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12713780 No.12713780 [Reply] [Original]

is there any book that proves ethics are objective and not just slave morality?

>> No.12713785

Who cares? You will never be a master and it is objective that you will have to get along with people.

>> No.12713790

t. discord tranny

>> No.12713793

Who are you to say

>> No.12713807

Fuck trannies

>> No.12713810
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the term your looking for is "spook". Slave morality is something else entirely, brainlet pseud.

>> No.12713870

"Slave morality" is a specific category of morality type based on its historical prevalence among slaves and serfs with its ostensible origin in the ressentiment of owned persons. You could as well have said "is there any book that proves ethics are objective and not just master morality?" and your post would make as much (i.e. as little) sense.

Lots of philosophers have tried to do this, I don't think any have succeeded. Kant, Descartes, and Spinoza all attempted this in one way or another. But you really should just start with the Greeks.

>> No.12713903

the bible

>> No.12713918


>> No.12713942

nice meme

>> No.12713948

Do you think life on this planet could continue into the future without any kind of system of ethics to keep our desires in due balance?

The answer is no, and it won't, because we do not live by or have a system that tells us how to do it. We are running off the edge of a cliff.
See above.

>> No.12713950


>> No.12713975

Does the "is morality objective or not?" thing makes any sense when it comes to virtue ethics?

>> No.12713980

Greeks are brainlet debnt incurrers
Read Summa Theologia and Refutation of all Heresies. Crusaders did nothing wrong, Byzzies had it coming to them.

>> No.12714008
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>m-m-mods p-please protect me and my delicate snowflake incel sensibilities
you've made a powerful enemy snitchboi

>> No.12714011

>calls others brainlets
>recommends Aquinas

>> No.12714026

name ?

>> No.12714041


>> No.12714060

>Refutation of all Heresies
Pythagoras, Plato, and Aristotle each individually accomplished far more of value for the world than anything any Christian that ever existed did without Pythagoras, Plato, and Aristotle.

>> No.12714575

Calculus made by Christians are much more sophisticated achievements than those of the ancients. The Greeks are overrated. Egyptians, Sumers, and Harappans had geometry locked down already. Greeks just had people to ascribe theorems to.
>meme response
Efficiency curve=met

>> No.12714670

I know you're an illiterate fucktard, but Kepler was Newtons greatest influence, and guess who Keplers greatest influence was? Your little Jewish book contributed fucking nothing to science you degenerate.

>> No.12714684

Where in the Bible did the development of Calculus come from?

>> No.12714700

what about Mendel?

>> No.12714723


Who is the girl

>> No.12714745

What part of the Bible inspired Mendel's work.
Why did the Latin speaking West produce nothing of value for a thousand years until Greeks were translated to Latin initiating the Renaissance, named for a Rebirth of pagan Greek learning.

>> No.12714753

Allow me to say "retranslated"
Christians, Catholics in particular, are humongous fucktards who hate knowledge.

>> No.12714761

is this bait?

>> No.12714792
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>is this bait?
Are you pretending to be retarded? I hope so.

Renaissance, (French: “Rebirth”) period in European civilization immediately following the Middle Ages and conventionally held to have been characterized by a surge of interest in Classical scholarship and values. The Renaissance also witnessed the discovery and exploration of new continents, the substitution of the Copernican for the Ptolemaic system of astronomy

>the Fall of Constantinople (1453) generated a wave of émigré Greek scholars bringing precious manuscripts in ancient Greek, many of which had fallen into obscurity in the West.

>> No.12714871

What is this 1960, the middle ages are now understood as culturally sophisticated regardless of the proximity to classical culture

>> No.12714885

>he fell for the dark ages meme

>> No.12714959

If you ever decide to read the works of Renaissance thinkers you'll see they all worked off ancient Greek writings.
>being this much of a shill

>> No.12714969


watch this, about Natural Law

then pass it on. long, but worth it. get ready to take notes.

>> No.12714970

>it was all a part of gods five hundred year plan
>humans actually do nothing for themselves
You see how dumb you sound?

>> No.12714973

Particularly Kepler, Copernicus, and Galileo.
The main contribution Christianity played in their work was banning it.
Kepler felt he was Pythagoras reborn.

>> No.12714977

a man who impersonates a trannie tripfag known for her shite opinions and illiteracy is calling me stupid. get filtered pleb.

>being this much of a meme

>> No.12714991

Stop posting

>> No.12715000

Discorso sopra i massimi sistemi is incredibly based, Galileo basically calls the pope a retard

>> No.12715026

Galileo is irrelevant today

The age of enlightenment could as easily be called the age of theft. Politicians used their status to steal from the crown, church, and generally behave reprehensibly you wouldn't seriously view the title one faction gives to its rival uncritically

>> No.12715037

Gtfo my board, poltard

>> No.12715066

>Galileo is irrelevant today
Ok. Christianity is irrelevant today.

>> No.12715068

name anyone ?

>> No.12715076

and what are you two fags gonna do if I don't?

I'll answer that for you
a) impotently bitch and whine
b)absolutely fucking nothing.

>> No.12715079

>Galileo is irrelevant today

>> No.12715081


>> No.12715085

Continue to comment on your childish intelligence.

>> No.12715110

Heres a copy in English for people who want to read some Galileo.

>> No.12715138

Who gives a fuck if she used to have a dick, won't stop me from bustin' a nut to her.

>> No.12715434

Can we get a name

>> No.12715561

>>12713918 >>12714026 >>12714723 >>12715068 >>12715434
For the boys

>> No.12715688
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Max Stirner's work. He demonstrates that not being an egoist (doing whatever you desire) is irrational

>> No.12715742


>> No.12715788

Will you give insightful replies or remain in the shadow of retardation?

>> No.12715802

Is my brevity that bothers you?

>> No.12715813

>Is it my brevity that bothers you*

It was: Is my brevity what bothers you, but I went back for just the one word.
I’m sure you don’t care.

>> No.12715836

you're worrying too much, and it doesn't matter. I wanted to hear your honest view as opposed to what that anon believed, can you do that?

>> No.12715920


WHY?! WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME SO WITH THESE JEZEBELS? All I want to do is come here for an asexual experience that will exercise my brain but I am constantly titillated by these vixens with their prodigious hips and provocative figures. Can I never satiate this thirst, will I ever know the touch of a woman and enter between her loins? Will my seed ever drip from her moistened hole?

Life is a constant hell. No wonder I resent women too.

>> No.12715994

What the fuck is this? The posts are ridiculous and have nothing to do with the softcore porn she's posting. I find it hard to believe this is a serious account or even run by her.

>> No.12716172

god damn it discord trannies FUCK OFF

>> No.12716584

No, which is why virtue ethics are unironically the way to go. I used to scoff at them but their benefits are undeniable.
Namely, you don't autistically adhere yourself to moral laws like Kantianism or Utilitarianism, cornering yourself with your own moral statements and forcing yourself into ridiculous moral dilemmas.

Virtue ethics are demonstrably subjective, which is their strength

>> No.12716661


>> No.12716693
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>"M-mom! Look! I r-replied to all the posts!"

>> No.12716768


>> No.12716794

lol who actually reads the posts

>> No.12716823

i want to have sEX with her

>> No.12717262


>> No.12717342

Nicomachean Ethics, brainlet

>> No.12717490

You really need a book to prove that to you? Ethics are a strategy, both the concepts and their implementations exist objectively. What you're probably wondering is if ethics are -universal- and the answer is no. Values follow from our natures as valuing agents, so while there is significant overlap, variance in nature makes ture universality of values impossible.

>> No.12717761

"Morality" is a byproduct of humans being social animals. Haidt's moral foundations theory provides an explanation to general trends in ethics and straddles the line of objective/subjective.