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12714965 No.12714965 [Reply] [Original]

What is the comfiest book you have ever read? Why did it make you feel that way?

>> No.12714980
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The Fellowship of the Ring

because Tolkien is the greatest of all time

>> No.12715001

War and peace, because it was like someone's memories of being young and the early 19th century was really the last time the world was normal. There is nothing more comfy than the part where the Rostovs are away at their place in the woods

>> No.12715007

The Odyssey. It's all about that homeward journey, my man, what could be more comfy than home? T.E. Lawrence translation is a really comfy read as well

>> No.12715011

Incel term. pathetic.

>> No.12715016


>> No.12715019

Incel is an incel term

>> No.12715027

Tove Jansson’s stories. They’re usually calm, with oblique depth.

There are moments of comfy, but also high tension action

>> No.12715032

Stock NPC dialogue. Pathetic.

>> No.12715035

Is it true? Are you impersonating butterfly? Take a pic for me to prove it’s you


>> No.12715046 [SPOILER] 
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No it’s not true, I am still her, no I’m not a camwhore

>> No.12715057

Not saying you are. Would you text me pics if I posted my number

>> No.12715063

seething incel term. pathetic.

>> No.12715067

Careful, now. You need to specify what SORT of pictures you want her to text you. She could text you anything. She might text you pictures of cats.

>> No.12715073

Do you have a cat? :3

>> No.12715112

he is impersonating butterfly that's why he hasn't posted a new pic for years.

>> No.12715114
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Some heartbreakingly sad stories in this but there’s one story The Bezhin Meadow about a hunter getting lost in the woods and he happens upon a bunch of peasant kids taking the village’s horses out to pasture overnight. They make a campfire and the Hunter lies down by it and listens to the peasant kids tell each other ghost stories by the campfire.
Maximum comf

>> No.12715122

Dostoevsky's House of the Dead is super comfy. Not really a plot based book. Just a bunch of psychological sketches
>tfw you will never have a good natured tartar bff

>> No.12715208

Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami.

>> No.12715263

I didn't care much for the rest of the book, but the segments in American Gods that dealt with Shadow laying low during the winter in that village was really cozy. Speaking of Gaiman, I also really enjoyed "The Ocean at the End of the Lane" in this regard; it carried and sense of nostalgia that permeated every scene and made for a very memorable experience.
"La Colmena" by Camilo José Cela was also a pretty cozy view of the decrepit Spain of the 40s after the Spanish Civil War.

>> No.12715267
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Great answer. While reading it couldn't wait to get back to it while at work, sadly read it in about three days, though..
For me, pic'd. Boswell's style and just the general intimacy of human relationships back then (feeling apart of it if only for a little while) is just one aspect of what made this book so comfy for me. Sir Thomas Hoby's translation of Castiglione's The Book of the Courtier is up there too.

>> No.12715270

Sounds excellent; thanks for bringing this book to my attention, anon.

>> No.12715562

I’m not here for a hookup nor do I care to prove myself in any other way. For an anonymous cult of NPC-dom you sure demand a lot of the named.
No one pretends to be me for more than the space of a joke.

I have not been able to have a cat in years. Ody (Odysseus) was the last one.

>> No.12715845

Mason & Dixon

>> No.12715866

Please butterfly, it’s always just me. I’m just one person. It’s never anyone else ;_; it’s just... me.

That’s cool about the cat and everything...

>> No.12715872

Also I just wanted a more up to date pic. I would be the one posting the phone number. Not you

>> No.12715940

Farmer in the sky is very comfy

>> No.12716014
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Because prison makes you want to try doing things that you couldn't be arsed to do out on the street. This book gave me so much spirituality.

>> No.12716106

Book of Disquiet.

It's a book entirely about observing others. You can people-watch from the comfort of your reading spot

>> No.12716265
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The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis is the most comfy book ever written

>> No.12717125

East of Eden. I read it at the perfect time in my life, and it was my first "big boy" book besides 1984. Truly wonderful cross-generational masterpiece.

Also, Cannery Row.

>tfw no chums to go frog hunting with

>> No.12717149

Moby-Dick. Just some bois going on sea adventures and meeting interesting people.

>> No.12717203

unironically reading a retard who tryed to get dosto #metoo'd in the 19 century

>> No.12717209

Stoner. Only because everytime his wife started bitching you know he ended up raping her. Based mgtow Stoner.

>> No.12717221


>> No.12717236

i'll send you a pic of of a dogs dick

>> No.12717338

Not that poster, but Turgenev flipped out after Dostoevsky criticized Fathers and Sons, spreading rumors that Dosto was a child rapist. Regardless, Turgenev's short stories are comfy as fuck, although Mumu is one of the saddest things I've ever read.

>> No.12717587

>fucking Boswell
Breddi sure it was Boswell that exchanged a bunch of letters with another edgy faggot regarding Edmund Burke - until, one day, one of them met him and then commented:
>one could not spend five minutes of silence under a canopy escaping the rain with the man but realize that one was in the presence of greatness
or some such gibberish. Forgive my lack of verbatim as I recount this from a memory of great years passage. The Boswell letters are worth reading.

>> No.12717595

I will bonify this. He is not me. I being the one into perpetuity named "buttmad".

>> No.12717602

There is no prison angle, but anyone interested in food should read One Straw Revolution. It is fucking compelling. He even blows the lid off of the rice paddy scam. Spoiler: it's not the ancient traditional methodology as it is presented to us. A truly amazing piece of work from a man trying to reclaim his heritage.

>> No.12717612

>entirely about observing others
I know jack shit about your book but The Spycraft Manual: The Insider's Guide to Espionage Techniques by Barry Davies is the penultimate text on spying that is available to the general public. Read it and prepare to be disappointed by every Hollywood spy movie forever.

>> No.12717620

>>tfw no chums to go frog hunting with
I would have taken you, fren. There were three of us. I do not lament the lack of ever had a brotherhood of frog hunters - only the fact that they grew out of a desire to stalk through the murky water with algae bloom up to our noses well before I did.

>> No.12717642

One Day in the Life of Ivan....
The man had to endure an incredible amount but still managed to survive. Shows the resourcefulness, camaraderie, and humanity of those in low places.

>> No.12717677

catcher in the rye is pretty comfy

>> No.12717690

Tale of Genji. It just goes on and on. It has its fair share of ups and downs, yet it's just keeps rolling on. And, when you do reach a peak, a feeling of gratification overwhelms you.

>> No.12718025

Read the Sun Also Rises for a college class. Woke up early one morning. Had some coffee and smoked a cigarette in my room as I read. The sun rose outside, the window was open so the morning cool drove me to put on a blanket. I read the part where the MC goes fishing, pulls out some wine from the river where he stuck it to cool. Easily the most comfy I have ever been while reading.

>> No.12718131

that is my go to comfy spring book

>> No.12718165
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Pickwick must be the most good humoured and gentle book ever written. Every page has laughs and feels and general zest for life. There's not a single moment of cruelty or cynicism in the whole thing. 900 pages of friendship and food

>> No.12718900

The Journals vary in quality but the first London Journal's rather fun- after an intimately described night with a whore he gets the clap and pretty much spends the rest of the journal recuperating..

>> No.12718914

Thanks anon, I have noticed there's a copy in my house.

>> No.12718933

I think the river setting was the best part of the whole book. The constant drinking started to get on my nerves towards the end though

>> No.12719129

being a tripfag is the same principle as being a camwhore. You're still seeking attention. Also good taste for Tove, Summer Book was great, and Moomin is peak winter comfy.

>> No.12720498
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Who is Butterfly?

>> No.12720507

This. Why would you use a tripcode other than for attention seeking?

>> No.12720565

Hasn’t anyone read Growth of the Soil? Is it as comfy as it sounds?

>> No.12720609

Posting anything, anonymously or not, is the same principle as being a camwhore. You’re still seeking attention.

Nobody really. I matter most to myself of course, so some sadsacks feel I’m unreasonably egocentric. Offline I’m a bit mousy

I would rather use just the name sans trip, but anon is a rat. I use it primarily for myself. You are all free to ignore or even filter as you see fit. I do not have the same luxury unfortunately.

>> No.12721003

Also my go-to comfy book, I've read it a few times.
I also nominate Moby Dick, Lucky Jim, and Beware of Pity

>> No.12721167

Don Quixote is top tier comfy
Also it's not a book but the first 40 odd pages of The Dead are the absolute comfiest thing ever. Such a perfect story

>> No.12721209

Barth’s sot weed factor
Loved the whole story, great characters, super funny moments. Barth’s writing in that book is so beautiful