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12726435 No.12726435[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

*shrugs* I still like him
>inb4 muh pseud which is the /lit/ equivalent of muh shill

>> No.12726451

I just don't like psychoanalysis.

>> No.12726460

He doesn't define his terms, he misrepresents many thinkers and schools of philosophy, he has a tenuous grasp of history and most of the studies about he uses are reductive and misleading. He sounds like Kermit the frog..

>> No.12726481

At the moment, middlebrow people consider JBP to be highly intelligent. In order to show that one is more smarter than those people, one can talk about how stupid JBP is. None of this has much to do with the actual quality of his thought.

>> No.12726507

he got BTFO by William Lane Craig

>> No.12726515

In short: he's a synthesizer jack-of-all-trades vs a precise academic specialist. I agree with your criticisms but that shouldn't discount his overall message. Ironically Peterson's wide appeal is also his greatest weakness
>/pol/ loved his stance against identity politics but abandoned him when he wouldn't talk about the JQ
>/lit/ loved him because he had a interesting thoughtd on natural theology/consciousness but abandoned him when he didn't illustrate a thorough understanding of postmodernism
it's unsurprising considering that in a time period plagued by so much ideological fragmentation, purity is valued over synthesis

>> No.12726520

jbp is definitley catering to a low brow audience. middle brow is stuff like pinker and taleb. jbp is in the same category as sam harris, ben shapiro, and joe rogan

>> No.12726523

I think Jung is a charlatan and Peterson's advice (clean your room, be honest, stop doing bad things, etc) is only useful for people who are such massive fuckups that this idea that you should behave well and do things to further your long term goals is life changing. They couldn't figure it out on their own they needed some psychoanalyst to explain it to them with bullshit allusions to fairy tails. Like it takes a -200 person and potentially brings them to 0, whereas the rest of us started at 0 and are working up. He also feeds this anti-idpol online movement thing that I am pretty sure is sustaining idpol, since it's a victim justice ideology everyone would get over it if people stopped paying attention to them and getting outraged at every one of their stupid little demands of society.
Having some guy on the internet argue with them literally keeps their movement alive. Peterson produced thousands of those guys just as their numbers would have naturally dropped off through boredom with the conflict.

>> No.12726539

>denies global warming
>fell for some retarded meat only diet
>won't say anything that might piss off his rabid cashcow fanbase (alt right)

>> No.12726552

I feel like these threads are engineered to make me lose my mind/make me paranoid. Every thread that's about some topic people are already somewhat opposed to like JBP twists in a small detail that makes you want to disagree based purely on the way the thread is presented.
Why use "*shrugs*"? Is it ironic? Are you intentionally trying to emulate the most annoying communities' style of communication so people will associate the topic and those communities?
Whatever this board is shilling right now like Nick Land or whatever the fuck will presented in a few months with Reddit language in the OP. Someone will call him awesome sauce or epic win or some faggot shit.
Tell me I'm not going insane and that other people notice this too.

>> No.12726563

Ok this is epic

>> No.12726586

>putting pinker above jbp
ummm try again sweetie

>> No.12726587

bro it's just baiting. people are trying to get (you)s.
They either get money for relies from some "unconventional marketing firm" which has successfully exaggerated this forum's effects on sales (hatred or endorsement, either way buzz gets generated, but still nobody cares. client doesn't have to know that), or it's some teen-30 something guy who is so lame that he actually gets a sense of satisfaction when people have emotional responses to his posts and comments.
Don't get weird. The world is a boring place and nothing happens, ever.

>> No.12726601

>toxoplasmosis apologist

>> No.12726606

I'm not. I'll take low brow over middle brow any day. Nothing worse than a midwit.

>> No.12726611

Just as long as everyone understand that you're more smarterer than those people and the people who like them.

>> No.12726617

Define high brow for me and provide examples, I hope to not see Hegel, Lacan, Wittgenstein or Stirner. Also where would you put Zizek?

>> No.12726648

You should know that it’s poor form to inb4 as op.

>> No.12726716

>but that shouldn't discount his overall message
And extremely important part of his message is batshit insane though. He does quite literally believe that there is a grand alliance of figures on the left (who he tends to avoid defining) want to subvert traditional western values (which he also tends to avoid defining) in order to intentionally create a Mao style communist state. One of the big problems comes from this leftist alliance. He never really names people who in are in on it. Only strains of thought. He doesn't seem to mind the fact that Derrida and Foucault don't want a Mao style state. He can't find any postmodern philosophers who do so it's just same vague postmodern thing which is part of it. Postmodernism cannot be reconciled with Marxism (a major element he cites in being part of this alliance) and both tend to be quite hostile towards each other. I saw in an interview when this was pointed out to him he said I know they don't agree, it just shows how crazy they are that they are working together. All he ever really seems to do is point at a particular example that pops up in the news along the lines of feminists want more females studied in classics or something rather. Regardless of how anyone feels about any of these incidences he never tries to see if the person or people involved in this incident are actually involved in some great leftist alliance. He just assumes they are. He never cites any thinkers who are explicit in doing what he says they are doing or even of the existence of any such alliance. He just infers that they exist.

So his boogeyman is vague enough that he always has wiggle room in interviews claims he doesn't like and can be repurposed to attack pretty much anyone he doesn't like on the left.
I find his talk of undermining western values odd though. Postmodernism is a western set of ideas, that grew out of a reaction to western ideas and which look in many ways similar to ideas that have existed in the west going all the way back past Socrates. But somehow Christianity is more European? Does he just mean conservative social values? He sounds like when a Republican talks about Family Values. It's a mostly meaningless phrase. It suggests somethings but it's ill defined and when some vague group is attacking some vague thing it's pretty easy to twist things to look how you want it.

>> No.12726776

I know Peterson from his work on alcoholism and addiction, back in the 90s, when he was at Harvard. In a decade he performed 120 research projects and studies, as well as over 100 scholarly papers on the subjects. A brilliant researcher. Then it all went to shit.
The official line is that he had a nervous breakdown an took indefinite sabbatical, others say he had a stroke. Either way, he's not the same man that he was then.
He went from doing cutting edge research at a prestigious university, to teaching an entry level psych 101 level class, and commenting on current event issues that piss him off, like a senile old man.
I'm partial to the stroke theory. Look at his youtube rants, where he breaks out in tears and starts blubbering inappropriately, or his recent interviews, where he couldn't hold his own in the conversation. Classic stroke symptoms of Pseudo bulbar affect.
No matter really, since whatever happened, the world lost a brilliant researcher. Now he's nothing more than a pop culture figure.

>> No.12726795
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He is gonna be debating Bishop Robert Barron in a couple weeks. I can't fucking wait. JBP is going to get stomped into a mudhole.

>> No.12726810

He's a generic uninteresting neoliberal shill who believes fervently in progress.

>> No.12726823

Gee whiz, you should go to the media with this scoop.

>> No.12726836
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>> No.12726841

>won't say anything that might piss off his rabid cashcow fanbase (alt right)
JBP's publicly railed against the "alt-right"/far right about a million times.

>> No.12726845

He's been BTFO for ages.


>> No.12726853

jbp is the most mad I have ever seen pol about anything. Multiple 300 reply daily threads for like a year of butthurt about him and other people defending him

>> No.12726858

He can denounce the "alt-right" all he likes, but that doesn't change that he promotes the vague "leftist conspiracy" paranoia which is the beating heart of the alt-right. It's like saying you're a Christian but don't care for that Jesus character.

>> No.12726860

All this cope.

None of you will ever say anything half as relevant as JBP.

None of you will come up with theories half as brilliant as JBP.

None of you will be remembered, unlike JBP.

And none of you will even find a philosopher half as relevant as JBP.

You're all just contrarians who hate him because he made it big. Philosophy in the public arena is a good thing.

>> No.12726865

He's just a boomer liberal though, at the very most he's conservative. the alt right are supposed to be nazis or at least racist

Jbp is pro democracy and pro jews and other minorities, which are like themain things the altright don't like

>> No.12726866

All this cope.

None of you will ever say anything half as relevant (to brainlets) as JBP.

None of you will come up with theories half as brilliant (to brainlets) as JBP.

None of you will be remembered (by brainlets), unlike JBP.

And none of you will even find a philosopher half as relevant (to brainlets) as JBP.

You're all just contrarians who hate him because he made it big (with brainlets). Philosophy in the (brainlet) public arena is a good thing.

>> No.12726869


>> No.12726878

>cites a current affairs article from 2018 claiming Peterson's a pseud who's only popular because society is so dumb now
>writer literally criticizes jbp for being "Caucasian and male"
is this peak /lit/? the irony is beyond palpable

>> No.12726886

>cherrypicks one line from an in-depth breakdown of why Peterson is so shit
>the irony is beyond palpable
You're not wrong.

>> No.12726887

>equivalent to shill

>> No.12726897

Criticizing Peterson for being white and male basically validates Peterson's entire argument, ie. that people are not being judged as individuals

>> No.12726916

Even judged as individuals eg the uniquely retarded looking in the classroom is still an ad hominem. How about judging what he says from what he actually says?

>> No.12726940

Lies. Just be truthful to yourself for your own sake. Jesus.

>> No.12726995

This. /lit/ is filled with resent at any intellectual who tries to bring philosophy to the average person

>> No.12726999

>the vague "leftist conspiracy" paranoia
Which is the mirror of the vague alt-right paranoia.

There is just as much a leftist conspiracy as there is an alt-right. Denying that either exist in any form because it's a "vague" collection of temporarily aligned ideologies is silly.

>> No.12727030

No I ignored his argument because Nathan J. Robinson is a white male himself so his opinion is invalid compared to my experiential knowledge as a biracial mexican

>> No.12727145

Bullshit. The largest mainstream right-wing outlets push conspiracies about shadow governments and communists in disguise so that everything that isn't far-right is tied together into one big package of "leftism". Everyone knows who the alt-right is. It isn't vague at all.

>> No.12727150

The left do that too about Russia and 'fascism'

>> No.12727152


>> No.12727156

And by the same token entire universities have essentially imploded social justice concentration camps, spreading lies and conspiracies about "privilege" and redefining racism to inure their own philosophical/political ideologies immune to tests of consistency.

There is as much a base of leftist conspiracy theorists (WYPIPO) as there is a base of right wing conspiracy theorists (JOOS)

>> No.12727158

So you agree that Jordan Peterson is a hack on the same par as rabble-rousing pundits?

>> No.12727165

>t. never been to college

>> No.12727180

To be fair, you have to be pretty fucked in the head to mess up Jung. Whatever about him not understanding a dictionary will prove him wrong about postmodernism, or his laughable idea that tranners have the braincells to get through Marx, the fact he's retarded by _Jungian_ standards should get him a home help nurse.

>> No.12727193




The leftist zeitgeist of intersectionality is making racism trendy again.

Like that you didn't talk about the last part of the sentence, too.

>> No.12727208


He got tenure

>> No.12727643

All "intellictual dark web types" rely on their listeners stupidy. Typical charlatans

>never define terms
>never answer questions directly
>cry when you see fit
>disregard basic philosophy
>Too many logical fallacies to count

How would Locke, Hobbes et al even view these guys

>> No.12727658

>Talk as much as possible and listen as little as possible. Follow these steps, and your success will be assured. (It does help if you are male and Caucasian.)
this makes you ignore all of robinsons arguements?

>> No.12727825
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Peterson's alright. I can guarantee that the average 4chan "intellectual" would turn on absolutely anybody who achieved the level of notoriety that he has, the way he has. A shame, because I've personally witnessed the good he's doing and I don't think even the most devastating critic could take that away from him. Why is "wash your penis" a bad message for a generation of impotent retards who've obviously never been told to wash their penises? Why belittle that? The hateboner is ridiculous.

>he didn't illustrate a thorough understanding of postmodernism
Postmodernism doesn't understand postmodernism, and anybody who says otherwise is either lying or hasn't talked long enough with the people they think agree with them about it.

>alliance of leftists who who literally want to subvert western values
Not a conscious alliance like the League of Evil, you moron. It's just an influential pack of lazy cowards who've had critical theory bullshit human-centipede'd to them through the social and educational grapevine. They are basically trees grown crooked at this point and that stupidity colors their every action.
>Postmodernism cannot be reconciled with Marxism
That's how I know you're being deliberately ignorant, which is irritating because you obviously feel like this is something worth talking about. Peterson understands that Postmodernism and Marxism shouldn't mix. Obviously that's that case. His point is that they still almost always do, because they place that they're both coming from is typically 100% insincere, not grounded in reality, and they don't care about inconsistencies. Saying that Marxism and Postmodernism don't mix because they conflict is like saying that a Christian can't be a murderer because murder is a sin, all while living in a hypothetical universe where virtually all Christians are serial killers.

>> No.12727934

Where did the term "political correctness" come from? I had a vague idea it was from college new lefties picking it up from Mao's red book and repurposing it somewhat ironically like the hardcore ones do with their self-crit struggle sessions.

>> No.12728045

gunna shill my husbando


>I can guarantee that the average 4chan "intellectual" would turn on absolutely anybody who achieved the level of notoriety that he has, the way he has.
people shit on him because he is low-hanging fruit but idiots think he says the most profound shit imaginable

>Why is "wash your penis" a bad message for a generation of impotent retards who've obviously never been told to wash their penises? Why belittle that?
you aren't wrong. he definitely makes otherwise autists able to function better in society. he also certainly provides some benefit to their well-beings. that is hard to deny. it doesn't change the fact that he spreads lies to try and discredit entire areas of philosophy without debating anyone about it nor giving proper charity

yikes, real any actual post-modern text anytime

>His point is that they still almost always do, because they place that they're both coming from is typically 100% insincere, not grounded in reality, and they don't care about inconsistencies.
cringe. stop typing. you literally said nothing in your entire post. what is this common place that they share and they are coming from that is insincere?

i dont even hate jordan peterson, and i find some of his videos educational. this post however is embarrassing

>> No.12728094

does JP actually tell people to clean their genitalia? can you send a video where he says it

>> No.12728139

>boomer infotainment boogeyman

>> No.12728143

Irl ned pointsman lmao

>> No.12728146

Don't tell me you don't wash your penis bucko that's not a road that you want to go down

>> No.12728159

>leftists don't even exist, it's all in your mind ;^)
this type of dissembling just makes me more paranoid tho

>> No.12728367

No it used mean "keeping the party line". So it was applied to the Nazis in the 30s. Then, because the Marxists wanted everyone to have only good thoughts, it got applied to Soviets and Maoists.
It's not until about the 1980s that it comes to be considered actually a good thing by the left.

Mao would never say politically correct. What he might say is culturally aware. Mao was ending politics as far as he was concerned.

>> No.12728385

>Stephen Hicks, the guy who calls Immanuel Kant anti-enlightenment


>> No.12728391


>> No.12728394

>Immanuel Kant anti-enlightenme
Lmao for real? These two are just the gift that keeps on giving

>> No.12728456

he's a kike lover and u should go back

>> No.12728463

That's not batshit insane.

>> No.12728960

if you seriously think the people JP describes don't exist you can literally visit any canadian university campus and find them

>> No.12729011

nobody needs jordan peterson or the alt right to be aware of leftism bro you're blind or baiting
also people have been shitting on leftism since before the alt right existed so i don't see your point

>> No.12729026

Thoughtful perspective. “Purity over synthesis” is a useful way to look at some of our postmodern problems. There’s nothing wrong with synthesis itself, but we’re out of time to do it in.

>> No.12729192

I don't hate him, he just doesn't have anything interesting to say, AND he does what he does for money.

>> No.12729196
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It's ogre.

>> No.12729458

There's nothing wrong with taking a person at -200 as you say and helping them reach 0 using fairy tales and psychoanalysis.
If it works for them it's fine.

>> No.12729493

no arabs please

>> No.12729570

I'm glad he brought certain ideas back into the public sphere and got more young people reading, but now I think he's going to start fading into obscurity á la Milo.Y, the circuit of speeches and getting misinterpreted by leftist journalists/brown-nosed by rightist journalists has already become insanely boring, he has nothing new to add.
The new "rules for life" book could change that but by the time it comes out it may be too late, and anyway won't be nearly as successful as the first one.

>> No.12729586

>>won't say anything that might piss off his rabid cashcow fanbase (alt right)
That doesn't address the content of my post. I was pointing out that

>>won't say anything that might piss off his rabid cashcow fanbase (alt right)

is demonstrably untrue. I wasn't drawing any other points.

>> No.12729592

Am I the only one who remembers when /lit/ was celebrating over JBP? After the trans pronoun thing had come up, but before he became a ubiquitous media presence?

The only reason I was ever inclined to check JBP out was the persistent positive mentions he was getting on here.

>> No.12729667


>> No.12729675
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bribed pedophrastic charlatan

>> No.12729678

He is a recuperator of dissatisfied victims of late capitalism's contradictions. He encourages young men to keep eating the shit from the ass of capitalism and to double down in their commitment to the ghost of liberalism while it constantly betrays them. Part of this is to cast the ideology of the capitalism-ass as the machinations of a particular and limited sect of academic-Marxist-post-modernist&etc rather than part and parcel of the system itself.

>> No.12729680

>same class

>> No.12729697
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Hicks is a fucking retard and the fact that JPB shills him should cast a doubt not on his knowledge of postmodernism, but on his knowledge of philosophy altogether.

>> No.12729705

>Linking Stephen Hicks
quickest way to let everybody know you don't know what the fuck you're talking about

>> No.12729708
File: 253 KB, 1080x1080, 44862945_1233418246812003_8819698721058898619_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anon this is a cycle, first it's contrarian love, then exposure love, then as it starts getting more and more exposure contrarians start appearing, then the ones who took the core teachings of the person, thought, event being broadcasted leave and move on with their lives while the contrarians remain, repeat over and over.

This happens everywhere, on the internet and irl, mcluhan wrote about this, constant exposure to something will lead to exhaustion regardless of it's content and or merit, it's a basic pattern of behaviour you can see in 4chan or reddit and in populations as well, you either see the pattern or you let yourself be affected by the collective, I believe bernays wrote about this as well, this is why it is important to make sure you have agency and aren't letting the internet and the personalities that inhabit it gatekeep your acceptable thoughts, most people have surface level opinions about almost everything, today it's more common to see it, you watch a youtube video, maybe read a text, and your whole mind is convinced you know what it's true and that the others are the ones who are wrong.

A word of advice, take a 2 week vacation from all technology this summer, lock everything away and go spend 2 weeks camping, take careful notice on how your thoughts and thought loops behave during it, you will be surprised at what you uncover, we're all under modernities cloak, it's of good use to remove it periodically.

To answer >>12726435
I like him a lot, maps of meaning will be required reading for kids curriculum, I used to think he took the weight of personal responsibility to great extremes but ultimately I think he's right on, the talks with Eric Weinstein are really good I recommend them.

>> No.12729729

Did he ever quote Schopenhauer?

>> No.12729732

you're describing the exposure phenomenon too extrinsically, I think in many cases the exhaustion is an expression of reaching the point where you have internalized the new thing you have been exposed to to the point where you are starting to get diminishing returns and see the limitations.

>> No.12729741

He approaches politics with an academic angle, without delving into the depths of political philosophy. This is often misunderstood by /lit/ as being a insufficiently developed position. Whilst essentially this is true, it is simply not the focus of Peterson's work, which instead focuses on the individual and his responsibilities in society.

Also the fact that he doesn't understand postmodernism.

>> No.12729749

I agree with the sentiment however I would bet that most people don't reach the point of diminishing returns and or seeing the limitations of that artefact, and those that see the limitations will most likely build upon the original material, it is the final of wave of contrarians and those that fail to take action that will linger among their own echo chambers, I have no way to prove this except repeat observance

>> No.12729771

I have to take some issue with your argument.

Regardless of how much nature or nurture played a role in someone like me being "-200", the fact is that there are thousands of guys like me out there.

I could just be retarded from birth, sure, in that case throw me out like the rest of the invalids, but what percentage of those looked down upon just didn't the same social support structures so many take for granted?

"Cleaning our rooms" sounds like trivial and banal advice to people who never had a problem with that, but to dysfunctional people still desperately trying improve their lives but being overwhelmed by all the "common sense" or "self-help" crud that never helped before, basic advice like this is actually more valuable than just "lol just b urself".

If you can't understand that, be grateful.

I don't agree with everything Peterson says, but I can't deny that he gets some of the fundamentals right, and even if you don't need it, which is the basis of your criticism, others do.

>> No.12729789

I think about echochambers as being, so to speak, the congealed dead weight of the collective reflective process. If you don't have enough time, processing power and energy for active discernment, the public dialogue sort of throws you around left and right as you pick up information in a fragmentary manner, and once you get tired of that you find a group that gives you at least the illusion of a stable identity.

>> No.12729803

He's a rigorousless rabble rouser charlatan. Don't engage unless you're learning clinical psychology.

>> No.12729810

is "wash your genitalia" a real statement of his or did people just parody his "clean your room" commandment

>> No.12729811

>he had a interesting thoughtd on natural theology/consciousness

lol. /lit/ was dead when petermeme was on the rise, redd*t.

>> No.12729819

He is a mental terrorist who willfully speak about things that he has no fucking idea about and create misunderstandings in whatever he talks about.

Some fucking time he would tweet a paper and use it as an evidence of something that the paper either doesn't say so or sometimes the complete opposite.

>> No.12729823

Peterson is bad precisely because he engenders retards like this

>> No.12729834

Too bad he's a subpar academic lmao

>> No.12729850

Moreover, on his ability to select credible sources.

>> No.12729856
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>> No.12729932

Why is God the primary axiom? Why not cheese?

>> No.12729944

because cheese is a specific, positive entity while god is the concept of a absolute transcendental meta-existence

>> No.12729952

So god is just a concept?

I prefer cheese.

>> No.12729961

blessed are the poor in spirit

>> No.12729971

Face it, God is a concept, cheese is specific and fucking gay.

>> No.12729974

I have no idea who the fuck you are hanging around with, maybe you are older, but I am a 21 year old in college and am surrounded by people that desperately should take the advice of Peterson. All these faggots do is further their dopamine addictions and worry about what others think of them. There is a serious lack of discipline and lack of drive. Someone preaching self responsibility is deeply needed. I am no slouch to begin with. I am going to graduate with honors, have a very well paying job locked and loaded at a company with a CEO who loves me and is allowing me to stay rent free at his home, and am in better physical shape than anyone I know. Funny enough the person that turned me on to Peterson was the CEO of the company I will be working for. So write him off if you want but the reasons you put forth are untrue.

>> No.12729990

He's on a meat only diet.

>> No.12729991

can confirm, the single most common reason people drop out of college is that they're unable to function in an environment where they have to take even moderate responsibility for themselves.

>> No.12729995


>> No.12729996
File: 20 KB, 343x326, F2582B14-2335-430B-A90F-52A056700DC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a CEO who loves me and is allowing me to stay rent free at his home

>> No.12730017


>> No.12730038

Cheese is basically meat though. I mean, you don't have to kill anything, but biochemically it is very similar.

>> No.12730040


>> No.12730081

>He does quite literally believe that there is a grand alliance of figures on the left (who he tends to avoid defining) want to subvert traditional western values (which he also tends to avoid defining) in order to intentionally create a Mao style communist state
that would be quite the "long march through the institutions"

>> No.12730093
File: 112 KB, 1593x2361, Ecce Comu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Postmodernism cannot be reconciled with Marxism
Not true at all, Pic related.

>> No.12730131

Tweet it to his daughter and he might start worshipping cheese

>> No.12730141

I don't have twitter, you go ahead.

>> No.12730147

>Weak thought reconciled Marxist theory with postmodernism
>Ignoring historical materialism and materialism in general is Marxist