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12713279 No.12713279 [Reply] [Original]

Our world is filled to the brim with signs that the wicked have taken over this Earth in the name of their prince. The masses are subdued with the likes of pop culture and political nonsense. It's clear for anyone with a brain that democracy has become a service for the few, and that it's of no profit to be good in a world that is ruled by the devil. Those who are good will never see wealth and power, thus giving away the world for the evil. Being good and meek seems like nothing more than a trick of the devil for us to believe that it is a virtue to do not fight him and his children.

When did you realize morality is useless and has become yet another tool for the evil to control us?

>> No.12713287

Don't worry anon, I read Nietzsche when I was a teen too. You'll grow out of it.

>> No.12713295

Post her ahegao

>> No.12713303
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Not an argument.

>> No.12713317

>morality is useless
>but the world is run by evil


>> No.12713396

I don't know about "devil", but I do think that the higher elechons of society are influencing the media in such a way that our culture is being swamped by values that could very well be bankrupt, either because they are subjective and not mine, or because they are misinterpretation of objective values. Either way, the zeitgeist is being influenced in such a way that, because of the viral spread of ideas due to technology, alternative thought is being extinguished. Freedom of thought is disappearing in favor of a more unified society, and this could be an incredibly bad thing if an objective ethic exists. If one doesn't, then slavery is still an issue.

>> No.12713424

Evil is the new good. Become Faustian, Acquire Power.

>> No.12713449

Where the lonely mind does wander,
A place the shadows only know.
With monsters veiled and shrieking,
Are they real, we hope not so.
Yet the days grow e'er more bloody,
And all our hope for futures, low.
Devil's whispers surely sounding,
Why think we only of our woe?
For now if our eyes saw clearly,
The good Lord's light would surely show,
That these monsters in the darkness;
Are that most diabolic foe.
So cast away all doubts and say,
I shall never be tricked, oh no;
For these monsters in the darkness
Into the sulphur, soon shall go.

>> No.12713715

Evil loves to tell you morality is a spook because morality makes life hard for Evil. if you believe that something good and noble is within you you may not want to give it up and join up with every other nitwit.

>> No.12714044

>morality makes life hard for evil

How so?

"People following the rules make life harder for cheaters."

"People owning guns makes life harder for mass shooters."

"People who don't defend themselves make life harder for aggressors."

Dude, this makes no sense. Morality helps evil. Evil indoctrinates children, terrorize innocents, kill people who can't defend themselves, strip all economic and political power for those who are also evil and will keep you as cattle farm if you allow them. If you refuse to do evil in the name of morality, you will just handicap yourself in the battle and give away society to them.

Deontology makes sense only in books.

>> No.12714053
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>morality is false
>evil won

>> No.12714069

Morality does exist, but like a scam. It is a deal that severely hinders the scammed in favour of the conman.

I don't deny that there are rights and wrongs, good and evil. Yet I matured and began to understand that these definitons are irrelevant.

>> No.12714075
File: 87 KB, 1000x567, tellmeaboutyourmother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"morality is useless"
>believes in evil
The problem is inside you

>> No.12714097

seeing marie kondo's feet would bring me joy if you know what I mean

>> No.12714098

But if the idea of evil is a scam, why do you care about evil winning? Your supposed recognition is still moralistic, but you've assigned "morality" itself to a morally negative category. Like "atheists" who don't believe in God because they think he would have to be a hateful asshole. You're not past the opposition, you're just on the other side of it.

>> No.12714105

>Are we to execrate our age, or all ages? Do we think of Buddha withdrawing from the world on account of his contemporaries?
- Cioran

>> No.12714114

the crimes of the jew will not be forgiven this time

>> No.12714128

Burn it, burn it to the ground.

>> No.12714151

Even in the face of evil though, the only way you lose is if you give in because it does make your past years of being good pointless.
I don't understand your point anon, you claim no morality exists but evil does and then you claim the world is evil as if you aren't pointing out the obvious.
Evil has always ruled the world, but people still chose to be good because the idea of contributing to the shittiness is off putting.
Would you really want to trample over other ls struggling to be good when you know the pain and hopelessness of it all.
There is merit in being good, admittedly its rarer than the benefit of being evil, but its more fulfilling when it presents itself because your defying the majority and not letting it drag you down with it.