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12711844 No.12711844 [Reply] [Original]

It's only $9.37. Preorder it today!

>> No.12711861

>Dershowitz was born in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, on September 1, 1938, the son of Claire (née Ringel) and Harry Dershowitz,[14] an Orthodox Jewish couple.

>> No.12711875

spoiler: we've got nothing

>> No.12711881

yeah, except for 34 guilty pleas

>> No.12711894

Guilty pleas to collusion with Russia?

>> No.12711897
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Yeah, ordered a copy of this bad boy, too. It's time to open my eyes to the truth.

>> No.12711904

>implying lying to a rogue intelligence agency is some heinous crime

>> No.12711907

You realize he's defending Trump on this stuff?

>> No.12711913

Yes. Quite a few changes of conspiracy to defraud the United States, as well as commit offenses against the United States. Also a bunch of charges for obstructing the investigation. Funny how all these powerful people from Trump's inner circle felt the need to obstruct the investigation when Trump is totally innocent. I can't figure it out either.

>> No.12711945

All they have is Manafort committing monetary crimes totally unrelated to Trump, a few false statements to the FBI, and a bunch of russians not connected to Trump. I don't even like Trump but I can't stand the delusional le resistance crowd.

>> No.12711952

Who in Trumps inner circle pleaded guilty to changes of conspiracy to defraud the United States as well as commit offenses against the United States? I must have missed those.

>> No.12711960


>> No.12711975

The anti-trump crowd (which I will note includes myself) is going to be disappointed if it ever gets released. Links between the Trump campaign and Russia have already been established but even Donald 'Cries on National TV Not To Be Investigated' Trump isn't stupid enough to do anything treasonous first hand, everything will be done with enough distance to maintain deniability. It would require someone very high up to roll and produce some tangible evidence which likely doesn't exist for even a third of cuckservatives to actually be convinced. Other things like obstruction are too circumstantial to convince the zealots of wrongdoing short of a 'Lemme try and fuck this investigation up' memo, which again probably doesn't exist.

>> No.12712008

>Links between the Trump campaign and Russia have already been established
Have you looked into the links between his campaign and Israel, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Japan, South Korea, England? I'm sure one of those links will btfo Drumpf!!!

>> No.12712014

Sick reading comprehension based MAGApede

>> No.12712020

are you too much of a dimwit to see that the entire political establishment is doing their outmost to discredit and obstruct Trumps presidency?
2 years of frantic activity and they have nothing, and they will continue for another 2 years, and then they'll just drop the subject and never talk about it again. Corrupt to the core.

>> No.12712025

Why are you bringing up "links" between his campaign and Russia? You know there would probably be around 30 "links" between countries and his campaign right?

>> No.12712034
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This will be as explosive as the Tower Commission Report and the investigation into the leaking of Valerie Plames identity!
>nobody was ever prosecuted or served time and they all got away scot free

>> No.12712040
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>I can't think of why links to a hostile autocratic nation that the president is under investigation of colluding with might be relevant
Jesus Christ I don't even know why I bothered

>> No.12712044

why is this a book lol

>> No.12712045

cant have an investigation into dems if theres always an investigation into trump

doin me a heckin big think

>> No.12712046

>implying the links are anything other than communications about how things would change after the election with a new presidency.
Whoa I hate drumpf now! lock him up!

>> No.12712051

2 brain cells have been withdrawn from your cranial cavity

>> No.12712059
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>> No.12712060

show hog xd

>> No.12712064

quit posting your bald, homosexual man licking a boot fetish, freak.

>> No.12712068
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>> No.12712072
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>> No.12712078

Don't worry yourself with them. I don't think they're shills, moreso that they had little going on in their life come 2016 and so jumped on the Trump train for whatever sense of self-worth and belonging they found on reddit through it and so are unable to let go, even if it means ignoring evidence and believing in conspiracies they would find ridiculous if the parties were reversed.

>> No.12712082

None of them are hostile nations with the goal of upending the US-led global order.
>I should let a serial killer into my house because I let my cousin come over once hurdurdur.

Country is doomed. If we manage to squeeze out of this one it’s only a matter of time before the anti-vaxers invent some good memes and take over /pol/

>> No.12712091

>None of them are hostile nations with the goal of upending the US-led global order.
The cold war is over, bub. Hear it here from your lord and savior Obama himself.
"the 1980's are calling and asking for the foreign policy back."
You must feel a little ridiculous right about now.

>> No.12712102

Why do republicans think anyone who isn't a republican sees Obama the way they see Trump? If you think any politician is on your team then you're drowning in the kool aid

>> No.12712108
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>The country whose foreign intelligence agency spread propaganda to influence US elections isn't hostile

>> No.12712114

I don't even like Trump. The last person I supported as Ron Paul. You have to be blind to not see how 80% of the world worships Obama for no other reason than being the first mulatto President. He won the noble peace prize for being mixed for goodness sake.

>> No.12712119

ha ha bootlicker! Go on Chapo my friend!

>> No.12712130

You realize he's a pedophile Epstein pal?

>> No.12712134

You're jerking yourself off whilst posting these images aren't you?

>> No.12712141

>he's not
fucking queer

>> No.12712143


>> No.12712202
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>> No.12712207

The DNC didn't let the FBI have access to their servers and instead hired a private cybersecurity company to write a report saying what they wanted them to say, that it was totally Russia, and not some Bernie fan inside the DNC who wanted to expose how Hillary rigged the primaries.

>> No.12712215
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>> No.12712217

Based bracketsposter. I don't even hate Jews but I admire your tenacity and lack of a sex life

>> No.12712238

>muh incels
r/books is probably more for you.

>> No.12712261

Lol liberal retards still believe the collusion narrative. How does it feel not to be able to discern facts from fiction out of sheer hatred?

And /litter/ brags about its intellectual superiority all the time.

>> No.12712703

>links between the Trump campaign and Russia have already been established
No they haven't you retard.

>> No.12712707
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There are people who simultaneously believe that Trump never intended to win and ran only to raise publicity for a new media company, and that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election so he could win.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is real.

>> No.12712710

>their outmost to discredit and obstruct Trumps presidency?
but it was fine when it happened to Obama lol

>> No.12712725

>gets massive trillion dollar budgets passed
>gets Obamacare passed
>gets Obamacare continued even after Republicans take over Congress
>gets foreign interventions greenlighted
>gets several justice picks on the bench
>gets his trillion-dollar multinational trade deal passed without a whimper, which only gets torpedoed after the 2016 election
But the Republicans said they hated abortion, or something...

>> No.12712741

It's clear at this point that like it or not, Obama was competent at his job whereas Trump in his utter retardation barely even remembers what his policies are half the time. Republicans are still trying to figure out if they should abandon him or rally behind him. He did very little comparatively, while Republicans had both houses and the supreme court.

>> No.12712773

Brought to you by our dear friend, Philip Zelikow, an enterprising ant who had the full outline with headings, sub-headings and sub-sub-headings of the 9/11 commission report before the commission staff started writing it.

>> No.12712778

>charging the people money for something they already paid for
Do we need any further proof about the joos?

>> No.12712781

Obama was very competent at increasing racial tensions in America, illegally intervening in 5 countries (Lybia, Syria, Somalia, Yemen, Niger), bragging about record oil production under his presidency (yay global warming), having utterly mediocre economic performance despite 0% interest rates and coming out of a recession (most space to grow) and winning a nobel prize for being a nigger

>> No.12712787

>yfw the primaries have already started and we're on course for reeeeeeeeeeeelection

>> No.12712801
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>> No.12712814

>Obama was competent at his job
Nah. Rather that most of Washington DC approved of his general direction if not were enthusiastic supporters.
>Republicans are still trying to figure out if they should abandon him or rally behind him.
Nah. They're trying to figure out when to dump him, which was always the goal since they realized they were stuck with him.

>He did very little comparatively, while Republicans had both houses and the supreme court.
Your mistake is believing that the GOP actually wants to carry out a fraction of its platform. Trump put them in the uncomfortable position of being held accountable for their promises. Trump did a ton. The GOP in Congress, for the most part, did absolutely fuck all. They didn't even have a repeal and replace bill ready to go when Trump entered office.

>> No.12712830

What if I told you they’re both good at the job but they each have completely different management styles

>> No.12712883

Thank god Romney lost. Look at what a shitbag he turned out to be. And if he were elected, we probably wouldn't have the momentum to elect Trump.