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12717935 No.12717935 [Reply] [Original]

Humor is a weapon of cowards
Irony is an armor of the weak
Sarcasm is a shield for the stupid

>> No.12717995

It is rather ironic and funny, at least in a sarcastic sense, how comedic this post is.

>> No.12718231

I appreciate you anon.

>> No.12718643



>> No.12718648

Society would unironically be better if comedy didn't exist.

>> No.12718659

And yet, you post a frog.

>> No.12718701
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irony has proven to be one of the most powerful pedagogical tools in human history.

>> No.12718709

thats subjective :^))))

>> No.12718719

Your mom is a sheath for my dick

>> No.12718739

It's funny to me how people get into political debates and arguments and think they have a signfiicant effect on the mainstream. For every person consuming this information, there's a thousand people getting their politics from their favourite entertainment celebrity and forming their political beliefs based on the comedy they consume. Debate, evidence, facts, arguments, articles are absolutely not anywhere as influential as the entertainment media people consume. The beliefs of people are not formed through these avenues but are instead fashion. They see what popular figured support, they look at what the members of social circle support, they subconsciously list what is mocked in the television they consume and that is what forms their view.

Politics is fashion and I don't see this changing. It is absolutely human nature.

Every day I hate democracy more.

>> No.12718786

>It is absolutely human nature.
It certainly is your nature it seems, this was not a political thread until you showed up.

>> No.12718794

Extremely high IQ take.

>> No.12720431

I don't care, I like humor. I like to laugh, and make others laugh. Actually, I like to make myself laugh more and don't care if anyone else gets it. It's even better if they don't.

>> No.12720444

same goes for you, bud

>> No.12720453

words will always fail us

>> No.12721164

This also works in reverse.
>comedy would ironically be better if society didn't exist

>> No.12721174
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And stagnant sentence formulations based an a rule-of-threes are crutches for the lexically disabled

>> No.12721203

only the most absurd things in human life are accompanied by extreme solemnity. war, religion, lots of modern politics. anything you can't make fun of, you best be sure that there is some insane motherfucking shit going down in that realm of thought.

psychopaths hate humor because they dont understand it. they feel no emotions.

4chan promotes psychopathy like all hell, by the way

>> No.12721230

Personae are divested here, that's all. The spirit toll that could not be exacted actually is exacted virtually and redirected toward, "taken out on," the other inhabitants of this website. It doesn't promote intentionally psychopathy, it lets psychopaths behave in a pathologically psychopathic way without recrimination. It only promotes psychopathic expression in people who are already psychopaths.

>> No.12721268

Psychopaths feel emotions, tard tranny

>> No.12721285

What if I were to derive humor from the sincere?
What would I be hiding behind, that made me then a coward?
If humor comes from a place that is true and joyful, instead of serving as a mask to touch up the reality of a circumstance, I truly believe that it has a right to be.
The statements about sarcasm and Irony are spot on, even though I enjoy them myself quite a bit.

>> No.12721308

Why can't my masks be truly joyful?

>> No.12721385

I would disagree. I think the main stream of undercurrents *energetically* behind much of 4chan is greatly psychopathic in nature. Psychopathy is enforced, and if you aren't at least posturing as a psychopath, it's likely you'll be attacked - but you'll be attacked either way. The 4chan flexing, the alienation that's indirectly promoted, the reducing of women down to flesh objects and the constant using images of their bodies without Any regard to the dehumanization it promotes.... I think 4chan not only attracts hikkikomori, but traps them, and worsens their problems, alienates them further from the human race, fucks up their grasp on how harmonious human existence could/is supposed to work. It's materialist capitalist (sorry) competitive ideologies applied to the internet world of young men who've been porn addicts (which also promotes psychopathic dehumanization) since age 10, on steroids. The people I know personally in life who have used 4chan for years and continue to are very deeply troubled, angry, repressed, emotionally-jilted people. I don't think it's a fucking joke at all. But it operates with very little self awareness as to how fucked up it all is, and the long term damage on the human social structure that it can create in its users.

"But I'm liable to be called insane for saying that. That's what's insane about it."

>> No.12721387

thanks for the thread

>> No.12721407

Fucking with people is not inherently psychopathic. You out yourself as a sniveling liberal (in the broad sense) when you use words like "dehumanization." There are no humans here, this place is an illusion. I don't even take the arguments I take seriously here seriously. Your 4chan-using "friends" are idiots or psychopaths themselves.

>> No.12721412

I didn't say truly joyful, this might totally be the case and don't have the right to deny it in front of you.
I claimed that they can't be true and joyful, as a mask is inherantly an untrue projection you put on towards others.

>> No.12721423

what of thersites and the jokes and jibes heroes make at slain enemies in iliad?

>> No.12721426

t. Dwight Schrute.

>> No.12721435

But the truth is that I value having the mask more than giving my sincere self out rashly and hastily. The untruthfulness of my mask is the truth of my sincerity.

>> No.12721441

It's called being social.

>> No.12721447

What I'm doing or what you're advocating?

>> No.12721451
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>there are no humans here, this place is an illusion

sounds like something a psychopath would say

>> No.12721463
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I'm deeply saddened that some people here actually believe that comedy should die.
Because it is actually dying due to PC.

>> No.12721484

Prescribe your own snake oil, pal. The possibility of sincerity is paid for with the social capital of vacuous and easily digestible opinions. I don't plan on reforming myself into a category any time soon.

>> No.12721493

That feeling, of you wanting to put out rather the mask than your true self is perfectly fine.
But the sentiment of wanting to put on a mask is sincere, not the mask itself.
Good points all around though, I will reconsider

>> No.12721507

without sincerity, we want to die

humor is essential to life. only humans laugh, not animals, because animals are not capable of experiencing the type of existential suffering humans go through on a daily basis. humor is empowering, relieves tension, makes sense of things, and brings people together. the more that real humor gets buried in a society, the more fucked that society is. there used to be quite a lot more actually funny media in the West, but, with the internet (besides some underground type funny meme-ology), the PC movement is at an all time high, and everyone is more self conscious than ever. Not a good direction to go in.

>> No.12721527
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>> No.12721562


I think it makes users feel like the types of selfish-competitive-nihilistic sentiments engendered here are normal and essential to life

>> No.12722569

>first time I've ever seen a female as the inventor of something on wikipedia I was actually researching (as opposed to reading "top 10 female inventions"

>> No.12722578

Hell yeah

>> No.12722611

based but your picture still sucks

>> No.12722736

That's funny

>> No.12723469

Is this pasta or just galloping faggotry?