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12732057 No.12732057 [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ have an opinion or even experience with CBT? How about it?

>> No.12732063

Cock and ball torture? Yikes, not my thing, pal.

>> No.12732085

Current body thread?
They all called me dyel and told me to start lifting. I've been lifting for almost two years...

>> No.12732111

boutta head out

>> No.12732113

cunt-breath transmission? yeah, last time i ate pussy i picked it up hard. never making that mistake again. fuck womemes

>> No.12732124

If you mean cognitive behavioral therapy, then yeah. Her therapist convinced my ex that I was responsible for the death of her father, so she left me. Good shit. Would rec 10/10

>> No.12732129

Cute Bear Trail is one of the better places to walk in Wyoming, sure. I like the scenic views

>> No.12732135

Op is obviously referring to cunt breaker Tyrone. I have not seen his videos though because I am not a cuck

>> No.12732204


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the treatment that saved my life after 8 years of crippling anxiety and panick attacks.

For anyone battling phobias and panick I recommend the book “Freedom from Fear”, by Howard Liebgold. It deals with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

>> No.12732247

Can Booty Twerk? I can't say I've tried.

>> No.12732261

100% her therapist is hitting that now that you've been ejected from the picture.

>> No.12732353

Serious man? It works? How are You now? What's changed?

>> No.12732367


>> No.12732385

100%? How does this percentage work? Why isn’t it slightly close to 100% but not quite? I mean, the therapist might have been killled by a falling boulder before he got to fulfill the deed. My point is, that a lot of things have to fall into place, almost God himself, to make absolutely sure that the Therapist would fuck his ex.

Do you think God would be behind that or something?!

>> No.12732412

This thread is why I love /lit/

>> No.12732515

100% this guy killed his ex's father

>> No.12732665


I started feeling panick and anxiety in a class at the university and I dealt like I was going to faint. When I discovered that this feelings were from an anxiety disorder I suddenly start feeling them whenever I feared to fear. It sounds crazy, but it was like that: if something was very important to me and I fealt that fearing it was going to ruin it for me than almost 100% of the time I was attacked by the bad sensations (numb hands and forehead and mouth, fast heart beat, dizziness, sweating, a crushing weight on the chest and gut, difficulty breathing, and other things). I couldn’t go to trips, attend classes, go to restaurants and other things because of it.

I was scared above all of being unable to write, and lo and behold, I started feeling bad whenever I sat down at my writing desk to work.

I went to a therapist and started using medicine, but to no good. Then one day I decided to look on Amazon for books that could help me and end up finding, among other things, the Freedom From Fear book I recommended.

The authors suffered for more than 30 years with anxiety. He was a doctor, and during those years the only places he felt safe were in his house and the hospital. He details all his suffering in the book, and he knows exactly what to tell you, what you need to hear and when. He even lost a son to suicide because the young men was an agoraphobic and nobody knew how to help him.

Then one day he discovered CBT and in a matter of weeks was feeling 80% better. He explains how the therapy works, but it basically boils down to facing the fear and tolerate the symptoms without running away from the situation, because of you do it you become more resilient with time, your bony metabolizes the adrenaline, and with practice you automatically stop feeling the anxiety symptoms.

Today I don’t have any problems with anxiety anymore, and if I eventually feel the symptoms (it’s very rare, but sometimes it happens) I simply keep calm and wait for my body to metabolize the adrenaline (it ussualy dosent take more than 15 minutes, actually is much faster today).

I highly recommend that book because the doctor who wrote it knew in the flesh the disease he is helping you to fight.

>> No.12732709

my opinion is that CBT is for surface-level behaviour modification like stopping smoking, but even then it still doesn't show much evidence for persistent effects.

I've been in psychodynamic therapy for around 4 months now and find it very deep and thorough, as long as you're willing to really dig down to the bottom of your psyche. Takes a lot of time and willpower but shows evidence of not just persisting benefits after you discontinue your sessions, but of those benefits actually increasing.

>> No.12732719

They're as effective as each other. Most people are easy to retrain regardless of method.

>> No.12732736

citation needed

>> No.12732826

You can looks up meta-analysis of psychotherapy methods. There's loads of them. The unfortunate bit for each new trend is that they're all as good as Freudians. CBT was the big new thing for years, then they got enough people past the six month mark and realised it was the same as the others. EDMR and DBT then got touted even though most people would look askance at those like Freud (DBT coming from a BPD sufferer didn't even dent the wind in its sails much since a lot of its patients are borderline/anxiety disorders/female) Turns out they too are just as effective. People get upset about that so we're almost due a new wave, but that too will probably be as effective. It's not like CBT stopped working when we replaced them with the others, and so on back through most approved therapies. We like to think we're making progress and then ignore that all of them working to the same levels probably means that's the level that responds to any therapy. The ones that aren't outright harmful (most of which Freud noted as harmful early on) tend to help as much as any other.