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/lit/ - Literature

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12707851 No.12707851 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have any /lit/ related pet peeves?

>> No.12707867

Sally Rooney’s undeserved fame
More than one similie per chapter
People who write novels on google docs or think they can write a novel at all whilst connected to Internet
American spirit cigarettes

>> No.12707873

Yeah, I don't like how I know the same stuff and have read the same books as people who live writerly lifestyles and dress pretty boho (in my city), as well as probably having as much published work (not to mention my scientific pubs which puts me in the lead) as most of them, and yet they won't fucking talk to me or be cool to me because I'm a medical student and don't spend all day drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes.
Obviously I wouldn't join any club that would have me as a member, and behaving like this means I wouldn't want to hang anyway.
I only get this hierarchical on /lit/, but the best way I can explain it is that special frustration occurring when you are talked down to by someone who you know has no basis for this condescension.

>> No.12707880

(poor writing, thanks adderall. I don't dress boho, the cool writer kids do)

>> No.12707901

What does that mean?

>> No.12708183

I'm feeling a similar thing right now anon. I'm an agricultural science student and in a creative writing class. Ag sci isn't really understood by the rest of the college because our buildings are isolated. They think I'm a retarded redneck, while sucking themselves off about how deep they are.
>Professor has been frustrated with the quality of pieces
>My turn to workshop my piece
>Loves mine
>Sour glares from literature students
They're not worth talking to because they can't hear anything with their heads up their asses.

General pet peeve: writers who don't know anything about drug use but still write about it. Read through a fucking erowid page before clumsily inserting slang into a piece you shoehorned drugs into to make it more "adult".

>> No.12708210

fuckin A man. If we let these kids produce the entirety of the creative work in the coming years they're going to ruin the culture.
The way I see it, we just need to work harder to keep them from fucking everything up.

>> No.12708259
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>MC is a painter

>> No.12708421

Postcolonialism or postcolonial studies is the academic study of the cultural legacy of colonialism and imperialism, focusing on the human consequences of the control and exploitation of colonized people and their lands.

>> No.12708825

Wordsworth classic
I fucking hate this publisher solely for the ugly fucking pictures they put on the cover
I'd rather have the books be completely black with only the title of the book.
I know someone is going to post that meme about it but God damn are they ugly

>> No.12708834

The Great Gatsby

>> No.12708837

>American spirit cigarettes

>> No.12708970
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>People who write novels on google docs or think they can write a novel at all whilst connected to Internet
>tfw you need to have access to the Internet to look for synonyms so as to keep your writing from becoming stale and repetitive