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/lit/ - Literature

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12724399 No.12724399 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Nick Land live in China? What the fuck is this pestiferous albion up to?

>> No.12724440


Can people stop shilling this retard constantly on this board. Between him, Deleuze and the other nonsense talkers it has become insufferable

>> No.12724448
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He's a shill

>> No.12724453

because china is slightly less oppressive than north korea aka britain

>> No.12724454

Report all off topic threads not about a work of literature. These faggots can fuck off to >>>/his/

>> No.12724455

>If I say anything they will have me killed

Just a man with a very convincing NDA

>> No.12724461

But isn't shilling for the Chinese government one of the most direct forms of accelerationism?

>> No.12724469
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tomorrow i gonna make 20 land threads.

>> No.12724471

>you can only be in my book club if you like the same things as me

I bet you eat bran flakes you boring fucker

>> No.12724482


>> No.12724489
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>> No.12724490

>you can only be in [x] book club if you like the same things as me
Yes? You're a fucking idiot if you think this is some kind of "gotcha". Typical phincelophy nigger.

>> No.12724498

>hahaha I bet you like BORING CEREAL lol yeah that's right I said it

>> No.12724502
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>Heard you've been making fun of Landians anon

>> No.12724520


>> No.12724533

Did he ever adress climate change on twitter? What would be a logical position for anthropocentric accelerationist in the face of global eco-holocaust?

>> No.12724575

ignoring the fact that 'anthropocentric accelerationist' is kind of an oxymoron, I'd say that Land would probably think a Waterworld-style post-apocalypse is desirable as Cthulu probably doesn't have much use for land.

>> No.12724594

pretty sure he interprets your end-times apocalyptic obsessions for the religious folly that it is

>> No.12724601

>today someone on lit called me a nigger for making a Nick Land thread

God I fucking love this board

>> No.12724638

Yes, we really should focus on such philosophical luminaries as Bertrand Russel.
Philosophy is the only thing that makes this place bearable. What, you want yet another Joyce thread?
Pretty sure he adopted denialism, comes with the rightist territory, even though it would actually fit in nicely with his whole anti-human angle.

>> No.12724643

Sounds like you'd feel more at home on the board for making off topic threads about old timey eceleb incels >>>/his/

>> No.12724649
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>> No.12724651

How about that Pessoa, eh? What a character!

>> No.12724661
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>> No.12724663
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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

>> No.12724666

Hey guys, what's the deal with Jordan Peterson!?

>> No.12724674

>hey guys what's the deal with that guy who's threads get deleted and is generally mocked
Seething >>>/his/cel what's the matter? Know your peers are all awful but 'ur not like thos other grrrrls'?

>> No.12724687
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>What do you think of him, /lit/?
>followed by Arab/deadlift joke

>> No.12724693


>> No.12724702

Might as well say >>>/a/ or >>>/mu/, makes about as much sense for philosophy threads.

>> No.12724707

>If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/
>Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/
>those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer

>> No.12724716

>Might as well say >>>/a/ or >>>/mu/, makes about as much sense for philosophy threads.

>> No.12724730

because china is the future nigger, americ is over, we have new daddy now

>> No.12724732

>b-b-but that board is shitty!
Yeah well take the hint autist you're no better. When people try to say the same thing here "I'm better than /v/ so here's my vidya thread I deserve on /lit/" they get told to fuck off too. You have your board go argue with the christfags

>> No.12724742

Who's calling any boards shitty? /his/ seems perfectly fine, just not particularly suited for philosophy discussions, the primary medium of which is the written word, i.e. literature.

>> No.12724743

I don't get it. I listen to some fairly intelligent right wingers sometimes and though my views are the polar opposite I still find conservatives like Burke and Eliot interesting. Even modern libertarians like David Friedman are affable to me in a way. But when it comes to neoreactionaries (who are basically a verbose form of proto alt right with less jewmongering) there's always some wacked out shit like denialism, or the "out of eurasia" theory, or singularity cults, or some other pseudo scientific bullshit which completely flies in the face of their claim to accept truth regardless of political dissonance.

>> No.12724752

>the primary medium of which is the written word, i.e. literature
That's not what any of these threads ever are and the mods have stickied a post specifically telling you to fuck off. Just because you're an entitled newfaggot who was told he could come to the safe marxist colony on /lit/ doesn't mean shit.

>> No.12724775

>those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

>> No.12724785

>why does daddy live in china guys xD meme thread go amirite
>a specific work

>> No.12724798

Pardon me, I'm tired and I thought you were defending the thread.

>> No.12724800

Each end of the spectrum comes with its ingrained, pre-established memes (e.g. the lefties borderline creationist take on race), it's just weird how a lot of people seem to simply forget half of what they know when they travel from one end to the other. Land's Ccru stuff is still pretty far to the left.
So you'd be ok with a discussion of Fanged Noumena, as long as the thread is strictly regulated to not stray into general topics about Land or Acc? How's that going to happen?

>> No.12724807

>So you'd be ok with a discussion of Fanged Noumena
Actually, no
>as long as the thread is strictly regulated to not stray into general topics about Land or Acc? How's that going to happen?
See? Can't do it huh >>>/his/

>> No.12724814

>Actually, no
Then why quote the rules?

>> No.12724822

Because they apply now. I can just destroy your next "where do I start with this author I'm about to samefag recommendations for girls? *wink wink*" thread with the pomo essay generator and nate the snake :^)

>> No.12724844

He lives there because there are no niggers and fundamentalist muslims blowing up stuff on the coastal regions. In western countries pretty much every major city has sizeable ethnically based criminal activity which is tolerated by the state trying to establish some variant of managerial anarcho-tyranny. Moldbug had some interesting observations about this.

>> No.12724850

>pestiferous albion

>> No.12724906

>Because they apply now.
Who cares, though?

>> No.12724971

Stop posting those weird Land brainlet edits, they're creeping me out.

>> No.12725009

>(e.g. the lefties borderline creationist take on race)
The left, by and large, does not have a take on race. Marx and Proudhon did not define their philosophy in racial terms. You can immediately tell someone has been saturated with far right propaganda if they define the left-right dichotomy by positions on immigration or racial issues, just like socialists exaggerate the support that fascists have for capitalism. Even 20th century American black nationalists, while sympathetic to anti capitalism, largely overlapped with the far right on matters of antisemitism, segregation, women's rights, secularism etc.

"Race realism" has some validity, of course. There have been measured average IQ differences on racial levels, and this is accepted even by the largely left leaning body of the psychological community. The real debate is over explaining shifts in these gaps over time, and measuring what proportion of the difference is caused by genetic and environmental causes, as well as more complex interactions between them like epigenetics. So far, most of the evidence is circumstancial in that studies directly connecting variance in specific population allele frequencies to IQ are lacking, but inferred from other evidence.

That doesn't mean the science of psychometrics and race is anywhere near as settled as climate change. For one, semantics in drawing racial taxonomies over geographical continuums are much more complicated than measuring shifts in temperature or the incidence of extreme weather in meteorology. Not to say race doesn't exist, but your average /pol/fag or amateur HBD blogger really has only the most baseline HS biology understanding of human genetics. The idea that everybody neatly fits into popular concepts of black, white, Asian etc. and that white people are some sort of master race being held down by diabolical Jews, is not supported by any real evidence that withstands detailed questioning.

In some ways, their initial assumptions misunderstand things so badly that they don't even apply to population genetics. And they reach way too far with evopsych speculations in order to feel smart about critiquing modernity - the main problem being that evopsych and redpill bullshit about ancestral environments is hard to falsify.

What I mean is, there is a lot of bullshit to wade through in the HBD/alt right "subculture" before you find stuff that's genuinely well founded, even if there is a politically correct stigma against discussing some of it.

>> No.12725031

>your average /pol/fag or amateur HBD blogger really has only the most baseline HS biology understanding of human genetics.
Your average /pol/fag doesn't understand even HS biology. A ton of HBD proponents have undergraduate or even graduate educations in biology.
>and that white people are some sort of master race being held down by diabolical Jews, is not supported by any real evidence that withstands detailed questioning.
You were making a fair critique up until this egregious strawman. I have yet to see any serious proponent of HBD argue this. Get rid of master race and diabolical, and you eventually find some level of truth in this, though obviously the elite establishment class isn't close to 100% Jewish.
>What I mean is, there is a lot of bullshit to wade through in the HBD/alt right "subculture" before you find stuff that's genuinely well founded
Agree with this here.

>> No.12725039

>Why does Nick Land live in China?
He is siding with the winning team.

>> No.12725087

>Get rid of master race and diabolical, and you eventually find some level of truth in this, though obviously the elite establishment class isn't close to 100% Jewish.
I'm not denying that Jews are overrepresented in some fields. They have above average verbal IQs, tend to live in urban centers (in America) and have a culture that emphasizes literacy and education as well as understanding complex rules. In America, they also do tend to be left wing - although many white rightists conflate this tendency with a very strong and vocal segment of hard right Zionist Jews, who are polar opposites. I am also against cheap tactics by some Jews to frame all critique of Zionism or Judaism as racial hostility.

What I'm talking about, more specifically, is the "white genocide by Jews" conspiracy theory. It's the only conspiracy theory I've heard that gives almost no motive for the supposed Jewish villains - usually stormfags frame the alleged animosity for "whites" in self flattering terms, like white people being so special that Jews just have to eliminate them. They've been at it for almost 2000 years with no success, apparently, and kept an organized lineage of these efforts coordinated over hundreds of generations despite being spread over multiple countries for most of their existence with no centralized communication. It's absurd, not in the least because azhkenazi are like 60% European themselves and often identify themselves as western/white. This isn't even getting into how many of them conflate Marxism and postmodernism as part of this conspiracy.

Just to clarify, that remark was intended more as a jab at "stormers" than HBD or NRx. The latter two I consider to have some intellectual legitimacy despite disagreeing with them on most things. The former are just RW identity politics.

>> No.12725094

you are the one actively lowering the board quality by distracting conversation from an authour to your own self involved decompression exercise. why don't you shit up all the other off topic thread? I never see this level of ree in "write whats on your mind" or "[blogpost] books for this feel?" or "books by women wrinkledpepe.png"

>> No.12725121

this is what a midwit looks like

>> No.12725173

You fell apart a little bit with the race as neat categories, Aryan superman and diabolical Jewish oppression business, since those are fairly niche and mostly stereotyped positions that apply more to Stormfront stuff than what's going on nowadays. And I'm obviously talking about current mainstream left positions, not Marx or Nation of Islam type of things. Please don't tell me you really think the far right defines the left-right dichotomy on immigration or race.

>> No.12725204

>What I'm talking about, more specifically, is the "white genocide by Jews" conspiracy theory.
Demographic replacement as government policy isn't a conspiracy theory, anon. It's what has been happening.
>gives almost no motive for the supposed Jewish villains
political control, propping up capitalism, revenge over the Holocaust and historical anti-semitism, true belief in progressivism, etc. a lot of potential motives if you thought about looking through it.
> They've been at it for almost 2000 years with no success
What about the last 200 years?
>no centralized communication
You don't need to have a committee to practice in-group out-group preferences. Nepotism happens because, holding all others equal, people feel more comfortable hiring those who are more similar to them. Now what happens when this is practiced on a nation-wide scale?
>It's absurd, not in the least because azhkenazi are like 60% European themselves and often identify themselves as western/white.
They often choose to not identify as white because of historical clashes with other Europeans. They are genetically white though, I agree with you there.

>> No.12725205

Reading that quote gives me anxiety

>> No.12725259

i prefer branbuds tbfrank, but nothing compares to harvest crunch

>> No.12725285

>And I'm obviously talking about current mainstream left positions, not Marx or Nation of Islam type of things.
Is there a real center left position on these things? I honestly can't name an "SJW" philosopher, let alone one that talks about race in a scientific context, partially because the mainstream left is not really a single thing but spans a gamut of ideologies from welfare statists to feminism to trade unionism to environmentalism.

I feel like a lot of race realists gleam this sort of idea from various interactions with anti racists on the internet, combined with screencaps and videos of highly variable accuracy. Maybe I'm strawmanning there, but other than Jared Diamond I rarely hear responses to actual center left academics talking about race - and even that sort of legitimate criticism is far outnumbered by "libtard ownage" compilations. Obviously someone like Stephen Jay Gould does more to actually criticize far right arguments than say, Anita Sarkeesian, where generally the topic is framed as an ethical opposition to racism.

>Please don't tell me you really think the far right defines the left-right dichotomy on immigration or race.
Actual far right political philosophers? No. Alt-lite ecelebs and a decent segment of the imageboard right? Yes.
My point is that the far left sometimes uses class as a lens to analyze contexts where it doesn't really apply, and the far right is prone to doing the same with race. Ancaps do the same with their bizzare Austrian economics and "everything is a market" mentality. I think if people with different worldviews don't try to look past that mindset, often people just talk past each other.
Land is a post Marxist himself and generally understands the far left better than some pop-phil conservative like Peterson.

>> No.12725301

Why does he live in China though?
How do you think his average day goes?
Does he speak Chinese?
Is he "integrated"?
And where did he develop the tendency to flap his T's like an American?
So, so, so many questions.

>> No.12725396

>Demographic replacement as government policy isn't a conspiracy theory, anon. It's what has been happening.
Yes, if you assume these trends will have no variance and extrapolate them 100 years into the future without accounting for migration booms and busts. But that's an absurd statistical fallacy and seems to be almost the core of white nationalist scaremongering.
For such a theory to beat Occam's razor we need it to have more explanatory power than other, simpler assumptions. And I don't think it does. Notice how the white countries with shitloads of immigrants are all relatively wealthy and liberal. Whites in Eastern Europe, many of whom lived under super leftist governments in recent history, have nowhere near as much migration, with their ethnic diversity composing largely of regional ethnicities or quasi autonomous territories leftover from the USSR. Many even have higher Jewish populations than Western Europe. It seems obvious to me that migration is a cost cutting measure for capitalists in country where domestic labour is expensive. These migrants are in turn attracted by the prospect of higher wages or escaping authoritarian governments, hence they prefer the West to East Euro states despite both being white.
>What about the last 200 years?
Policy on migration has not been consistent over the last 200 years. Australia has gone from a white Australia policy within its very inception in 1901 (iirc) to a shift towards multiculturalism in the 70s, to a push towards relatively harsh offshore border control in the 90s/00s, matched in the first world only by Japan and South Korea. Adding Jews to the table really does nothing to explain this, if their control was so pervasive we wouldn't even have the current American and European attitude shift towards stricter borders in the first place.
>political control
>propping up capitalism
Every race of capitalists wants this. In fact Western white people are some of the most pro capitalist in the world so this makes little sense.
>reenge over the Holocaust
I don't think anybody except white nationalists considers the Holocaust a matter of "white guilt". It's very specific to Germany.
>and historical anti-semitism
So why don't Arab countries have more immigration? They hate Jews the most. In fact the way daesh overlaps with the alt right on many of these topics makes me prone to thinking the current reactionary surge is just a transition from 300 years of liberalism to a very violent and politically divided west where conspiracy theories and authoritianism are ubiquitous in our cultures. That's why myself, and many other people on the Left, are afraid of, the same way you fear demographic replacement but I consider it a misguided notion.
>You don't need to have a committee to practice in-group out-group preferences.
I agree, but nepotistic cultures like India and Mexico tend to do poorly compared to more merit based cultures like the US or China, not the other way around.

>> No.12725408
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>why would the prophet of neo-China live in China?

>> No.12725628

>And I don't think it does. Notice how the white countries with shitloads of immigrants are all relatively wealthy and liberal.
>hence they prefer the West to East Euro states despite both being white.
And all of these wealthy countries had strict immigration standards until around the latter half of the 20th century.

I don't know where you got the idea that "demographic replacement" is a complicated explanation. There is an incentive to move to these countries. There used to be a barrier to moving to these countries. The establishment politicians decided, for various reasons, that the pros outweighed the cons and lifted these barriers. Now we are seeing massive changes in the demographics of nearly every wealthy Western country.
>Policy on migration has not been consistent over the last 200 years.
There were consistent trends across the Western world, with the exception of the Americas from 1850-1920. High barriers to immigration, followed by low barriers to immigration, followed by, in some cases, reactionary barriers to immigration.
>Adding Jews to the table really does nothing to explain this, if their control was so pervasive
Given that it was mostly liberal, leftist, and neoliberal politicians pushing for reductions in immigration barriers, it kind of does, though not in sense of a grand, orchestrated "Jewish" conspiracy, but rather that a cohesive ethnocentric and partisan group of people with a sympathetic narrative started to punch much harder than its weight.
>if their control was so pervasive we wouldn't even have the current American and European attitude shift towards stricter borders in the first place.
What do you think nearly every media, think tank, NGO, financial, and government institution is trying to do? The only way to prevent any reactionary sympathies from arising is by imposing authoritarian rule, which would immediately shatter the illusion of democracy.
Not really. The more diverse a population, easier it is to control, because infighting prevents solidarity against tyranny.
>Every race of capitalists wants this. In fact Western white people are some of the most pro capitalist in the world so this makes little sense.
A lot of pro-capitalist people aren't a fan of the government rigging labor markets against the worker, enabling the government to choose winners, or letting the government go far enough to destroy the native culture, so no.
>I don't think anybody except white nationalists considers the Holocaust a matter of "white guilt". It's very specific to Germany.
Then why is the Holocaust leveraged heavily in even American politics?
>So why don't Arab countries have more immigration?
Because there are no Jewish leaders in Arab countries, obviously. And you couldn't pay people to move to them, with the exception of some of the Gulf states.
>nepotistic cultures like India and Mexico
Jews are overrepresented even by merit. See Ron Unz's work.

>> No.12725657

>r*ddit posting
go back

>> No.12725665

You don't even know what Redditposting is, newfag. Neither of us did it.

>> No.12725689

>You don't
not me everyone
could be odd, you don't know
>even know what
this isn't a discussion of epistemology
>what Redditposting is
again, not an epistemological debate. you ARE r*ddit posting
>Neither of us
both of you
>Neither of us did it
yes you fucking did and it's beyond fucking annoying to post shit like this. just write a fucking normal paragraph for a response you mong.

>> No.12725713

>it's beyond fucking annoying to post shit like this. just write a fucking normal paragraph for a response you mong.
Discussing somebody on a contention by contention basis is the most rigorous way of doing something. Not every point deserves a paragraph.
>yes you fucking did it
You don't know what Redditposting is, stupid newfag.

Redditposting is when you use a new line after every quote or after mentioning a post. It's a habit of Redditors because if they didn't do that on Reddit, it would mess up the quote formatting. And they continue that habit here in the beginning because they don't know that that isn't necessary here for proper formatting.

Now go back to R*ddit where you can handle discourse more suited to your type of autism.

>> No.12725742

>uses r*ddit quote formating
>thinks he gets away with it cause he leaves out line breaks
no one here likes your kind

>> No.12725753
File: 6 KB, 225x225, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting triggered by people choosing to respond to the most salient arguments in somebody's posts instead of writing huge meandering walls of bullshit where they're not necessary
>trying to cope this hard for embarrassing himself as a newfag

>> No.12725772

if you can't write a coherent paragraph without autistic greentexting or writing a huge meandering walls of bullshit you do not have the intellectual capabilities for me to even try to help, so take the original suggestion and LEAVE

>> No.12725774

>Hurr yur wng cause u go 2 place
>you r frum place i won lisdin
Fucking retard. Live a long painful life.

>> No.12725792

Not him but that sort of posting is pretty standard on reddit

>> No.12725817

cringe, go take your meds before you hurt somebody.

people on Reddit do that because they like to snarkpost like >>12725689.

Both my interlocutor and I took the most salient points from our posts and addressed them accordingly. When you need to agree on the facts underpinning the discourse, then contention-by-contention posting is the most efficient way to do this. Once some agreement is reached, then it's actually worthwhile to write up one or several paragraphs engaging with each other's ideas on a holistic basis.

>> No.12725880
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Chink traps are cute and the tea is top notch

>> No.12725903

yeah good point I forgot how heavily academic discourse has relied on green texting

>> No.12725922

>missing the point this hard
>autism intensifies
cringe. we're not here to publish in a journal, anon.

>> No.12725934

no, you're here to redditpost on 4channel then sniff your own farts and wax about the efficiency and salience of your own redditposts

>> No.12725942
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>autism intensifies

>> No.12725954


Land is the patron saint of /lit/. There's no way around it.

>> No.12726128

I fear accelerating my psychotic disorders if I were to read his texts.

>> No.12726343
File: 7 KB, 380x133, wait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there're way too many...

report joyce threads for flooding

>> No.12726352

Accelerationism is cryptocancer.

>> No.12726397

But Land is the Eternal Boomer who never arrives from the Chinese past.

>> No.12726892

>And all of these wealthy countries had strict immigration standards until around the latter half of the 20th century.
I'm not against that under the necessary circumstances, though I think the average left winger doesn't actually want entirely open borders, just like most center right normies don't want zero immigration.

>I don't know where you got the idea that "demographic replacement" is a complicated explanation.
Demographic shifts are not, but the idea of a hidden conspiracy for even several centuries to impose it in multiple countries across dozens of countries in the Anglosphere and Europe is. Something that sort of irks me is the scale of these events are somewhat unspecified. Is it your average Jewish family or a group of elite Jews? People seem to imply the latter, but other than Soros few names are hinted. The nuance is seldom noted, it seems to be treating an entire race of 20 million Jews as guilty of a conspiracy despite cries that white people (rightly) don't deserve collective guilt.

When I look at the sort of claims levied at Jews in the middle ages (they drank Christian blood, desecrated hosts, poisoned wells, caused the plague, made pacts with Satan) I get suspicious. It seems to me like an old fashioned witch hunt being transplanted from a religious to a racial justification after biology became formalized.

>There were consistent trends across the Western world, with the exception of the Americas from 1850-1920.
But not in most Marxist countries where many reactionaries allege the Jews had greatest power.

>not in sense of a grand, orchestrated "Jewish" conspiracy, but rather that a cohesive ethnocentric and partisan group of people with a sympathetic narrative started to punch much harder than its weight.
But this assumes the Jews would be insulated from these negative effects despite mainly living in western countries. Israel is like 18% Muslim which is far higher than any European country. It doesn't fit the "internally homogeneous, externally cosmopolitan" narrative. Although I dislike Israel.

>What do you think nearly every media, think tank, NGO, financial, and government institution is trying to do?
Defining "the media" as liberal news outlets ignores that reactionaries have a giant presence on sites like YouTube which is honestly a lot more relevant nowadays imo. Even supposedly left wing hugboxes like Tumblr and Reddit have large reactionary parts.

>the more diverse a population, easier it is to control, because infighting prevents solidarity against tyranny.
As opposed to homogeneous states like North Korea? Even Japan and South Korea are far more authoritarian that the West.
>Then why is the Holocaust leveraged heavily in even American politics?
It's really not. I hear more about abortion, guns, healthcare, welfare, military spending, jobs, border control, gays, education, taxes, contraception, feminism, the environment, trade ... I hear pretty much anything more often than the Holocaust.