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12733298 No.12733298 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12733313
File: 26 KB, 642x422, rupi-kaur-poetry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just write anon

>> No.12733328
File: 156 KB, 570x383, 50494E04-C55E-42DE-900B-8D29FA1F921D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asking that in itself is a indication you should not write poetry, or maybe not write at all.

>> No.12733340

words are the medium and not he essence of a poem

>> No.12733348

"Poetry is play. Anyone who forgets that is a fraud." I can't find where this quote is from, but I think its great

>> No.12734183

What why

>> No.12734188

Just learn to rhyme.

Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

>> No.12734211

don't let people gatekeep you from trying new things, just write what you like and rhyme about it.

>> No.12734249

do you honestly thinks poets "learned" how to write poetry they just wrote the symbolism that was drafted to their mind. look @ emily dickinson,bronte,jane austen locked in their rooms condemend to write

>> No.12734261

Don’t let these niggers fool you Anon. You have to learn how to do it. Watch YouTube videos and learn from the greats like Rilke and Shakespeare. Most great poets have a letter collection or a collection of published notes which you can read to learn from as well

>> No.12734448

read moar
>Watch YouTube videos

>> No.12734473

Invoke a muse with incense and ritualistic chanting

>> No.12735087

Get into a mood in which you feel inspired, and write whatever floats into your mind. Edit afterwards, trimming out the least relevant things. Repeat.

>> No.12735144

anon is a fag
he should learn to be smarter
It's snowing on Mt. Fuji

>> No.12735326


>> No.12735344

become homosexual

>> No.12735536

So you want to write a poem?
Something good so you can show 'em
to the critics in your coterie?

Then you should write what's inside,
don't let fear shroud and hide
the roots that sustains poetry.

>> No.12736650

Reas John Hollanders Rhymes Reason, read a bunch of anthology collection very carefully and try to pick out what qualities of each poem make them effective, then try to replicate those tactics in your own writing. Practice a lot, keep a pocket journal for notes or ideas. Good luck

>> No.12737719
File: 20 KB, 333x499, writingmetricalpoetry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As with anything, learn about the craft then practice.

>> No.12737812

Poetry is for pretentious fags

>> No.12737814

If you wanna write in English, read the great English poets. Edmund Spenser, Shakespeare, Milton, Pope, Dickinson. I have a soft spot for the Brownings and Tennyson, too.

>> No.12738114

im going to this. and also this >>12733348 playing with words is fun and if used properly can express an idea that is beyond the words themselves.

do poems always have to rhyme though?

OP personally i think that its impossible to "learn how to write a poem". You just have to say what you feel even if it doesnt make sense. When you look back on it you'll find some meaning.