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12722358 No.12722358 [Reply] [Original]

What are some examples of the unreliable narrator done right?

>> No.12722393

The Possessed, The Devils, and Demons

>> No.12722397

Book of the New Sun

>> No.12722398

H.P. Lovecraft

>> No.12722471

Every book by Nabokov; nothing else save for arguably Gravity's Rainbow really counts .

>> No.12723327

fucking japs. so fucking dumb using subways. Like dont they know that they could just rely on highways and roads for almost all of their transportation.

I mean look at the united states, its fucking awesome how roads make up almost everything. I love all the traffic jams and cars that flood every area where signs of human life is.

>> No.12723330

Have you tried walking? I think you'd enjoy it.

>> No.12723345




>> No.12723351
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im jesting. I love walking. I think the way the United States has forced themselves down a path of reliance on automobiles is a tragic mis-step.

>> No.12723410

Walking is a lot worse when you're swamped with cars though.

>> No.12723741

Emma Zunz
Short story by Jorge Luis Borges

>> No.12723751

america is a lot larger than japan.. yeah so what new york and los angeles are populated. what about the other 99.9% of the landmass.

>> No.12724043

The murder of Roger Ackroyd

>> No.12724054
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>> No.12724059

That's true but even in the major cities, the public transportation is incredibly inefficient and underfunded.

>> No.12724104
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Dom Casmurro.
Read it and tell me if Capitu really betrayed him.
And also many other books by Machado de Assis. He was really good at unreliable narrators.

>> No.12724200


>> No.12725095

He does the same in The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas. Machado was pretty good in this shit, it's a pretty worthwhile read...