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File: 1.23 MB, 929x1218, Francis E. Dec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1269883 No.1269883 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/

Has anyone had any good results with automatic writing? I gave it a shot the other day, but I can't seem to help focussing on what I write. I didn't produce anything worth keeping in the end. Ideally I'd like all sorts of interesting sub-conscious things to come out. So, please share tips/experiences you've had with automatic writing. Also, you can debate its validity if you wish.

Pic could be related. It would be okay if I wrote something like this.

>> No.1269888
File: 143 KB, 544x400, 1287709511334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you want to write like dec

>> No.1269895

>"Nevertheless, it is a mistake to attempt to write exactly as one [thinks]. Every style of writing should bear a certain trace of relationship with the monumental style, which is, indeed, the ancestor of all styles; so that to write as one [thinks] is just as faulty as to do the reverse, that is to say, to try and [think] as one writes. This makes the author pedantic, and at the same time difficult to understand."

-Arthur Schopenhauer

>> No.1269906

I use this as a warm-up exercise when sitting down to write but don't use it to try to produce work.
Sometimes, when I'm writing I can enter a state where it feels as if I'm automatic writing, but it's really not the same thing.

>> No.1269924
File: 858 KB, 2816x2112, DSCN0578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well not necessarily, although it would be awesome if I made something like this without even thinking about it. Really I'd like to be able to extract something surreal/poetic. I posted this pic in a thread a few days ago, which is what I aspire to.
This is kind of what I'm after. I don't want to use the results as the finished piece - just as something to work from.

>> No.1269933
File: 953 KB, 2112x2816, DSCN0579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

part 2
Don't get all highbrow on me for posting a comic.

>> No.1269934

> I didn't produce anything worth keeping in the end.

That's the point. It's useful for jump-starting when you have no idea what you want to write. You just bang away until you find something, anything, and then scrap everything that came before.

If you're typing in Word or something that breaks on pages, try throwing away the first page you type. You know in advance that nothing in that first page matters but you also know that you have to fill that page. This gets you closer to the right mindset to write stuff that's decent, which is one of not caring so much about quality that you can't produce.

>> No.1269956

you want to try automatic writing? Get stoned, put on a few hours of the Grateful Dead, sit at your computer, and just start typing while staring at a trippy poster. If that doesn't work, there's something wrong with you.

>> No.1269974

For my free write exercises, I always put on some good grooves with no lyrics. Best suggestion is a four-tet album (my fav is rounds). Seriously, check that out and write to it. Another good thing to do is try to meditate and focussing on nothing( count only breaths up to 8) repeat until you cannot concentrate any longer, than begin. You will build up a backlog of ramblings I have found

>> No.1269984

Thanks for your tips, especially this: >>1269974

As for there being something wrong with me, I'm highly schizotypal and avoidant apparently! But should I ever get stoned I might try this out.

>> No.1269988


I use Tim Hecker and Casino Versus Japan, but to each their own.

>> No.1269993
File: 36 KB, 200x200, oh! poirot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP again. It would be great if someone could post about some interesting automatic writing experience they've had. Also, to what extent are you aware of what you're writing while you do it? I give you Poirot in return.

>> No.1270009

grown from holster a man naked in streets where wind finds paths that werent really there after all. Causation of motions of emotions becoming tears as mountains wash away in the horizon that becomes of sea and sky. The trains never stop in the islands that were of reality but substance lacked objectivity that made it disappear in animation of it's own being that was not. Last things first of course came through in a way of a play that turned right around to become left like wind wind wind a plane called a place in a trance. Lacking the fiber of reality he walked the streets looking at windows of shops that licked him wether he liked it or not it grew marvelously from asphalt that rained from below. castrated mule of rotten corpse that rose from skies and the meadows were red from tears of angels that rose from hell to attack the gates of heavens to dethrone the god that enslaved the men of earth under his pretentious rules that lacked substance in objectivity critisized by victorius warriors that were of legend and of myth in times of lost bravery that was art.

- - - - - - - -

short try at autowriting. . .

>> No.1270024

I've done automatic writing and had interesting results from it.

Your model shouldn't be Dec though---he wasn't doing automatic writing, he was just a mental case.

You should be thinking about something like (say) Yeats's "A Vision" which is based on his and his wife's experiments with automatic writing.

>> No.1270034

Every time I try it, it always degenerates to 'deep' philosophical insights and poetry about poo.

>> No.1270041
File: 11 KB, 380x316, WillemDefau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An example
>Forsook my fair love to this place of all places, where the blossoms billow to the sea of light that falls atop our brows. What have we but to admire such beauty, such things as these, that one cannot produce, one can only intimate or imitate their presence, their reality, you may create a likeness, but the true appreciation we have is for what it actually shows, and not this imitation. Why must people stop and stare at waters on the ocean or waves on land, why must they always feel that life stops sometime, we coruscate eternally I think. We will always exist in some form or matter, be it rock or in the belly of some worm, we are still just a combination an amalgam of atoms. And what about racism, why why must we hate those others who are not us. I suppose it has its background in evolution, it helps our survival, but it makes me morose; like a pithy swamp, I bubble shit to my surface, bubble fetal matters out of a toilet bowl of life, it smells the stench it does, but what am I supposed to do about that, I suppose you could invent a spray that makes it no longer smell, but wouldn't that desist the purpose of the strench, which is to stop it's consumption. If feces smelt good, then people might eat it, and those people might die, but enough rambling, enough mobambling. This is real in a sense, if all we have are senses then is the crazy man not seeing the world for what it really is as we are seeing it for what it really is, or is trutth merely the common consensus. What if the common consensus was that your face sucks dick, would that be true? I guess it would be.

>> No.1270042

That is cool! I just get gibberish when I type it. I need to do it by hand.

I was reading about Yeats. I love The Second Coming. It would be really cool to check out some of his automatic stuff. Thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.1270065

Wow. I kind of liked the beginning of it. It gets hilarious towards the end.

>I suppose you could invent a spray that makes it no longer smell
I freakin' lol'd.

>> No.1270078

sing muse of the thread of cogitation which leads ariadneanly nowhere and back again from whence i am suddenly creating and making or not making sense or nonsense or what can you even call it when you're barely aware of the content or the structure such as it is if you can call this structure or content, form without form, meaning without meaning like an overtone that only a dog can hear, and you're surrounded by a pack of howling pomeranians miserable in their solitude and knowledge of some sound, some signal, that is beyond your own scope of perception although it is your fault, it is your result, it is the meaning of you even if you cannot perceive it, but it does to the very air what sculpture does to space and horseradish does to the nasal mucosa, behold it, this is your element, although you can hardly behold or hold or even comprehend it, still, this is you

>> No.1270131

omfg thank you. this is awesome
ironic capcha: British stomper