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like an intelligent guy OP, do yourself a favour and don't commit intellectual suicide by subscribing to a religion.

Read "The Myth of Sisyphus" instead.

>> No.1274117

I share your sentiments OP; the similarities are uncanny.

>> No.1274122

Yeah, this place is for angsty teenagers to discuss their disgust of the world and how different they are and how they would rather escape everything by sifting lead through their skull but also why they can't do this because it would be too much of a loss for the world. We are so important. We are the only ones who truly matter! PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE US!

>> No.1274124


>> No.1274125




>> No.1274131

I am sorry if my comment doesn't fit into "The list of pre approved things you say to someone who had contemplated suicide" But I speak from some experience.

My older brother was a constant source of pain in my families house, his depression was like a virus and spread to all of us. His constant random burst of crying and the overall lack of effort he put into anything he did...left us all emotionally exhausted...then he killed himself. I miss him dearly and the few month after his passing were very difficult to take, but I WOULD BE LYING if I didn't say our lives have drastically improved as a result.

>> No.1274165

i think you just literally killed this thread

>> No.1274202
File: 44 KB, 346x450, 01-charles-bukowski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/b/ro from /b/ here
try this motherfucker...
pic related it is HIM.

>> No.1274227
File: 8 KB, 412x584, Presbyterian Cross.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More & more people like you are finding God again OP, they need to, because man hasn't found a suitable replacement yet.

Embrace truth instead of lies, don't pretend you won't kill yourself because of concern for other. It's that you are scared to leave the world without faith, as well as scared of the actual process required to kill yourself.

Please go down to your nearest church & pick up a bible, they'll be happy to give one out for free...

>> No.1274246
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That is a cute little whore he's got there.

>> No.1274250
File: 8 KB, 373x135, icp magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

find things to care about. sing, dance, climb a mountain, learn an instrument drop out of society and walk across the country playing for your supper, write poetry, get in a fight, volunteer, build something, learn new skills, stargaze

you are made out of meat. somehow, miraculously, this meat is arranged in such a way that it became self-aware enough to question itself. it is also conscious enough to appreciate what a miracle the universe is.


>> No.1274265


It's a sin.

>> No.1274295
File: 8 KB, 153x256, mandruid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u are a bit like hamlet yeh?