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12715902 No.12715902 [Reply] [Original]

Was he the Nietzsche of the 20th century?

>> No.12715912

Lol, no.

Stop posting your dumb "philosophers", frog. You're so full of yourself that you can't help but talk about your dumb country all the time.

>> No.12715928

France has the strongest literary tradition, deal with it.

>> No.12715931

I get the feeling this is the same autist who spammed bukowski and whitehead.

>> No.12715950

Kek, the only thing that matters is that you believe it, cuck.

>> No.12715952

Not even true

>> No.12715977

>La Rouchefoucald
>Barbey d'Aurevilly
>Villiers de L'Isle-Adam
>Des Forêts

>> No.12715981

Woah, the meme list again. Fuck off retard.

>> No.12715986

imagine being named Some Forests lmao

>> No.12715987


>> No.12716165

In quantity absolutely but at the very top they're surprisingly bare considering how many great writers they have.

>> No.12716181


>> No.12716193


>> No.12716209


>> No.12716213
File: 46 KB, 960x960, 1542603700603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw never going to smoke a joint with Baudrillard and yell at Disney films

>> No.12716310

He was Nietschean of 21st century

>> No.12716451

>consumerism is a simulation LMAO
wow really deep

>> No.12716477

damn that reminds me there is a meme i want to make of Baudrillard

>> No.12716483


>> No.12716536

thats not even remotely close to his thought

>> No.12716574

And not a single one worth spit.

>> No.12716606

My friend I fear that anon has, in fact, not read the book.

>> No.12716708
File: 6 KB, 344x146, mathew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We he right about post modern philosophy?

>> No.12716712
File: 357 KB, 818x1428, 15421535991321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's smoking the white man's drug, brainlet.

>> No.12716720

Had a dream once that I was in a museum and Baudrillard was the guide, but it was a virtual representation of him.

Wonder if he would've found that funny

>> No.12716723

Tobacco was first used medicinally and recreationally by non-whites. The first recorded use of marijuana is by the Scythians around 400 BC. They're not white either, but certainly whiter than native americans.

>> No.12716762

Tobacco was the key that unlocked the white brain. Without tobacco, we would have never had an industrial revolution.

>> No.12716773

There is no way to tell or prove definitely what "would have happened" had this or that particular event not taken place, or taken place differently, or taken place at a slightly different time, etc. As if there were any way to test historical hypotheses. It's nugatory onanism and I won't indulge in it. The fact remains that tobacco was discovered by non-whites, is used by billions of non-whites daily, and didn't really even get to white people until the actually white Europeans got it from the Spaniards. Adderall is a much more white drug.

>> No.12716780
File: 242 KB, 918x1035, nicotine and brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But we can speculate.

>> No.12716798

its pronounced knee-ch-eh you fucking tards

>> No.12716811
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>> No.12716817


>> No.12716842
File: 743 KB, 1920x1200, orgy of the will.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Alex kierkegaard / icycalm is the 21st century Nietzsche.

>> No.12716853
