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12739293 No.12739293 [Reply] [Original]

What books should I read if I'm interested in Eco-Fascism?

(Deep ecology, green anarchism and different strains of tribalism/primitivism recs are welcome)

>> No.12739295


>> No.12739304

That finnish faggot

>> No.12739309
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Desert Solitaire. It unironically turned me into a closed-borders anti-immigration zealot despite otherwise being a leftist.

>> No.12739326

Eco-facism doesn't exist, your faggot furfag.

>> No.12739349

t. reactionary fag

Anyhow, enjoying Derrick Jensen's Endgame thus far. And somewhat unrelated, Tom Hodgkinson's books (less green, more libertarian) are quite good as an argument for the rejection of consumerism and a return to low time preference.

>> No.12739494
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>> No.12739540

In the same vein, you should also read Ludwig Klages' "Biocentric Worldview" (worth reading his "Cosmogenic Reflections" as well).

>> No.12739560

Derrick Jensen is a homo

>> No.12739800

Holy shit 8 replies and no mention of the unabomber. Well done /lit/.

>> No.12739846

Eh, I'd have him shot myself, but he's one of the most radical leftist environmentalist writers.

>> No.12739903

Unabomber didn't advocate for any kind of primitive life. He was a nihilist at its finest.

>> No.12739960

the georgics

>> No.12740121

Because he's an anarco-primitivist, not an eco-fascist, and retarded to boot.

>> No.12740243
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For as long as I have been on this board, I have never seen anyone actually explain what ecofascism even is. And why the hell are ecofascism and green anarchism being treated as part of the same thing as if anons don't know what either fascism or anarchism mean?

>> No.12740376


there is nothing to explain

majority of these ecofascism threads are more atomwaffen/o9a/readsiege larping in order to bait people into doing dumb shit

should have been obvious from the op's pic

>> No.12740393

How is he a nihilist?

>> No.12740468

It's a blanket term for several currents and not an ideology proper (just like 20th century Third Position ideologies gathered under the label of Fascism).

Eco-Fascism is the ideology of the man riding the tiger - system will collapse sooner or later, so you instead focus on your own betterment and that of your local (militant) community. Everything within the tribe, nothing outside the tribe, nothing against the tribe

As for green anarchism and ecofascism, both champion the cause of nature and seek to undermine the State - the first out of communist idealism(s), the latter as to establish warrior aristocracies amidst the ruins - from Mannerbund to Ordensstaat.

Yet not even a single mention of Siege before you came along.

That being said, Attomwaffen are faggots, but Flecktarn is aesthetic, so there's that in regards to the picture.

t. OP

>> No.12740639

abandon the tangled death cult and embrace Helios rejuvenation

>> No.12740655

I found some amazing book recently on "green fascism" or "ecofascism," that went through the twentieth century and showed how it's an old idea with fascist and pre-fascist precursors. The book was anti-ecofascism but still a good intellectual history.

All I know is that it had a green cover and was somewhat short. Does anyone know what I mean? I know this is a longshot. I could have sworn it was called something like "Green Fascism."

>> No.12740673

What about Pope Francis' "Laudato Si"? Has anyone here read it, besides me? It's a very anti-industrial society thing, I think Uncle Ted would probably like it.