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12731866 No.12731866[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If Buddhism posits that I have no eternal soul, what gets reincarnated?

>> No.12731902


>> No.12731906

just because a soul isn't eternal and there is no self doesn't mean that the underlying tendencies of one's personality and energy can't experience reincarnation

>> No.12731915

Most buddhists believe in souls tho

>> No.12731931

imagine your sitting there with her in the car and she unzips your pants and starts giving you a blowjob

>> No.12731940

The belief that you have one.

>> No.12732096

This is actually a classic question in the study of Buddhism. There are multiple responses. Check out the book "Exploring Karma and Rebirth" by Nagapriya, it's highly readable and fairly academic.

>> No.12732118

Eternal =/= impermanent

>> No.12732182

The question I have with these claims is what proof is there of a soul and an afterlife in general? What difference is there between death and loss of consciousness like sleep? I have read the Bhagavad Gita and seriously it's thought provoking but I have problems with entities based on faith like the concept of a soul or any deity are based on subjective experiences and nothing more.

>> No.12732192

There is evidence of a soul, much like there is evidence of God.

Read, you fucking dumbass, read

>> No.12732205

Where's the evidence? What about an afterlife?
>Read, you fucking dumbass, read

I see Confessions mentioned a lot. Is that one I should read?

>> No.12732215
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Confessions is a wonderful book and does have some interesting theology, but it's more of a spiritual classic. You won't find arguments for the existence of the soul or an afterlife there. I suppose Kierkegaard would be a good person to read if you're struggling with the idea of believing based on faith

>> No.12732218

I would recommend Metaphysics by Aristotle and Summa Theologica by Aquinas so you can interpret intuitive truths of the world around you from reality itself.

>> No.12732235

Nothing gets "reincarnated," but there are the conditions that allow birth and arising to happen again. The Buddha didn't actually teach "reincarnation" as it's taught in something like Hinduism.
Buddha said moving from one life to the next is like lighting a second candle with the flame of a first one before the first one goes out. Would you say that it is the same flame?

>> No.12732243

>having sex

>> No.12732265

>The evidence of the early texts suggests that Siddhārtha Gautama was born into the tribe of Jacob, a community that was on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean in the 5th century BCE.

>> No.12732304
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>> No.12732311

i like Jenna as a model of "ordinary, real woman" while still being really cute and desirable. she really takes the spotlight off supermodels and similar, to a version of girls which feel relateable yet still sexy

>> No.12732441

She looks like she fucks black guys