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/lit/ - Literature

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12717294 No.12717294 [Reply] [Original]

how do we fix /lit/?

>> No.12717305

Apply as a janitor fren

>> No.12717308

The pay doesn't suit me.

>> No.12717310
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>Says as he indulges in jezebele posting.
get saged denisovan nigger faggot.

>> No.12717311

Purge the gays, the trannies, the niggers, and the frog posters

>> No.12717315

t. incel

>> No.12717316

How to acquire Muslim gf?

>> No.12717322

They like money

>> No.12717330

There needs to be some sort of posting lock that comes with posting on /pol/ or /r9k/. If you post on either of those boards, you can't post on /lit/ or any other board on 4chan for the next 24 hours. Is that possible? Could you implement that?

>> No.12717337
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>> No.12717341
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the time for dionysian lit posting is nigh

>> No.12717391


kill your family and then yourself, OP

>> No.12717491

By making me moderator.

>Says as he indulges in frog posting

>> No.12717502

Throw out the redditors and anyone who cares about politics

>> No.12717543


ban capitalist cucks, americans, and /pol/posters

>> No.12717553

Instant ban for the following phrases

>what are some books?
>imagine thinking this
>books for this feel?

I’m sure others could come up with many more of these repetitive, formulaic low effort posts

>> No.12717582

Whatever happened to autobans? They used to be fairly common but I'm not sure anything earns you an automatic ban any more.

For that matter, what happened to public bannings?

>> No.12717585

purge trannys and /po/lacks

>> No.12717607


>> No.12717615

Frogposting is redpilled.
Tripfagging on the other hand...

>> No.12717633

Ban any OP under forty words

>> No.12717645

Current /lit/ somehow manages to be more pretentious than /mu/, more pathetic than /r9k/ and more retarded than /x/ all at the same time, easily among the top 5 worst SFW boards in its current state.

>> No.12717650

There's nothing to fix.

>> No.12717655

Make me moderator.

Report low quality threads autistically.

Post high quality content regularly.

Encourage OC.

It's all very straight forward, but nobody wants to take the time to do it. This board is much too fast too, it discourages people from making thought out posts because they are too often ignored in favour of shitty low quality rage-bait. One thing moderators could do would be to regularly sticky high quality threads and encourage AMA's with upcoming authors and naive boomers.

>> No.12717663

>One thing moderators could do would be to regularly sticky high quality threads and encourage AMA's with upcoming authors and naive boomers.
This why you shouldn't be mod. I don't think lit has a dedicated mod anyway.

>> No.12717665

Also bump threads where the OP is related to a SPECIFIC book. Doesn't matter what book, as long as it's not a meme.

>> No.12717666

Pill posting is polfaggotry

Tripping on the other hand, well that’s very lit.

>> No.12717681


>> No.12717684
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Digits confirm your argument is manipulative and dangerous.

>> No.12717693

I hate Butterfly, but in this regard she's correct. The minute somebody posts a thread that says "Redpill me on _______", you know you're dealing with a fucking brainlet. Talk like a normal human being if you want to ask me a question. The Matrix was a mediocre movie anyway, and both sequels were shit.

>> No.12717694

It’s the truth. Lots origins were full of trips, not poltards

>> No.12717696

Read interesting books. Make intelligent threads about them. Ask evocative questions that encourage quality participation.

>> No.12717698

I'm not saying it should be regular, but that thread where one anon uploaded Kissenger's thesis, for example, should have been stickied for a couple of days at least.

As for getting writers here, there's lots of elderly and somewhat naive authors out there who have no idea what 4chan even is. It would be funny to make them think is Reddit or something

>> No.12717702

There's too much low-effort shit. I've gone into threads with the intention of putting some effort into a post but when I see it's nothing but /pol/shit I don't bother.

Also /lit/ is too pretentious - people here tend to be chronically afraid of being called a pseud which tanks a lot of discussion before it starts

>> No.12717704
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Ban all leftists and college indoctrinated Marxists. Ban all mentions of Infinite Jest and anything by Kafka. Unban me from mobile.

>> No.12717707

>Kissinger was born Heinz Alfred Kissinger in Fürth, Bavaria, Germany in 1923 to a family of German Jews.[12]

>> No.12717710

remember in 2009 when we tried to fix /b/

>> No.12717718

tk him to da you know where is still an autoban

>> No.12717726 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12717741

ban this guy>>12717707

>> No.12717755

/lit/ is worth saving in a way /b/ never was.

>> No.12717756

This is something to consider. Does /lit/ have a dedicated mod? If it doesn't, maybe it deserves one. The board's faster than it used to be and gets more traffic, it might need a dedicated mod.

>> No.12717778

THank you for your service anon

>> No.12717787

Additionally, there should be more general threads which can be used and renewed to contain some of the regular threads that are made multiple times a day: poetry general, christian general, generals for certain schools of philosophy (especially the less compatible ones so there is less enflaming), postmodern general, political general (I know this would get pushback but there is an audience and pol is not the place for them), Western/Eastern generals, etc. By all means suggest more, I'm just spitballing because all of these are scattered in the /lit/le breeze nightly and could be consolidated to make room for other thread ideas or even contain some problem topics. The janitors are fine with some of the regular general threads like the tapirs and sci-fi/fantasy ones but will easily prune others that are growing in popularity seemingly because it "ain't their /lit/".
Also the board could really use less agitant posters like the tripfags--they only halt discussion to turn half the threads they reply to into arguments between several posters, which kills threads. If you aren't the target poster for a thread maybe don't go in to prove how much smarter you think you are because you have a different opinion. Don't avoid dissent, but don't post just to cause conflict either. If you have an opinion that doesn't gel with a thread topic: explain it reasonably and refute rebuttals calmly instead of falling into the trap of insulting one another. Usually it is better just agree to disagree and move on, as it is hard to change opinions over the internet.

>> No.12717803

I respect your argument anon, and I don't want to violate the very spirit of it by disagreeing; but I disagree.

Because it's anonymous, 4chan is one of the last places where disagreements are not so treacherous. The identity of the speaker, irrelevant to the conversation, neither augments the meaning of his words nor is affected by the outcome of his argument. In the humanities, a place like this is sorely needed, and 4chan is one of the only ones left.

You're right that we all need to work hard to make sure that our motives for disagreeing are pure and the content of our arguments is thoughtful, but I want to be careful that this board does not censure disagreement itself.

>> No.12717823

You can't fix it. Honest thought and deep reading are at forever at odds with 4chan debates and Google/Wikipedia.

The only way this board would work is if all participants used trips and had no access to other internet pages.

>> No.12717862
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Make me moderator and the good I can do to this board will by far outweigh the possible bad.
Pick related,
>the state of /lit/ right now

>> No.12717872

You can't blame mods for this, imagine trying to prune 9/10 threads.

>> No.12717880

doesn't change the outcome

>> No.12717881

[left - right, top - bottom, counting stickey]
What's wrong with 3, 4, 6, 14?

>> No.12717882
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>> No.12717885

Generals are shit and you should be killed
>philosophy general
It's called >>>/his/

>> No.12717891

Her foot has a lovely arch

>> No.12717895

similar to mine

>> No.12717896

>4/14 threads are acceptable
>3/4 of the acceptable threads have 10 or fewer replies

>> No.12717914

No posts, and the "do you read in the morning" is just typical lifestyle posting.

That's why these limp wristed yellow bellied pussies should make me mod, I would have no problem deleting half of the threads on this board right now. Will it make the board dramatically slower? Of course. Is that a bad thing? No.

>> No.12717922

this. /lit/ would benefit by concentrating those who come here. either you like the community or you don't.

>> No.12717929

Not enough people read books to talk about books in a place like this. Nobody even likes talking about books because it's all very personal and private. The best place to talk about a book is to read about it in other books.

It is what it is.

>> No.12717931

More YA less pretentious shit

>> No.12717934

When I become a mod I'm going to ban your stupid tripfag ass, dumb faggot.

>> No.12718003

Mods are scared of lit. There are, under the pseud shit posters, some anons who read to autistic levels and understand the subtleties of canon. If you report them for posting Lolita or whatever and the thread gets deleted, they not only write the thread up again with more condescension, but also educate the mods on literature and their lack of taste and basic knowledge, at length. The people who want mods are here usually because they come from curated places that are like a Skinner box, which leads to mediocre quality but very little low or high quality. They assume that /lit/ can be curated to contain only its greater highs, and that the antisocial autists who spend years reading in dead languages would really take their opinion to be of equal worth. They forget that autists are gonna autist regardless of how many times they need to reset their router to tell you why you are wrong about Nabokov's minor Russian and major English works.

The same thing happens with the people who want philosophy gone so that the board is purely fiction. They mistake the well read autists for being on their side, and then receive 350+ posts from the autists explaining why everything they ever loved in fiction is touched by philosophy and how the autists will gladly put every fiction work so touched on the bonfire if the philosophy books are going.

Most of the people complaining about low effort bullshit at best can bait an autist into producing thought out and well researched posts, but they can't make them off their own bat. If they could, they'd be writing monographs instead of complaining of quality being at the behest of others. I think a lot of such complaints also come from people who cry a little when some sperger anon shows up to give them the complete rundown on why their ideas are wrong and show they are only monolinguals. People concerned with policing lit don't just mean "stop people liking what I don't like" but also "please stop this guy from doing a close reading on my ignorance and its origins"
>tl;dr- I don't think the mod would be able to live with it
>This one thread I like should have been stickied
That's not really how it works. Even when mods don't sticky a prominent author's death, anon will force bump the thread with autism. There are archives, with far more interesting threads than only that one, and the competition for the first page against all other threads in many ways resembles harassing an editor. The moments of brilliance on this board, more often than not, come because of tenacity.

>> No.12718012

what a HUNK
i would ban anyone for you

>> No.12718032

This. Muslims should have lower post cool down times too, inshallah

>> No.12718037

I hope Jew identifying becomes permanent.

>> No.12718110
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Threads like pic related have zero value, stop pretending dishonestly that they do anything but drown out actually interesting conversations as though wallowing in shit is a sign of intelligence.

>That's not really how it works. Even when mods don't sticky a prominent author's death, anon will force bump the thread with autism
Most of the 300+ post threads are low effort shit like "books about why woman are such whores?". A good garden needs cultivation, anon.

>> No.12718118

I wish my browser would alert me to Jewish authorship the same as it does potential malware intrusions.

>> No.12718127

This. But we can still clown around and intellectually explore the jewish problem.

>> No.12718129

More genre fiction and less gay philosophy.

I just want to discuss Sanderson books.

>> No.12718132

Get the coincidence detector app.

>> No.12718133

ip ban the bible trolls

>> No.12718135

I entirely agree with your stance on anonymous disagreement, but I don't think you grasp the problem in its entirety, nor do I think I explained it well enough.
Thoughtful disagreement is recommended, but namefagging and disagreeing with something you have no interest in discussing like the tripfags love to do on Christian advice threads is purely unconstructive and facetious. Their stances are well known, as are their stubbornness, but they do not go to these threads to change minds. They go to these threads to enrage minds, which is fine in anonymity because it gives the illusion of a whisper in the noise and just another opinion floating around, yet if you attend any of these threads you see the same few posters just killing discussions because it doesn't match their "sky fairy not real" stance. Sometimes they surprise you with an actual argument for their stance, but usually it's something like ">believing in flying beard man in the year that it happens to be" rather than a treatise on the idea or whatnot.
There will always be dissent on things like religion or competing philosophies, but it does no good to try and assassinate threads because you disagree with the idea they are portraying. That is the antithesis of growth of an idea or discussion: the online equivalent of shouting someone out of the restaurant because you couldn't agree on an appetizer. A reasonable person would state why bread and butter is their choice and their guest would rebut that a salad is the healthier choice, as opposed to a contest of who can yell BREAD or SALAD loudest and with the most spite.
I know I'm being hopeful by assuming people could conduct themselves with reason here, but this is a thread to fix lit, not a thread to complain about what's wrong without forwarding a solution. Thanks for your thoughtful response, glad we could discuss this.

>> No.12718143

Let's do an experiment: go onto /his/ or /pol/ and try to start a thread discussing the merits or failings of 60's foreign policy and count the number of slurs in the first 10 replies. If the amount is greater than 1 then you have discovered why a literary based discussion on a thoughtful board is superior to an opinionated take on killing locals in Vietnam. Mention your reading material that you would like to discuss and they send you here. Try and make a thread here and they send you there. Rinse and repeat.
Generals are necessary and your argument is worthless. I hope you don't kill yourself so that you have to live with the rage and pain.

>> No.12718157

>Threads like pic related have zero value
No, this is where you're wrong. You lack the creative autism to make them relevant. It's not a shortcoming in the thread, because whether Schopenhauer is the most evil man in history has been discussed at length. The anon that cites Hegel as more evil is being blatant in his references, but there are thousands of more subtle ways around it which are more canonical. Your problem is that you haven't read any of those and so you cannot contribute meaningfully. That does not mean that there is no valid literature on the subject. It just means you don't know of it.
>Most of the 300+ post threads are low effort shit like "books about why woman are such whores?". A good garden needs cultivation, anon
>I really like the sound of that "mediocrity without the highs or lows" curated space
There are thousands of those you can fuck off to if you think that grass is greener. It's not, but it won't require you to read from Kant and Goethe to Edith "fuck me daddy" Templeton to explain why Schopenhauer may or may not be evil, which I think you might prefer.

>> No.12718243

By supporting effort posting

>> No.12718495
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You want to get the frog curse like hilldawg did? You watch your khazar mouth, youll never be a jannie.

>> No.12718501

t. Yahudi

>> No.12718508

Same way you fix a dog or cat, if we can't breed the suffering will end.

>> No.12718514

Delete all iq threads.

>> No.12718570

The mods need to stop being such busybodies. If you occasionally allow a few slightly off topic threads the people in those threads have less time to post their dumb shit in all the other threads. The dumb cunts need to stop deleting threads that are on topic too. There's clearly a political bent in the moderation.

>> No.12718642

close it down, buttershit turned this place into her social media profile and she's so persistent, it ruins posting for everyone else.

>> No.12718665

her life must be one lonely mess :(

>> No.12718700

Ban the butterfly and have the monk man made the sole moderator of the board.

>> No.12718750

I'm surprised he's still around. I had him filtered for weeks now and I'll still see him occasionally replying to me with the dumbest shit.

>> No.12718844

You're right but philosophy niggers still deserve shot

>> No.12718846

LMAO that last sentence after all of this butthurt.
>generals are good!
Get out newfag >>>/his/

>> No.12718866
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>Make me moderator.
>Report low quality threads autistically.
>Post high quality content regularly.

>> No.12718875

Reddit seriously need to fuck off.

>> No.12719721

I've never applied to be one.
Not a Khazar either.