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/lit/ - Literature

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12700735 No.12700735[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12700736

thats probably the reason she got nominated

>> No.12700737

If he/she/it/xir isn't binary, then what is he/she/it/xir transitioning from and to?

>> No.12700739

how can you be non-binary AND trans?

>> No.12700745

Bigot much? You can be whomstever you want!

>> No.12700747

I suppose if you transition from being binary to being non-binary, then you are in a manner of speaking trans

>> No.12700748

>I do not conform to the binary of gender norms
>except to accept an award from this one side of the binary

>> No.12700753
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>women incapable of winning literary prizes
>make a prize just for women
>a dude still wins it
It is to laugh

>> No.12700756

When I look at my genitals, it's hard to feel a male. Does that make me non-binary?

>> No.12700759

how do you transition to being binary, mentally or?

>> No.12700762

U think xir has a huge, black shlong?

>> No.12700778

No difference between this thread and trans-women athletes thread on /pol/. Fucking shithole this whole place.

Also :
>literary prizes

>> No.12700782

Do you imply that Nobel prize is just one big pandering?

>> No.12700784

Is this a sign of the Second Coming of Christ?

>> No.12700801

>Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what end is it for you? the day of the LORD is darkness, and not light.
Amos 5:18

Still if it puts end to all this queer shit...

>> No.12700804

nobel lit prize is an absolute disaster

>> No.12700839

ah yes, what a wonderful time to be a grifter

>> No.12700840

Did you read any of recent nobel prize winner works?
>2000 Gao Xingjian
>2001 Naipaul, Sir V.S.
>2002 Kertész, Imre
>2003 Coetzee, J.M.
>2004 Jelinek, Elfriede
>2005 Pinter, Harold
>2006 Pamuk, Orhan
>2007 Lessing, Doris
>2008 Le Clézio, Jean-Marie Gustave
>2009 Müller, Herta
>2010 Vargas Llosa, Mario
>2011 Tranströmer, Tomas
>2012 Mo Yan
>2013 Munro, Alice
>2014 Modiano, Patrick
>2015 Alexievich, Svetlana
>2016 Dylan, Bob
>2017 Ishiguro, Kazuo

>> No.12700845

>Dylan, Bob

>> No.12700847

>>2010 Vargas Llosa, Mario
based, had no idea he was still alive

>> No.12700848

These sound like non-white people names. No thanks.

>> No.12700851

What's his best work?

>> No.12700882

Literally read all of them — Dylan is still the greatest artist of the lot. And the only one that matters, really.

t. not a burger

>> No.12700983

trans people are people whose gender identity doesnt match the one they were assigned at birth. most people are assigned a binary gender at birth; as such, if you identify with a non-binary gender; you might be trans

>> No.12700997

Is she biologically male or does she just call herself trans on account of having "transitioned" from binary to non-binary?

>> No.12701002

And on top of that win a women's prize for fiction lmao

>> No.12701003

No, they are all irrelevant or not?

>> No.12701006

>winning Nobel Prize

>> No.12701016

Anything Nobel that isn’t stem or medicine is irrelevant or not? Consolation prizes, star for effort, etc.

>> No.12701025

From ugly shitskin nobody to literature prize winner.

>> No.12701026

Its funny how quick you are to shit on this author without even knowing anything about them besides their race and gender let alone read the book. When its another mediocre white dude nominated for something its meritocracy but when its literally anyone else they didnt deserve it lmao

>> No.12701038

When your "gender" is more important that the content, then it's shit.

>> No.12701042

as long as they arent cheating sports, its fine

>> No.12701046

So, does gender have an effect on the quality of writing? I thought it was all about how good the book is.

>> No.12701049

Ze should be disqualified on the basis of being non-binary alone. If you don't want to play the system's game, you shouldn't be allowed it's prizes.

>> No.12701217

Why do you assume their gender is more important than the content? Also, a white dude's gender most of the time is also essential to the content he produces. The place you occupy in society plays a giant role in your world vision and that includes your gender and race, and yes, this includes the male gender and the "white race".

>> No.12701226

I read two thirds of that book. It wasn't good but seemed like the sort of thing that wins these prizes.

>> No.12701243

Yes, it does have an enormous impact on the author's world view and philosophy of life, thus affecting the book's content. Yes, even if you're a white dude. Your gender and race and nationality plays an essential role to your world view. It only happens that the vast majority of literature that western society admires comes from the perspective of the white man, which makes it seem like this is the "neutral" or "unbiased" perspective, when in fact its just another type of world view a human being can adopt.
Is the concept of gender govong literary prizes now? Also why do you have to play by "the rules" to be a good author? Its easy to say that when "the rules" play by your favour, and you dont need to do anything to adapt to them.

>> No.12701334

>should we give the prize to the best written book
>or should we turn it into a popularity contest based on the fashionability and political affiliation of the author?
Reminder buyfags are supporting this degeneracy and insult to literature. If you cared about literature you would pirate everything.
I'm going to get a fake penis and say I'm a trans-trap. Then I'll open a patreon and do astolfo cosplays. It's the only way.

>> No.12701344

See i have nothing against trans people in theory it is just that 100% of them happen to be completely insufferable

>> No.12701353

No, you’re just eating too much processed food and consuming too much neurosis-inducing media.
I’m not joking.

>> No.12701363

Because prizes are handed out based on someone being the antithesis of a straight white male.
If a white male earns a prize it’s not because of his identity, it’s typically through hard work. You can keep trolling or you can keep doing mental gymnastics but you know these prizes are highly politically motivated now more than ever.

>> No.12701408

No it's not the food I eat. Yes psychosis, anxiety and panic attacks are involved - was it the porn in my teenage years, then?

>> No.12701411

If your worldview revolves around your race and gender then that is solely your own fault; it’s neither unique nor necessary. Propagandists push intersectionality bs to divide people and destabilize the current system. Useful idiots are the result and the subsequent behavior should be neither normalized nor rewarded.

>> No.12701426

Implying the history of literary prizes hasnt been marked by deep structural racism sexism and transphobia. Please you dudes were ok with it when it was all straight white males handing out prizes to each other. If we were being fair, we wouldnt hand out literary prizes to white males for the next 500 years

>> No.12701485

I live in Asia and all the literary prizes go to one ethnic group, mostly males, because this country is ethnically homogeneous and men do the majority of the literary writing. You're a racist if you find this problematic and a hypocrite if you don't.

>> No.12701513

>Also why do you have to play by "the rules" to be a good author?
That's not the point numbskull. A women's prize by default shouldn't be given to someone who sees themselves as existing outside the gender binary. The thing non-binaries often believe is that the pressures of 'assigned' gender are arbitrarily harsh, and they'd rather androgyny, at least for themselves. In short, they don't want to play/perform the role of any binary gender, thus (what I said is) they shouldn't be allotted prizes specified for people in a certain gendered category.

>> No.12701533
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This book sounds gay as fuck and the tranny in this thread should chug some Clorox ASAP.

>> No.12701535

>Men btfoing women out of their own sports and prizes

I like this trend desu

>> No.12701546

So obviously bait. You aren’t even trying.

>> No.12701629

Yeah, but is it actually female or not? Difficult to tell since black women look masculine anyway.

>> No.12701636

Men are better at being women than actual women lmao

>> No.12701740

Whenever /lit/ has a thread on Naipul, it's an unanimous fellating about how based adn redbulled he is. That's not a bad thing, but I urge you all not take any "LOL TOTTLY IRRELEVENT PC PANDERING" spergs ITT seriously.

>> No.12702593

Born a woman

>> No.12702666

I've read books by three people on that list and I'm not even that much into literature. I highly recommend Pamuk.

>> No.12702683


>> No.12702934

I'm not the anon you're replying.
Read The Feast of the Goat first and, if you like it, Conversation in the Cathedral after. If you liked both and have no problem with big mistakes when it comes to the whole reason of the event, read The War of the End of the World.

>> No.12702946

Good for her. I'm sure there've been prize winners with a similar subjective experience at a time the wholesome bourgeois morality couldn't allow for it.

>> No.12702948

Let me correct my post.
Read everything else before The War of the End of the World and avoid the books he wrote after 2009.

>> No.12703328

Life is a fucking joke.

>> No.12703347

she's pretty obviously female, mate

>> No.12703361
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can't wait until the chinese cleanse the west in nuclear fire desu

>> No.12703764

If xi isn't a woman, why have they been nominated for a woman's prize?

are the prize committee misgendering xer?

>> No.12704259

I accept transgenderism on the condition that transracialism, transagism, transheightism, transspeciesism, transintellect, etc are also all accepted. Transgenderism is the stratification of sex into a physical, measurable component (biological sex) and an almost spiritual, subjective, identity-based one (gender). There is nothing logically wrong with this on the condition that all other objective measures of one's individuality undergo the same stratification. Ethnic makeup/racial identity, age/mental age, species/identified species, height/mental height, IQ/intellectual identity, and so on. There's no argument I've ever heard for the sex/gender divide that doesn't also apply to those.

If those stratifications aren't accepted (there are some pretty good practical reasons they shouldn't be), none of them can be. This is simple. It's time for progressives to prove they mean what they say by going balls-to-the-wall, or else the time to retract the claim has come.

>> No.12705734

How long until all female competitions are dominated by trans men? Their politics have backfired

>> No.12705760

'trans men' are women that 'identify' as men, so..

>> No.12705766

try harder next time

>> No.12705783
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>> No.12705804

>be heterosexual woman attracted to a handsome man
>this isn't U N I Q U E enough for me, I need something more
>claims to be queer despite apparently living exactly as a heterosexual woman would live
>praised for being BRAVE
>gets interviewed on her STRUGGLE
>reaps benefits
>free publicity

>> No.12705813
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forgot pic

>> No.12705849

>men are better than women
more at 11

>> No.12706050

>implying women can sweep competitive male sport victories

>> No.12706082

read both posts one more time.