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12708109 No.12708109 [Reply] [Original]

>my favorite writer is Dostoevsky
What type of person do you imagine?

>> No.12708153

Peterson seems like such a gentle fellow. A genuinely kind person. When he gives his lectures, you can see how much he clearly cares for those he teaches. When he cries on webcam, you can see those are no alligator's tears. Say what you want regarding the depth of his intellect, or his misrepresentation of the ideologies he comments on, but never say that he has no compassion as a man, because he clearly does. I don't follow him, or any of that conservative versus SJW warfare, but I'm from Toronto and if I ever see him in person I'll make sure to shake his hand and give him a warm grin. He's a good person, at least in some regards, and we should appreciate his sincere quest in helping a subsection of our generation.

>> No.12708175

>if I ever see him in person I'll make sure to shake his hand and give him a warm grin.
BIG yikes

>> No.12708181

Gloomy and jaded on the outside, but overly sentimental and sensitive when he thinks nobody is paying attention

>> No.12708184

>sells you a $2000 collector's edition rug commemorating his meme psychology book
heh, nothing personnel bucko

>> No.12708197

Hes in with the jews. Therefore he must be thrown in the wampa pit.

>> No.12708203

Depends on what books he likes. He might be entry level or pro.

>> No.12708235

what's yikes about being kind

i admit his business practises are very shady, i don't want to comment on that front, it's not in my right to accuse him of swindling money from an impressionable age group of followers, since they're doing it of their own accord, and i can't exactly blame him for not stopping them

maybe you're just a bad person

>> No.12708240
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HOW ROMANTIC! Deep Feels very nice very very deep feels NICE!

>> No.12708265

You're talking to the type of schizoid who would rather miss his stop rather than bother the bus driver.

>> No.12708276

He's doing those people a bear service, implanting boomer mentality into them. Not everyone with good intent does good things

>> No.12708493

Thats an ftm right?

>> No.12708728

so Peterson dresses to the right, hmm....

>> No.12709044

A tasteless incel.

>> No.12709048

Slit your fucking throat

>> No.12709058

>I'm not exploiting my fanbase, those suckers had it coming to them
what a genuinely kind person

>> No.12709550
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My mom and her brothers.

>> No.12709556

Also where do I find a wife whose favorite writer is Dostoevsky? Seems hopeless.

>> No.12709561
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kill your dad and marry your mom

>> No.12709575

lmao what kook thinks of this

>> No.12709583

lol thats so weird! haha

>> No.12709584

the greeks, who you should have started with

>> No.12709664
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>> No.12709669
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She'll appear out of nowhere, then disappear just as quick. ;_;

>> No.12709699

That pic is just too perfect

>> No.12709806

>peterson using body language to control the small person
I fear

>> No.12709822


>> No.12709871

Imagine being this cynical
He's right in the first post though.

>> No.12709888

Peterson cries almost every time he brings up the anecdotes of people he's helped. You'd think he would have learned to control it by now, but no. That's why I think they are crocodile tears.

>> No.12710059

None of this really rings true

>> No.12710088

I think in a world were people were a bit cultivated (meaning : if people turned off their tv and read real books) peterson would seem mike a very average intelligence. It's not hard to appear as a brilliant individual in a world of mediocrity. I'm not saying he is not genuine though.

>> No.12710098

I've always found this photo wonderfully charming. JBP's willing to be kind toward kids like this who look like obvious losers rather than just paying attention to people who will make for good photo opps.

>> No.12710100

You should go all Karamazov on them lmao

>> No.12710105

I want daddy Peterson to hold me like that

>> No.12710122


Here’s Peterson’s book list.

>> No.12710129

absolute projection

The kid is just a loser, and Peterson genuinely believes he's helping people because he's retarded.

>> No.12710387
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alternatively: existentialism for babbys (and) FUCKIN retards

>> No.12710682

>compassionate human interaction


>> No.12710702


Projection :/

>> No.12710707

Ivan Karamazov... a cunt.

>> No.12710718

Tennessee Williams doesn't get enough pub here. I loved read is plays to myself as I acted out the parts.

>> No.12710721

projection is a nonconcept. Please brainlets. Devolve.

>> No.12710731

why do you post screencaps of your own posts?

>> No.12710763

>rather than just paying attention to people who will make for good photo opps
>he says this while simultaneously commenting on how good this 'spontaneous' photo op is
Yeah really makes you think

>> No.12710847

>T. 2010 “well-mannered Canadian” meme

>> No.12710864

i'm just a kind person, whether that's from being Canadian or otherwise

>> No.12711131


>> No.12711138


>> No.12711257

i think he's just a sensitive guy, desu

>> No.12711427

Stop saying yokes faggot

>> No.12711657

stop trying to force this meme, faggot.

>> No.12711732

There isn't a stereotype. He's literally one of the most famous and influential writers of all time. You may as well ask what type of person you imagine when someone says Shakespeare is their favorite writer.

>> No.12711739

depressed young men with existential anxiety.


>> No.12711756

As a clinical psychologist he's supposed to separate his emotions from his work.

>> No.12711762

Yourself included?

>> No.12712097

>tfw Doestoevsky actually is my favorite writer but saying his name makes you sound like a pretentious twat
I just go with Nabokov desu senpai

>> No.12712164

That boy is so lucky, I'm jealous

>> No.12712175
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>> No.12712195
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>> No.12712416


>> No.12712461

>someone has money to spare.
>decide to buy a shitty rug instead of a yatch

How is this bad?

>> No.12712473

Nah. If it was anyone else they would get mercilessly mocked for buddying up to alt-right incels.
Peterson can do it because his money only depend on his charisma.

>> No.12712475

As a clinical psychologist you're supposed to be authentic.

>> No.12712476


>> No.12712506


>> No.12712628

thank you, anon. he's become so mainstream that we often get carried away censuring him. I also believe him to be a genuinely kind and earnest sort of person

i admit, the rug thing was questionable

>> No.12712637

absolutely brutal, even if it's mostly projection. that is some expensive hate right there

>> No.12712669
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>> No.12712743

you left out the best part you turbofag

>> No.12713672
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Juden back at it again

>> No.12713685
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This goes here.

>> No.12713705

Intuition would at first suggest a socially discomforted male in his twenties, however experience has taught me that this is not the only demographic. A good 30% of Dostofags is constituted of 20yo thots who study Phil and are obsessed with Foucault and gender studies.

>> No.12713710

while that does apply to memerson it applies to the academic establishment who hate him a lot more

>> No.12713723

An Idiot

>> No.12713812

>i admit, the rug thing was questionable
will you also admit that you're experiencing cognitive dissonance upon realizing that your hero is a conman?

>> No.12714013

I'm fairly sure he's a manipulative dishonest cunt. I don't regard my own opinion highly though. As in my opinion is likely wrong on any subject.

>> No.12714101
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>> No.12714112

Why? Because he makes money?

>> No.12714140

A christfag that regularly pisses his pants and cums.

>> No.12715241

Saying Nabokov is your favorite writer is way more pretentious though.

>> No.12715250

I hate that my favorite writer in recent years is becoming associated with this dude

>> No.12715256

A skinny autist who grew up with evangelical christianity.

>> No.12715277

Peterson is just the lawyer from scrubs who watched one too many YouTube videos on how to be alpha.

>> No.12715279

I imagine someone who says: "Nietzsche was actually a Christian"

>> No.12715282

Don't worry anon Dostoevskys legacy will long outlive the Peterson meme

>> No.12715311

Elaborate on that, I've noticed this too.

>> No.12715317

Your point?

>> No.12715341

It's just a type I guess. I think a lot of dudes like that grow up wanting to be "christian scholars" or otherwise defenders of the faith, so they latch onto any Christian media with mainstream respect attached to it.

>> No.12715373

I could see that, something about the lack of structure in evangelical churches maybe, they don't have Aquinas like catholic autists do.

>> No.12715426

Peterson has talked about Aquinas I think.

>> No.12715481

there is no single professor today with a greater reach or has profited more from preaching neoliberal ideology in guise of rebellion to an audience whose minds have already been fucked by neoliberal idology. He's a false prophet feeding poison.

>> No.12715499

the ruling ideology of academia is progressivism, which he very slightly goes against. That's why he became famous in the first place

>> No.12715515
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he cray

>> No.12715536

well yeah you don't go to University to reinforce pre-existing beliefs. The kind of person who is afraid of or unable to handle challenging radical beliefs shouldn't be going to uni to begin with!

>> No.12715541

>radical beliefs
are you calling progressivism radical? Because it's not, it's literally the safest possible position

>racism and sexism r bad
how fucking brave

>> No.12715545

So is everyone else. I've had fantasies of stabbing people before, Peterson just wrote his down.

>> No.12715550

>Because it's not
it is to the redpill brigade apparently

>racism and sexism r bad
If that's all it is why are you getting so upset about it?

>> No.12715554

Are you thrown into month long fits of existential angst after drinking apple cider too?

>> No.12715556

>the redpill brigade
ie. the most unfashionable group in all of society

Because racism and sexism are not bad, but completely logical beliefs.

Anyway you are not brave rebels, you are literally upholding the establishment perspective, you're little volunteer cops

>> No.12715566

>racism and sexism are not bad, but completely logical beliefs.
well that depends on what you mean by racism and sexism, exactly, but generally, yes, they are bad.

>> No.12715567

why is it /pol/tards love this word so much

>> No.12715579

All available evidence shows that the races and sexes are not the same. It makes sense to act according to that belief

there is no evidence whatsoever that everybody is the same, it's just asserted as dogma

>> No.12715581
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I dunno about Mr Wash Yer Wiener, but this is a pleasant post, so I'm giving it a 10/10 for that.

>> No.12715619

Okay but that's not what racism and sexism entail

>> No.12715629

Go ahead and tell the press you're not a racist or sexist while talking about race and sex differences, see how far you get

>> No.12715640

you're too kind, anon <3

>> No.12715647

Everybody knows there are differences between races and gender that's sort of the point my underage chum

>> No.12715656

Not when those differences apply to intelligence or behavior they don't. In fact 'everyone' is adamant that they don't and that suggesting they do is basically evil

>> No.12715672

Correlation is not causation kiddo

>> No.12715676

I feel it man
>decide to try the audiobook meme when I'm at the gym
>figure I'll try Crime and Punishment since it's been forever since I first read it

>> No.12715677

>everybody knows
That's not logic.

>> No.12715684

In this case it is. At the very least all the evidence suggests that it is.

>> No.12715686


>> No.12715692


>> No.12715701

Kids barely have pre existing beliefs innthese days.

>> No.12715704

But I thought academia was compromised? Or is this only the case when presented with conclusions you disagree with?

>> No.12715706

You can always spot a nazi by his use of logic

>> No.12715709

Yeah it is. IQ is highly heritable, attempts to raise the IQ of groups has not succeeded

I imagine you have read literally none of the literature and are basing your sense of superiority on an article you read in the Guardian or something

>> No.12715718

Even if that were provably true it still wouldn't justify racism.

>> No.12715719

Academia is compromised and therefore refuses to talk about this outside of a tiny minority. But they did the research, and you can go look at it. There were a lot of calls to ban the subject entirely and still are

>> No.12715723

You shouldn't take it for granted that everyone knows something. It's a fallacy.

>> No.12715730

Lots of people do research

>> No.12715733

Fine, people who aren't ignorant to basic definitions know this

>> No.12715748

I feel like the brainwashing meme is overstated. If you go into humanities, sure, but what would you expect? Why would you even do that without a concrete plan?
The only Petersonesque scenarios I've dealt with were with mandatory freshman classes like babby pol sci and anthropology. Even then, if a professor tells you that white people are evil, you keep your mouth shut, repeat it on the exam, and move on with your life. There would be one or two guys in those classes who would try to turn the lecture into a debate, but what's the point? Even if the prof is saying retarded shit, you're paying for a piece of paper, no knowledge you gain in college is going to come from a first-year 300-person class. Pick your battles.

>> No.12715756

Cringed and yikespilled

>> No.12715779
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Real talk why are white people so obedient? I was reading some Bertrand Russel and seems like rich whites are always dictating what lower class whiteys should be doing with their time and how they should behave. I mean, it seems kinda shameful.

>> No.12715789

>big yikes, big mood, big need, etc.
You are trash and should sudoku.

>> No.12715794

ancestors who lived docile farmer existences

Whites aren't as obedient as east asians though

>> No.12715795

We have been selecively bred and controlled en mass to serve the master zog race with little fuss

>> No.12715830

He has an auto immune(spelling) disorder.

>> No.12715860

lol that peterson dude thinks he's some tough shit. he's so sure of it.

>> No.12715892


>> No.12716000

>Say what you want regarding the depth of his intellect, or his misrepresentation of the ideologies he comments on
Is there a source that critiques Peterson's lectures in a way that is accessible. I don't know enough about these subjects he covers to know how much weight I should place on /lit/s general low view of his ideas.

>> No.12716027
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It's not hard to find examples; It's not his lectures that are the problem

>> No.12717429

Because Logos is expressly denied to the wicked.

>> No.12717845

An underground man

>> No.12718145

But that's wrong, nigger IQ has been increasing faster than white's.

>> No.12718356

Source? I believe what you're referencing is a fallacious study that looked at childhood IQs, which are subject to a lot of volatility. If you look at only adults, IQs of blacks in America have been pretty constant over the last 50 years, at around 84-86.

>> No.12718451

you seem like the type of person who believes that blacks are the stupidest and most anger-driven race and yet also is extremely upset he has to pay more for car insurance or with the idea that men are more likely to be violent/rapists

maybe I'm wrong, but that's the vibe I'm getting

>> No.12718574

>If you go into humanities, sure, but what would you expect? Why would you even do that without a concrete plan?
You're not seeing the big picture. Most of the people who are going into academia, government, or journalism are taking those routes. They are all being indoctrinated to hold a similar set of views, more or less. Think about the consequences for society at large when the entire nation's institutions are populated by people like that. That's not something you can escape just by majoring in STEM.

>> No.12718907

I really can't tell if people deliberately accuse Dr. Peterson on bad faith and with complete ignorance to his actual works or make valid, knowledgeable criticism. Regardless, I do not see how the observations in this board correspond to reality, and I'm starting to believe it's just a "doctor canada man bad" hivemind mentality.

>> No.12719003

of course a retard polfag wouldn't get it

>> No.12719006

Are they really that strongly associated together nowadays?

>> No.12719039

The weird kid who got picked on for not being "normal" growing up.

>> No.12719046

I don't really get how Peterson is supposed to revive Christianity, any time he attempts to define God he strays into boomer esotericism territory, and he shills Hicks' Explaining Postmodernism, a book that paints scholastic philosophy as depraved of reason.

>> No.12719052

voltaire didn't even say that. His biographer, erroneously, said he said that

>> No.12719120

not if you're not a retard

>> No.12719135
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>I wanted to lie down on my couch, and sink into it, literally, until only my nose was showing---like the snorkel of a diver above the surface of the water.

>> No.12719190

>Juden peterstein
thats more yikes worthy than anything petersonfags posts

>> No.12719215

but it's true

>> No.12720985

Delete this

>> No.12721075

>What type of person do you imagine?

Someone who is attached to Orthodoxy as a superficial thing without realizing its essence. I'm not religious and am skeptical of any religious or supernatural claims but try to lead a healthy life. I can't see why one has to latch onto a religion to preserve what tradition defended.

>> No.12721253


Well, here's one about foreign nigger outperforming the local one. I'll try to find the one about the actual growth.

>> No.12721823


Lol if you believe that you dont read much

>> No.12721837

i wish i had a tail to brush :(

>> No.12722159

David Adam Richards