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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 107 KB, 650x1040, Stoner_2048x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12713872 No.12713872[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what are some books incels will NEVER EVER EVER understand?

pic very much related

>> No.12713875
File: 18 KB, 220x369, 220px-Lolita_1955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12713880

All of them because incels aren't humans

>> No.12713881
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>muh incels

>> No.12713887

t. incel

>> No.12713908

The entire point of literature is to read another person's view and maybe even empathize. You don't have to be a nigger to like Song of Solomon or whatever. Stoner and Lolita are books /lit/ likes a lot, you think everyone here has a pretty active sex life? lmao

>> No.12713931

You seem like a bitter incel. You may like those books but you'll never understand them because no woman will ever love you so you can not relate.

>> No.12714422

Insecure, are you?

>> No.12714438

>missing the point this bad
>you'll never understand them because no woman will ever love you so you can not relate.

>> No.12714439

Reading and perceiving is not inherently the same as understanding.

>> No.12714448

Are you? Why the bitter thread? Did an incel steal your boyfriend or something?

>> No.12714457

>you need to be a peadophile to understand Lolita

>> No.12714463

Go back

>> No.12714465

Nice attempt to twist the conversation, incel.
>Did an incel steal your boyfriend or something?
Haha, is that your dream?

>> No.12714471

t. incel

>> No.12714475


>> No.12714481

I'm an incel and I'm pretty sure I understood Stoner. Maybe I have an advantage because I'm so sensitive. I cried when Argos died in the Odyssey.

>> No.12714497

Not exactly. You could have at any point caught yourself fantasizing. Or you could have a daughter, for example.

Certainly someone who has never experienced life will not truly understand it.

>> No.12714499

imagine being such a fucking loser that you resent incels and take great pride in an activity of which 99% of humanity partakes. op is either a roastie or one of those weird normalshit redditors who spends all their time thinking about incels.

>> No.12714506

You replying won't change the fact that you're an incel. I mean, it's clear if just the general accusation riles you up enough to respond.

>> No.12714515

Everyone has experienced life one way or another. That's a spook.

>> No.12714520

>An incel calling non-incels losers

That's gold.

>> No.12714522

>the real losers are the ones with normal social lives
cope harder incel

>> No.12714523

Am I an incel if I've been hit on by a couple of skanky emo chicks but I was too afraid of my family finding out to take it any further?

>> No.12714532

I'm not, though? I hate plebbit incels as much as the next guy but I want these millennial buzzwords out of my board, besides being just detrimental to the issue. Fuck incels and fuck you, too.

>> No.12714533

Wtf is reddit down or something?

>> No.12714543

these people have been here for a while, it's either fat women or extremely beta men

>> No.12714545

If you're young, don't take it personally. You can use the label to push yourself into a more pro-active lifestyle and better your life.

>> No.12714556

>Highlights posts critical to beta-males
>Ignores posts of insecurity and inceldom
Hm... really made me think.

>> No.12714557

t. Roastie

>> No.12714568

>If you're not an incel or pro-incel you're a roastie
Is this cope-posting?

>> No.12714574

Some guy got laid one time and is posting incessantly about ‘incels’ as if the handjob he got makes him feel any better

>> No.12714579


>> No.12714581

being a woman is infinitely less shameful than being an incel

>> No.12714587

being a fat woman is like being a slug

>> No.12714591

t. incels

>> No.12714592

>fallacy-coping incel logic

>> No.12714605

being an incel is like being slug that can't even fulfill his primary biolgocial mission.

even chris chan got laid.

>> No.12714617

t. guy who received a cheap handjob last Sunday night

>> No.12714625

>what are some books normalfags will NEVER EVER EVER understand?

Literally all of them.

Imagine being such a pleb that you think you have to experience something to understand it. Imagine not realizing that all great writers and thinkers were, to varying degrees, deficient in this area, and that all the world's greatest art and thought and culture was produced precisely because of this deficiency!

Here, let's see what Nietzsche had to say about this subject:

>Homer would not have created Achilles and Goethe would not have created Faust, if Homer had been an Achilles and Goethe a Faust. A perfect and complete artists is cut off from the "real" and the actual for all eternity.

>It is always as it was between Achilles and Homer: one person has the experience, the sensation, the other describes it. A real writer only gives words to the affects and experiences of others; he is an artist in divining a great deal from the little that he has felt. Artist are by no means people of great passion, but they frequently present themselves as such, unconsciously sensing that others give greater credence to the passions they portray if the artist's own life testifies to his experience in this area. We need only let ourselves go, not control ourselves, give free play to our wrath or our desire, and the whole world immediately cries: how passionate he is! But there really is something significant in a deeply gnawing passion that consumes and often swallows up an individual: whoever experiences this surely does not describe it in dramas, music, or novels. Artists are frequently unbridled individuals, insofar, that is, as they are not artists: but that is something different.

But what would he know? He died a virgin.

>> No.12714637

Same her when I was in highschool and beginning of college. Then I settled down.

The "in" in incel stands for involuntary and I would say yours is voluntary.

>> No.12714638

t. guy who didn't receive a handjob ever.

>> No.12714650

Let's say that this poster did somehow fit your fallacious assumption (though it's more of a coping mechanism disguised as a genuine attack) and he did only get one hand-job in his life and decided to start bragging about it (a premise which of course is highly unlikely).
He would still be more respectable than an incel.

>> No.12714667
File: 42 KB, 638x666, vbrglluu4w701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incels are more like spiders or something, they arent sluglike how fat women are

>> No.12714674

that's where you're wrong kid, lmao

>> No.12714673

haha you replied to my spam i win *posts the same thing 200 times a day for years*

>> No.12714694

>I t-t-totally had sex g-guys... I just spend all my time defending the honor of incels
>there's nothing to be ashamed in being afraid to talk to a woman as a 30yo neet who lives in his moms basement.
lmao indeed my friend lmao indeed.

>> No.12714702

calling people incels is reddit behavior, if you dont understand why it's annoying you should go back

>> No.12714716

Normal people dont make a big stink abouy how they gey laid to incels on an imageboard. Its cringy coping behavior of low n count males

>> No.12714718

>I t-t-totally had sex g-guys..
Yea? What about it?
>I just spend all my time defending the honor of incels
>>12714533 if that's "defenting the incel honor" you need to have your brain checked
>there's nothing to be ashamed in being afraid to talk to a woman as a 30yo neet who lives in his moms basement.
I'm not any of that. Why even prejudge?

>> No.12714720

>p-p-please stay out of my safe space p-please gb2 reddit
reddit is based. like much of the rest of your life, you be unsuccessful in trying to make me go back.

>> No.12714725

Sounds like he touched a nerve. lmaoing at you incels.

>> No.12714732

>reddit is based.

>> No.12714733

The term gained traction on this website before reddit, and became deeply enrooted due to the amount of beta-male men who fit that category on this website.
Whether or not reddit or whatever other website uses it is irrelevant. Incels are, as a group, toxic to the general discourse of all boards on 4chan and should be rightfully shamed. Even the mere mention of the term brings hoards of insecure incels ready to attack like feral dogs.

>> No.12714739


>> No.12714741

incels need to be shot in the street like dogs. When the democrats win in 2020 I'm sure they will make this possible.

>> No.12714744

You can shitpost all you like, that's how 4chan works, im just explaining to you that nobody likes you and you'd be better off with people similar to you

>> No.12714749

how is reddit not based? give me one example of how /lit/ is better than any board on reddit.

>> No.12714752

Nice bait. Now please, fuck off.

>> No.12714757

Only a bitter, seething incel would care about shitting up every single board with reddit buzzwords for years lmao. Go back to /r9k/ you alt-right nazi incel

>> No.12714759

The people you call incels have always been here, your reddit views, calling stuff 'toxic', that is way more cancerous than what youre sperging about.

If your post could have been submitted to a feminist board on reddit then dont post it here

>> No.12714760
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>> No.12714767

so this is the power of the incels coping technology.... impressive.

>> No.12714773

>Incels are, as a group, toxic to the general discourse of all boards on 4chan and should be rightfully shamed.
There's a difference between actual incels and randomly calling any loner male "incel". It's just as toxing behaviour.

>> No.12714778

t. plebbitor
inb4 t. incel

>> No.12714783

once again you sound like a fat woman or a guy with tits, i suggest you find a website catered to people like you

>> No.12714787
File: 227 KB, 1400x1400, Screen_Shot_2018_05_01_at_8.56.36_AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I participate in website wars
>me I'm loyal to 4channel. This means I hate other website grrrrrr
imagine being an adult and uniornically having loyalty to a website. One that idolizes incels no less. incels are truly pathetic

>> No.12714794

yikes, incel detected

>> No.12714798

More bait.

I've been here since 2008. A bit over 10 years now (not proud of that).
I don't browse reddit, and I spend most of my time online on here or youtube.
The term "toxic" has been in the English lexicon for centuries. You're criticism of my use of this word is irrelevant.

Additionally, whether or not "incels" and "wizards" and etc. have been here for X amount of years matters not. They've all bottom-of-the-barrel dogs and deserve to be shamed until they either take initiative in their lives or leave the world.

>> No.12714801

t. incel

>> No.12714803
File: 32 KB, 625x626, 34343232432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12714805

just admit that you're at least 30lbs overweight and even when youre skinny your face isnt attractive, youll feel better

>> No.12714810

not an argument

>> No.12714811

My mistake triggers even me.

>> No.12714814

Did I touch a nerve, incel?

>> No.12714818

Woah great books on here guys

>> No.12714823
File: 302 KB, 936x960, 1473885671866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We hate incels and plebbitors. You have to go back to /r9k/ or plebbit or whatever shithole you crawled out from.

>> No.12714824

anti-incel posting is from men desperately trying to distance themselves from being labeled one, and fat women

you should go to reddit, you would be happier, im not even memeing you dont belong here

>> No.12714827

Stop being so obsessed with sex. Is that the fucking measuring stick by which men should be judged?

Both sides of this argument should be ashamed.

>> No.12714830

>not an argument
Not an argument.

>> No.12714833

and what are you gonna do if I don't, cuck?

>> No.12714835

>If you aren't a Victorian-era orphan, how can you expect to understand a novel about a Victorian-era orphan.

Holy shit, normalshits confirmed for having literally no imagination!

Of course, to understand Oliver Twist, you don't need to have lived in identical circumstances as the protagonist. You only need to use your imagination and imagine what the author is describing. Even to strongly identify with the character of Oliver Twist on a more personal level, you don't have to have lived in the 19th century, or be British, or an Orphan. Anyone who has experienced privation or poverty in some form feels a strong connection to the character because they can draw from their own experiences and connect them with those of the character in the story through the intermediary of their imagination.

I'm explaining how imagination works to you right now like you are a retard or a baby.

>> No.12714849

fuck your mother while you watch

>> No.12714853

It's telling that OP is sitting here samefagging all over his own thread but he still won't address this post.

>> No.12714855

I don't hate redditors. reddit is better than this shithole.

>> No.12714859
File: 142 KB, 610x512, norway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anti-incel posting is from men desperately trying to distance themselves from being labeled one, and fat women
Nope. I don't care whether or not I'm "labeled" as one on some online Mongolian basket-weaving forum because I'm am well-experienced (with a handful of women) and am currently in a long-term committed relationship.

In the same way this website went all-in on attacking "basedboys" and other such types, so to do I go all in on attacking incels when I see their insecurities or generally toxic opinions seeping into any thread. Incels, basedboys, neckbeard, and their associates are all one in the same. Granted, slightly different manifestations, but generally the same thing.

They're all lower than dogs and they deserve to be shamed.

>> No.12714864

you'll do nothing but talk shit on the internet, cuck while I fuck your precious website with my shitposting dick.

now that I'm prepped you can go sit in the corner and call your wife in because she's about to be with a real man. a man who's not afraid to browse reddit.

>> No.12714868

op is a brainlet who doesn't know how imagination works. lmao

>> No.12714870

Imagine being this triggered at someone calling you a soiboi

>> No.12714875

t. seething incel

>> No.12714877

>Nope. I don't care whether or not I'm "labeled" as one o
Then why did you immediately proceed to say you weren't one

Look go ahead and wage your war on incels but you will literally never get rid of weird virigns on 4chan, and if you dont like them, reddit bans any incel posting

>> No.12714878

Then go back and remember to bring your copies of Harry Potter.

>> No.12714882

>implying anyone ITT isn't a virgin

>> No.12714888

t. low iq normalfag

>> No.12714891
File: 148 KB, 600x900, soiboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12714893

make me

i'm still here cuck, I'm stil shitposting. what are you gonna do about it? now I'm emasculating you in front of the incels

>> No.12714897

these are the threads I come to /lit/ for tbqh

based op putting the incels in their place!

>> No.12714899
File: 48 KB, 1003x564, gl_g_kubrickts_64011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related: Your mum's exploded asshole's width

>> No.12714902

>babby learns to shitpost
You should probably leave 4chan before you develop any problematic views. You think 'im just here to laugh at them' but that's how it begins

>> No.12714908

It's telling that /lit/ is the most naive board that they can discuss an obvious bait until bump limit

>> No.12714909
File: 263 KB, 1500x1147, Jean-Eugène Buland, Le Bonheur des Parents (1903).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that supposed to be some witty and intellectual "trap"?

It's a response to your post, which was geared towards me. You wanted my opinion? You got it.

>reddit bans any incel posting
Too bad.
You see, the culture of this website is geared at attacking dissenters. Don't pretend as if this is new.
This is why WHENEVER incels rear their ugly, crippled heads, you will get people like me read to put these bitter beta boys in their place.

People like you are so amusing to respond to because you can read the underlying insecurities inherent behind every written word.

>> No.12714914

>incel thinks that's how sex works
nice try cuck but even if you did manage to put your dick in a woman, my mother for instance, you wouldn't have the balls to fuck her. You're an incel at heart. always will be.

>> No.12714918

>Look go ahead and wage your war on incels but you will literally never get rid of weird virigns on 4chan, and if you dont like them, reddit bans any incel posting

>> No.12714920

Are you genuinely incapable of realizing that you're posturing?

>> No.12714924

being an incel I wouldn't expect you to understand but I've been here since 2001

>> No.12714928

In what way? Please enlighten me.

>> No.12714931
File: 62 KB, 645x729, 324543213342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know what exaggerated speech means
>nice try cuck but even if you did manage to put your dick in a woman, my mother for instance.
Now you're imagining me fucking your mother lmao
>you wouldn't have the balls to fuck her. You're an incel at heart. always will be
This is incel-core thinking. It doesn't take "balls" to have sex lmao überincel detected

>> No.12714949

People who get laid all the time don't read. They certainly don't write books. All great writers and intellectuals are social failures in one way or another. A person's imaginative faculties and powers of observation are stimulated best when that person is isolated and alienated from others and is forced to look inward, and outward. Going on a literature board and acting like some 80s jock bully is absurd. You obviously don't belong here.

>> No.12714953

nice job confirming youre an incel. You can't even function as a man. at least trannies are honest about it! cope harder because you're lower than a tranny!

>> No.12714961


Phew imagine actually being this bothered by losers haha.

>> No.12714963

t. incel

>> No.12714964

>Dude biology lmao
>The only purpose of life is to have sex and reproduce
Fuck off

>> No.12714975

It's not a war. Simply put, whenever I encounter them I won't hesitate to shame them.
If this were a war, as you so claim, I would be on the prowl, scavenging for incels at every turn.
Yet, since they manage to rear their ugly heads frequently, I don't mind shaming them. Shaming works, and they have every reason to be ashamed.

Is that the slight chuckle of incel unease?

>> No.12714978

>n-nice job confirming youre an incel!
>You can't even function as a man. at least trannies are honest about it! cope harder because you're lower than a tranny!
t. incel who's into trannies
You're the faggot who thinks sex requires "balls", your opinion is invalid now. Doubt you've even seen a vagina in real life lmao

>> No.12714986

>these are the threads I come to /lit/ for tbqh

i'll bet. you certainly don't come here to discuss literature.

>> No.12714987

bitter incel detected

>> No.12714993

>you certainly don't come here to discuss literature.
if anyone came to this website to discuss literature that would truly be sad. Almost as sad as dying a kissless handholdless virgin.

this website is for memes.

>> No.12714994

*ekhem* fuck women and fuck whores and fuck niggers too

>> No.12714995

Who is
>T. S. Eliot
>Mark Twain
>Charles Dickens
And just about 95% of famous authors.
The list can go on for ages.

>> No.12715002

lmao touched a nerve when I talked about your erectile dysfuntion, did I cuck?

>> No.12715004
File: 1.49 MB, 900x675, 1549894669465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You actually sound like a postmodern feminist now.

>> No.12715006

Le trouble artist is a modern meme.

>> No.12715012

youre the sort of person that thinks people like them, but when you leave everybody is relieved

>> No.12715015

You sure seem secure in your need to attack the people you perceive as lower than you and "put them in their place"

>> No.12715023

>"y-you have erectile dysfuntion! xddd"
>faggot who for a moment pictured me fucking his mother is calling me a cuck
What the fuck are you even doing? lmao go to sleep grandpa

>> No.12715025

>n-n-no one l-likes you! boo hoo s-s-s-stop making fun of incels!!!!
Cry more you sad pathetic incel. But I am a real man and I will stomp on the fire until it is out.

>> No.12715028

How is thinking there is more to life than sex postmodern feminism?

>> No.12715029
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And certainly their individual troubles rarely revolved around not being able to fulfill basic human needs and desires. Rather, if anything, they might have been semi-successful in their personal endeavors yet detached from their greater society.

Being detached from society does not also mean being incapable. This is what separates great men from useless men.

>> No.12715033

pretentious faggot BTFO kek

>> No.12715041

>w-what the f-f-fuck why are you talking about my perpetually limp penis
I guess it wouldn't matter if it did work incel. not like it would have the oppurtunity to see any action anyway.

as to my mother, because I'm sexually enlightened unlike you and all other incels I don't shy away from the thought of sex. Someone has to fuck her, might as well be a limp dicked cuck incel like yourself.

>> No.12715043

Imagine being so pathetic you need a woman's approval to assure you of your masculinity

>> No.12715045

>But I am a real man
lel. i didnt realize real men spent their time acting as feminist footsoldiers on 4chan

>> No.12715048

Exactly. I am secure in that respect.
Generally, I don't attack most people I disagree with. However, I make an exception for incel types because they garner an exceptionally low status from me. I frequently enough encounter them, too.

>> No.12715054

>le ebul sjws are bullying le precios incels
I'm trying to convince subhumans to commit suicide is what I'm doing. Until I'm legally allowed to hunt you down this is as good a use of my time as anything else.

>> No.12715062

>Someone has to fuck her, might as well be a limp dicked cuck incel like yourself.
LMAO fine, I'll take the risk, m8. Hope she's good.

>> No.12715071

absolute LOL

>> No.12715075

Why does not having sex make you a subhuman? How did you come to this conclusion?

>> No.12715080

You should know exactly why. The same postmodern feminists use this argument as a justification for remaining childless. In fact, this train of thought is extremely common if not near universally shared within these types of people.

And you are right, there is more to life. Yet the term incel means INVOLUNTARY, and thus these men seek companionship (as we're biologically programmed to do) but fail to do so due to their incompetence. Even those that have "accepted their fate" have an idealized form of woman and relationships in their mind they would love to pursue. But they can't and don't.
So sure there's more to life, but at the same time not really. There's more BEYOND our biology, but we are still slaves to it.

>> No.12715084

>I'm trying to convince subhumans to commit suicide is what I'm doing
Maybe start with yourself. Be the change you want to see in the world :)
>Until I'm legally allowed to hunt you down this is as good a use of my time as anything else.
Hunt down my dick, faggot.

>> No.12715088

>I am a robot

>> No.12715089

>Shaming works

Lmao no it doesnt, it just builds resentment. Basically the same shit happend with slut shaming. Just admit you just like doing it because it makes you feel better about yourself. Its ok we all like to piss on those beneath us for some of our own validation and thats why you choose this easy group since the zeitgeist allows it anyway.

>> No.12715090

>I'll take the risk, m8.
I know you would incel
>Hope she's good.
not like you have anything to reference her too beside your anime pillow and extensive knowledge of cuck porn

>> No.12715095

>I am incapable

>> No.12715097

>Hunt down my dick, faggot.
I'd be the only one lmao

>> No.12715113

I bet you would, dickhuntin' faggot.

>> No.12715126

Why does Stoner require having had sex to understand it?

>> No.12715132

>I know you would incel
I mean, fucking some cuck's mother is quite the challenge to be quite honest.
>not like you have anything to reference her too beside your anime pillow and extensive knowledge of cuck porn
Or y'know all the women in the world? I'm alive, too. And I'm not really into anime.
>cuck porn
You know quite a lot about that, don't you? Mother-offering cuck faggot lmao

>> No.12715133

cope harder incel you're scum

>> No.12715134

>Lmao no it doesnt, it just builds resentment.
It does in people that you hold close relationships to, sure.

Yet, when shaming was rampant in the West, most responded by towing the line. A culture that shames what it identifies as degenerate behavior always gets results, and that's by design.

>> No.12715135

This guy fucks

>> No.12715140

You have to be a rape victim to understand it.

>> No.12715142

This is why incels become shooters

>> No.12715144

OP status: roasted

>> No.12715145

pretentious fags BTFO

>> No.12715148

>Or y'know all the women in the world?
>incel claims he's had sex with all the women in the world
>incel insists despite his displays off assblastedness that he's not into cuck porn and that I"M actually the cuck.
sure thing cuck

>> No.12715149

LMFAO, honorable goal.
I hope you continue attacking all these fucking incels whenever you encounter them. They are bottom-of-the-barrel scum.

>> No.12715156

>153 replies
>19 posters
Go do something with your life, instead.

>> No.12715163

>Muh all/most famous writers were incapable and socially inept fallacious assumption
OP verifiably NOT roasted.

>> No.12715167

When did sex start to be perceived as the greatest good in life? Why?

>> No.12715175

The first fossilized evidence of sexual reproduction in eukaryotes is from the Stenian period, about 1 to 1.2 billion years ago.[10]

Quite some time ago

>> No.12715179

It was nice of you to offer your mother and all but you're a bit of an annoying cunt, innit? Referencing your mother's apperance didn't mean I fucked all the women in the world. And yeah, you're a bit of a cuck, m8, let's be honest.

>> No.12715180

It always has.
Though not necessarily sexual conquest for the sake of sex.
Rather, everything that the process involves and leads to, as well as the relationships and social norms that revolve around this process.

Society and societal norms as a whole have revolved around the idea of sex and procreation. Always have, always will. Everything else is just fluff meant at preserving and protecting this process.

>> No.12715190

That's a fossilized occurance, not a perception of how's it consider good among humans.

>> No.12715197

>incel backpedals furiously
>"y-y-you're annoying! haha gottem!"
bants as pathetic as your limp penis. let's be honest you should kill yourself. it would be more honorable than existing as an incel

>> No.12715200

It's considered good because it's physically pleasurable and continues the human race. The hard-wired desire to procreate stems from over 1 billion years ago. This was the point of the poster that you're responding to.

>> No.12715204

>continues the human race.
feel compelled to mention that it's always actually about reproducing individual genes

Mr dawkins, who has become a meme unfortunately, wrote a good book about this in the 70s

>> No.12715216

Even though it's clearly a bait, I still feel offended.

>> No.12715223

Isn't selfish gene theory considered a meme among scientists?

>> No.12715225

Kek, he's probably right though.
Relationships, unlike other concepts are hard to relate to unless you've experienced the full complexity of emotions related to them.

>> No.12715231

I have no idea why you think that, it's the mainstream position. If you think about the subject at all it becomes clear that the thing being selected has to be what has copies made of it.

>> No.12715232

No. Why would it be?

>> No.12715237

Idk, I might be confusing it with his other theory (memes).

>> No.12715245

memes are not a serious theory, it was just a thought experiment he tacked onto the end of the book

The Selfish Gene is an actual classic and if you don't know anything about evolution it is genuinely mindblowing. Dawkins has massively fucked up its reputation by his antics in other fields

>> No.12715246

You might not be confused if you actually read Darwin and his theories rather than reading some article's opinion of his theories a number of years ago.
He's a household name for a reason.

>> No.12715272

The success of this bait is objective proof that there are no smart people on /lit/

>> No.12715286

>bants as pathetic as your limp penis
A bit obsessed with limp knobs, innit? What's your issue, mate? Honest question.
>let's be honest you should kill yourself.
I'm not 16 anymore. Life is worth living.
> it would be more honorable than existing as an incel
Spread love, mate, not hate. Or spread your mother's legs. Did you have a father? I'm getting fatherless vibes from you.

>> No.12715310

>he unironically has sex

>> No.12715322

How does one have sexual intercourse ironically?

>> No.12715329

>he doesn't know rage-fucking, comedy-fucking, etc

>> No.12715340

95% of famous authors are NOT social successes. You're clearly trying to be slick and define "success" as having had sex once or twice.

>> No.12715342
File: 990 KB, 500x500, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sport fucking

>> No.12715350

We are referencing incels in this thread, and my counter-argument is that most authors have not only been well-experienced with women, but have been married in their time.
This, despite the relevance to the subject, is not enough to please you apparently, though. So please define what this shared "lack of success" is with examples.

>> No.12715363

There's a bit of a difference between being unexperienced with women and being an actual incel.

>> No.12715364

your point is fair here (not the guy you're replying to) but eliot was a huge bitch and maybe had sex like once in his life tho his poetry is excellent