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/lit/ - Literature

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12699564 No.12699564 [Reply] [Original]

that's actually worth reading?

>> No.12699670
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Almost none of it:
>Steampunk requires a fundamental misunderstanding of, and, moreover, a distaste for the culture and minds that birthed the technology they bastardized. With few exceptions, almost all of the technology depicted in steam punk fiction: air ships, mechanical computers, high speed vehicles, and long range or otherwise atypical firearms all existed in the late Victorian/Edwardian era. While not fully exploited, in most cases, this technology was executed with greater grace (and far fewer gratuitous exposed gears) or at least understood by the Victorians. Steampunk is a genre for the author that wishes to do only the most superficial research, to seize a mood or aesthetic without plumbing the history that created it. Worse, they seek to divorce an era technology from its fathers in many cases because they cannot respect, or wish to erase, such innovators because their methods or beliefs are not palatable to a modern audience. Steam punk is the lowest of low fantasy, historical fiction without an appreciation for history, science fiction with bastardized science. It is the refuge of the intellectually lazy, the man who thinks technology works like magic, who cannot comprehend or even marvel that great mechanisms that made the modern world. The proponent of steampunk is a swine that would have, like as not, been locked in an asylum in the time they appropriate, and rightly so.

>> No.12699936

Absolutely based

>> No.12700329

>muh unrealistic

>> No.12700344

The Difference Engine

>> No.12700500

is an incredibly turgid exercise in harnessing a fast, crazy horse (Gibson) to a slow but steady horse (Sterling). Tim Powers is the one you're looking for.

>> No.12700884


>> No.12700900

Only good punk is diesel.

>> No.12700907

Cyber is good

>> No.12701599

try John Shirley's novels.