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12732022 No.12732022 [Reply] [Original]

How do I raise /lit children?

>> No.12732025
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>> No.12732026

Read to them.

>> No.12732028

beat them with your fists

>> No.12732030

keep lots of books around the house
also read some of the simple classics to them when they're young
my mom used to read treasure island to my brother and i when we were kids

>> No.12732037

buy books for them
read for them
read with them
read in front of them
talk about reading and books with them

>> No.12732042

please, more

>> No.12732044

Whip them.

>> No.12732055

she's 15 in the series.

>> No.12732067

Should I ban video games and TV?

>> No.12732068

Don't buy a cellphone/ gaming console/computer for the little shits .
They'll either turn into little psychos or find solace in reading.

>> No.12732082

This, it's not hard. One thing I'll add is don't be a pretentious pseud, let them read books for children. I grew up reading Goosebumps and Harry Potter and fucking Deltora Quest and I turned into a 'real' reader. Don't start pushing Finnegan's Wake on them the second they learn how to read

>> No.12732098

What's the right age for Joseph McElroy?

>> No.12732104

You don’t. Having children is indefensible.

>> No.12732123

You can raise adopted children

>> No.12732137

This will 100% fuck your children up for life. The internet is a fundamental part of modern existence in wealthy nations. Forcing your children to be social pariahs for their entire childhood and adolescence and possibly their whole lives is going to be a lot worse than them just not being into reading.

>> No.12732140

>Having children is indefensible.
uh what if you're in a castle?

>> No.12732157


>> No.12732191

My mom pushed harry potter on me, and i hated it, it felt like a chore.

>> No.12732194

As everybody said : books (and love).
Try to make them shy enough, just as much as needed to actually care about themselves.

you're right
this may be an issue, but not necessarily. Desktop computer, simple cellphone without internet connexion. Be aware that smartphone = porn all the time, and strangers fapping to your kids. Just tell them that you're too poor to have a smartphone. Living in a 3rd world country can help (let's say you live in India and send your kids to an american school), since 1- they'll make friends with well-educated kids 2- you can pretend that in this shithole, an internet connexion for a smartphone is too expensive.

>> No.12732201

Spend more time reading than sitting on the internet or watching TV and have a good amount of books about. Do not decide what books they should read or what is within their ability, let them choose. Young kids largely follow their parents example. Worst thing you can do is try and decide what they should read or even that they should read. Read things they do and if they liked it try and find what they liked about it, if they did not like it and you did, try and show what you found good about it by asking questions and not preaching, vague open ended questions are best. You want to get them to consider the alternate point of view, not convert them to it.

Mainly be contrarian with the goal of getting them to think on their own instead of getting them to think like you.

>> No.12732209

>you're right
If all of their friends have cell phones and you do not let them have one they will throw themselves into such things as soon as they hit that rebellious stage. You need to make reading seem more interesting than cell phones.

>> No.12732221
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*hits pipe*

>> No.12732225

like how ?
Kids will obviously find interactive media more entertaining than printed paper (with images).
At that poit one would prefer them being outdoorsy types or make them practice some sport.
Books are fun only if you don't know any better when you are a kid...

Reading them books when they are young won't make much of a difference btw

>> No.12732238

She was wrong. Encourage your kids to read but don't push specific books on them.

>> No.12732319

>Books are fun only if you don't know any better when you are a kid...
Lol wtf are you doing here you faggot?

>> No.12732330

I think this about as much as you can do. Neither of my parents read that much but they did read me bedtime stories and bought me all the books I wanted.

Idk OP, some kids will be naturally inclined to read and some won't. Sometimes there ain't shit you can do about it.

>> No.12732336
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How about you go b.ack t.o r.eddit, faggot?

>> No.12732340

Then don't allow them to rot their brains with tv and shit, just say that the kids doing that shit are going to end up with severe attention problems

>> No.12732348

I'm not a kid you human mulligan.
Kids don't find books exciting anymore.
You gotta force the little shits to read or give them no options,

>> No.12732368

What is one supposede to do?
If you only give them like half a hour a day as I remember the parents of a friend of mine did with him, he'll simply sebel in his teen years.
The best option remains to not give them a cellphone or gaming console and get them into sports.

>> No.12732377

The fact that they find it more interesting does not matter. Even if they spend their youth on their cell phone it does not matter. If you raised them to be good well rounded people they will get to the point after puberty were they start to want to share the interests of others and not just force their own on others. If you spent a good amount of time reading instead of using your phone they will get curious and want to share that with you. But you will also have to share the technology with them, few respond to single sided relationships, even if it is their parents on the other side.

>> No.12732394

No you don't, plenty of kids read and it's not because they don't have any other options

I watched plenty of TV and played video games growing up and I still read (past and present) more than anyone I know personally, I always did exceedingly well at school, never had issues with concentration unlike what this fag >>12732340 is suggesting. Same could be said of my two siblings.

It's not about limiting their options, it's about showing them the intrinsic benefits of reading i.e. the enjoyment they'll get from it. If you send them to a good school they'll enjoy learning for its own sake and will naturally gravitate towards books.

On the other hand some kids are just born brainlets. Can't force a square peg into a round hole, taking away the cool toys all their friends have is just going to make them hate you. I say just let the tard run free at that point

>> No.12732481

No because they'll just want to use it more.
Also kids don't watch TV anymore, they're online all the time. Only the elderly and the poor watch TV.

>> No.12732489

good post

>> No.12732517

It depends on their disposition and the kind of people they frequent.
I used to know a guy I was really jealous of because of how well versed he was in everything.
When I would ask him how, he answered that he read a lot.
Then in highschool he got into drinking and smoking weed.
I'm sorry for him, he was truly brilliant...

>> No.12732534

An hour before bed is reserved as family reading hour from young age, 8 PM- 9

Once their reading muscles are built they'll never stop reading. It's all about getting into the groove

>> No.12732536

Please let me stay, I promise to be good

>> No.12732537

>Then in highschool he got into drinking and smoking weed.
That's more the influence of peers in a shitty high school rather than the evil cellphone or video games or whatever brainwashing them. If they grow up to be a nerd these things don't happen.

>> No.12732541

They get to choose what they want to read once they get older pick a book you'll all want to read every once in awhile

>> No.12732547

>Forcing your children to be social pariahs
Cell phones and internet will force them to be pariahs anyway. That's what they're set up for: individual communication, devoid of physical touch, for people in remote areas unable to access real humans. Why do you think r9k does not have successful meet ups and is home to so many social pariahs?
This is like saying if you don't get your kids a zimmer frame at 15 they'll stop walking at 25. The people who will pariah them for not having a phone are shit people who will be alone with their phone at 30 because they only care about phones.
Teach your kid to use an encyclopedia and dictionary instead of getting them into devices whose major market is porn and social isolation and they will learn more than the ones who claim they "need" it for Wikipedia. They don't. Most parents know the "I need if for homework" excuse is "I'm running a Snapchat streak and gameifying my friendships". Also, don't send your kid to a school that says they need technology. No tech giants send their kids to wired classrooms; they don't because they know how the tech is constructed to make you dependent and isolated.

>> No.12732550

go fuck off to a Kaczynski masturbation thread you braindead luddite

>> No.12732551

The one we attended was renowned as it formed many politicians, lawyers and doctors.
Even if some scum was sallowed to attend because their parents had the dough.
It happened anyways.

>> No.12732556

I'm not going to get your mom to take your phone off you, chill out

>> No.12732749

Cope harder, since you're on this board to begin with you're already showing you're ruined as a person.

>> No.12732757

>everyone on 4channel is a retarded NEET like I am
go back to 4chan

>> No.12734218

Make the boys Castrati

>> No.12734359
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>but dad ! Parenting is a spook. You have no right to command me! You're nothing to me, all things are nothing to me.

>> No.12734364

make them read instead of watch TV at night
that's what my mom did. no TV past a certain hour so i'd read instead
but starting with the first harry potter in grade 1 onwards i'd read in class instead of doing my schoolwork haha

>> No.12734509

No TV, no internet, homeschool until 12 or so, lots of books in the house, talk to them a lot.

(This will also make your children very weird but remember, normie children are a curse)

On a more serious note, recall these words of a wise man: the problem with having children is you never get the ones you want.

>> No.12734519
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>No TV, no internet, homeschool until 12 or so, lots of books in the house, talk to them a lot.
>(This will also make your children very weird but remember, normie children are a curse)
I'm loathed to agree with a trip-fag but this, see also pic related

>> No.12735065
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1) Isolate them from society
2) Put them up for adoption if they have an IQ below 140
3) Bring them up in a big-ass private library

>> No.12735693

it's the essential issue
Sports and outdoor fun are extremely helpful, not only because they imply leaving cellphones away, but also because they help connecting fun with self-development (sorry for this shitty term I can't find a better one right now). Making an effort and developing oneself brings pleasure: that's what happens in sports
That's also what happens in reading, contrary to smartphone apps
The whole thing is to enjoy things that are full of meaning and that therefore make you a better person. Books are not the easyest way for a child to realize this essential truth, but other activites work perfectly (I used to enjoy immensely drawing maps of the surroundings wastelands and forrest, identifying and signaling every old wall or hideout)
What I mean is that 'reading books' has several useful allies in the war against 'becoming a lazy cunt'

>> No.12735727

well, you can probably rule out fire as a means of illumination
i would recommend bathing them in glow stick juice

>> No.12735765


>> No.12735786

Only right answer

>> No.12735789

I mean, I used books as an escape from home life, so I can't say if the lovey-dovey approach will work quite as well.

>> No.12735794

It's impossible to raise children in the modernage.
The schooling system is designed to parent children over educating them.
Smartphones and the internet allows children to parent themselves/each other.
As a parent you only job now is to field the blame for any wrongdoings done to/by your child. A parent/parental figure is a legal necessity and nothing more.

If you want /lit/ children join the Amish

>> No.12735831

Literally every 6 year old.

>> No.12735916

This guy's essentially right. None of the rest of you entitled little shits have kids, not do you seem likely to. Forcing (or, more aptly, setting limits) may work for some things, but not for this kind of thing. Giving them an example, something to look up to, may work, though not in a direct way. Simply put, they do what they see you doing, not what you tell them to do. At some point they will turn to doing the opposite of what you tell them to do. They will turn into a mix of you (born in a different time and place), plus the other parent/caretaker(s), plus the opposite of you, in various doses of each.

>> No.12735938

and, of course, be a book

>> No.12735941

>how do I make my kid consume culture
>should I ban consuming culture?
Your kid is just as likely to read trash books, why prioritise papertwilight over picture twilight.

>> No.12735944

This. Also you only truly become at ease and naturalize tools you familiarized yourself with young. The second I push a child out of my vagina it's gonna have a headset on and dualwield smartphones

>> No.12735967

>just tell your kids inaccurate soccermom myths
Also make them tell other kids that sugar is worse than heroin and vaccines are the source of autism, they won't be singked out at all!

>> No.12736008
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>> No.12736012

My mum's brother is around 8 years older than her, and used to feed her books gradually above her ability. Gave her War & Peace to read when she was 13, which had a big impact.

I think the idea is to try and ignite that reading spark at as early an age as possible, then they'll hopefully expand upon that themselves.

>> No.12736123

Fuck off /pol/, stop pushing this meme.

>> No.12736144


>> No.12736184


You just only show them good stuff.
Don't get hung up on just the idea of books and kids that like books, you'll just brainwash your kids into being pseuds like you are.

Read to them, give them good things to read, and as far as digital media goes, just give them some taste, and they won't want to watch all the garbage that's out there.

>> No.12736612

No, you first

>> No.12736730

No philosophy, only /lit/erature

>> No.12736748 [DELETED] 

Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?
Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

>> No.12736888
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it is if you want to fuck your daughter

>> No.12736903

Banning will push them into it, do not ban anything under any circumstances.
My mom never banned TV and I ended up not watching it a lot, until >>12732082 happened and she started not buying me books that she deemed too "childish". Stopped reading for ten years because of that shit.

>> No.12736913

You know what, I didn't even think about it. Not being ironic. What you say is the absolute first thing everyone should keep in mind.

>> No.12736980

>immensely drawing maps of the surroundings wastelands and forrest, identifying and signaling every old wall or hideout
Not thread related but TS Spivet by Reif Larsen is a great book about drawing maps and diagram as a kid. It gets a bit spooky and has sad bits but it's fucking gorgeous

>> No.12737039
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Thats a very common mistake. If you do it then it will backfire very badly when the kid enter his teens.
You should let have vidya and TV, but you should take the efford yourself to grow his interest in books and why they are most of time better than vidya and TV and how those are meant for plebs.
Banning shit is never a good idea specially when they are already very common in today's time. My parents did a similar thing with fast food and so in my early teens i went all about eating fast food (thankfully i never got fat).
The most comical thing happens is with the strict conservative parents that try to raise their daughters to become some super innocent caste and humble people, while the moment they enter university and leave their parents behind, they become super emotionally dumb whores, being even more depraved than your average university slut.
Mindlessly banning things without placing good reasons behind it will always result in backfire.

>> No.12737122

no TV
bit of /tv/ is alright tho

>> No.12737126

God tier reply

>> No.12737226


>> No.12737228

I'll contradict these anons and say that you should restrict them. I have seen kids with smartphones and tablets fiddling around with them all day, they are bratty, inattentive and problematic in general. And you absolutely don't want your kids to be caught up in the attention engineering of most websites, especially social media. Hell, even now I'm still recovering from my habit of picking up my phone at any spare moment and mindlessly flick through stuffs.
That said, it's true that pushing things onto kids and especially banning them from certain activities is not a good idea generally and you won't guarantee getting good results from doing that, especially in the long run. Hell, it's hard to say anything about the long run anyway considering how little feedback you can know and analyze.
I think the general good rules are: fostering a healthy relationship between you and your children, a relationship in which they aren't afraid to talk to you about the things they think, feel. This is not just about efficient communication and better control over emotional aspects of your children but also about learning them better. You have to study your kids and understand them (psyche, capacity, etc) as much as possible in order to make the best decision after all. Be firm, you are parents still and they are children still, you might not have a clue about life but you certainly still know better than them. And lastly, be ready to fail and admit your failures. Maybe your child won't turn out to be a book reader, be absolutely ready to failed that expectation, otherwise you are going to hurt both you and your kids.

>> No.12737268

Let the kid speaks, let them negotiate if you think it's worthwhile, but don't be easily persuaded. Set up soft/hard boundaries, restrictions with the idea in mind that they will bypass those restrictions (like, which kids will not look at porn?). The idea is not to control your kids completely (you can't) but give them the illusion of freedom while you outplay them and step in when it's necessary. Build redundancy.
Of course, you will risk becoming a manipulative person and in the long run, you might develop a certain kind of distrust toward children's own capability of operating by themselves, without supervisor and this will become a problem once they hit adulthood, that's why you have to know how to deal with yourself too. Know when stop stop, when to give up resolutely.
In the end, like most of life's problems, it's about moderation and being adaptive.

>> No.12737340

This, so much.

>> No.12737344

Brainwash them

>> No.12737358
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>raised without access to TV/Vidya
>Lived in a small town, but was taken on trips to San Fransisco frequently
>asked for a harp when she was 7, the mad lads actually gave her one
Look where she is now

>> No.12737363

This is how I became lit. Read to your kids, dummies. And not just the Bible, that shit's scary. Get some kids science books and fables and shit.

>> No.12739088

dubs confirm as the only truth.

>> No.12739101

Yes, those things are absolutely comparable to the verifiable fact that children of more intelligent parents watch less tv and read more. Do you think the elites would make sure their kids used less to no instant gratification technology shit if there wasn't a clear benefit? Soccer moms let their little Jaydens, Tylers and Skylarks watch shit tons of tv btw, look how those shits turn out.

>> No.12739135


Read to them for an hour or so every night from good, older stuff (Treasure Island, Alice in Wonderland, Secret Garden, Grimm/Andersen, etc etc etc).

No TV, no computer, no smartphones.

If your genes produced kids who are halfway intelligent this should make kids who spend all their time playing outside or reading.

Source: how we were raised

>> No.12739262

Noticed /lit/ got younger. Have you young'uns grown up with social media? Has it made you more retarded? What about it changing social dynamics among your peers? Have you parents managed your access to it and if so how did you react to it.

>> No.12739294

wtf pol isn't anti-reproduction, you retarded? r9k faggots on the other hand

>> No.12739388
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4chan parenting board when?

>> No.12739413

>married (((Andy Samberg))) and her kids will have kike genes

She nearly made it as well