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1271784 No.1271784 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1271786


Seriously man, Arthur C. Clarke is fucking terrible

>> No.1271788

oh you.

>> No.1271791

I haven't read the book, but for the film to pale in comparasison to it, it must be one of the very best novels in history.

Anywa, 7/10. Populist trolling is the only trolling that almost gets to me.

>> No.1271806

Yeah, I'll agree with 7/10. This is a good troll thread.

Artisically, Kubrick is so much more talented than Clarke it's not even funny. He took a mediocre book that had a good idea in it, gutted out the good idea from the terrible dialogue and awful storytelling, and made one of the best movies of all time.

>> No.1271810
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The book was written as an adaptation of the screenplay.

It's a good book.
Even better are the other books in the series, my favorite being the last.

>> No.1271811


>> No.1271833

Never Let Me Go.

There was so many things wrong with the film. They cut out all the minor scenes that gave meaning to the major scenes in the movie so nothing makes sense.

Like the fact that they never mentioned Norfolk so when the ending happened at Kathy was standing at the fence, she out of nowhere says that she imagines that everything she'd lost would appear there. It ends up looking really cheesy and stupid.

And don't get me started on how ugly Keira Knightly was and how badly they butchered Ruth's relationship with Kathy in order to make the plot follow a standard romance story.

>> No.1271849

The Outsides

fucking amazing book made into an absolute shit movie.

>> No.1271877

Harry Potter number 4

I stopped caring about the movies after that one

>> No.1271882

The Hours

The dialogue in the book doesn't translate well into a movie and the film had no sense of building up to an expression of emotion.

Not Books but Watchmen and Whiteout were horrible films that didn't get the comic at all.

>> No.1271885

The Picture of Dorian Gray

I just pretend that the new movie is a satirization of Oscar Wilde's work.

>> No.1271899

They could've done so much with the story, characters and ideas, but it just became a 19th Century action movie, which is never good.

>> No.1272758

There's like 8 or so movie adaptions of that one.

>> No.1272768


Oh god that new movie was so awful I cried a little. When the painting actually went BOO... oh, my soul...

>> No.1272773
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5/10 because too obvious.

>> No.1272807
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>> No.1272914
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>> No.1272920

Ugh, yeah

Stephen Daldry is linked to film adaptations of every book ever to get an impulse-buy display at Barnes and Noble in the past decade and I dread it all

>> No.1272935

Timeline by Michael Crichton.

Both Clive Cussler books that got turned into movies.