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/lit/ - Literature

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12698667 No.12698667[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is a public service announcement for all newcomers to /lit/ brought to you by a /lit/ patrician™. Those of us who have long called this board home have noticed a significant deterioration in posting quality and an influx of plebs in the last few months. We can attribute this to many of our top 100 charts being posted on reddit and viewed many hundreds of thousands of times, but whatever we blame it on doesn't change the facts of the matter which is that plebs who don't belong here are shitting threads up.

Thus, this public service announcement was made for those who are determined to stay even if they are way over their heads. Here are some important things you need to get through your head if you are going to stay and post without being ridiculed. Take notes.

1. Under no circumstances will you ever praise or even mention any book taught in a standard high school curriculum unless it's clear that the book is already well-received on /lit/ (to account for the few good books/authors occasionally taught in some high schools like Shakespeare, Conrad, Nabokov etc. The vast majority of books taught in high-school are complete pleb shit.

2. Genre-fiction is pleb trash and anyone who reads it frequently should be curb-stomped. If you are going to post in bookshelf threads then take your GRR Martin et al., off of the shelf before you photograph it you retards. Don't ever mention genre-fiction unless its in a containment thread specifically for it.

3. Israel did 9/11

4. Don't ever defend yourself by trying to insinuate that the person ridiculing you for your shit taste is simply trying to get you to stop liking what they themselves don't like. This will instantly reveal you to be a mega-pleb. There is objectively bad literature and roughly 85% of the time people here are being honest with you when they say an author you like is trash.

5. Don't ever bring identity politics into threads on /lit/. We are here to discuss literature and not women or minorities. If you want to have a thread asking about favorite women authors thats fine but don't ever attempt to use "all white men etc" as an argument to detract from something. Also don't ever ask why literature from African authors isn't more popular (its mostly shit). Bringing up identity bullshit needlessly irritates even most left-wing /lit/ posters.

6. /Lit/s harsh attitude towards plebs and pleb books is a necessary and vital part of the board as it helps maintain a homeostasis of quality by weeding out and discouraging plebs from posting.

7. Anything by Douglas Addams, Harper Lee, Joseph Heller, Vonnegut, B.E.E., Bukowski, Palahniuk, or Orwell is complete pleb trash and not to be mentioned.

8. Start with the Greeks or Indians

Brought to you by a /lit/ patrician™. For those of you who are already patricians™, don't give up hope. For those of you who are newcomers, at least try to make it less obvious.

>> No.12698679


>> No.12698708

damn boi
your balls must be bone dry
being a lit patrician and all

>> No.12698714

>Orwell is complete pleb trash and not to be mentioned
nah Orwell is alright

>> No.12698726


>> No.12698729

You should have also mentioned /pol/ for point 5, if you wanted to be neutral. Also please be kinder as a person. Don't say horrible things like "curbstomped" which put terrible images into our minds. But aside from that, nice message. But also you should let people read what they want and not shame them for it. Authenticity is most important, we don't need a board filled with pseuds pretending to enjoy and understand works way beyond their interest or comprehension. Let's all be kinder to eachother, above all. Where's that "be kind." poster? He's my favorite, along with "goodnight frens" poster (i genuinely love you bro, your posts always make me smile). Let's just be kind to eachother and not worry about silly titles like "patrician" or similar. Now that I think about, I don't appreciate your message at all. It's very mean. You need to mature more, reading books is not something to brag about. And learn to be more kind to others. That's most important of all. Without that, the world has no reason to exist. This has been an updated public service message brought to you by a /lit/ kindposter™. For those who are already kindhearted, don't give up your kindness in sight of the meanies on here. For those who are not yet kind, at least try and hide your negativity a bit better.

>> No.12698746

Yeah his essays are pretty solid. “Politics and the English Language” is an ok starting point.

>> No.12698747

Imagine typing this retarded tryhard shit up just for no one to read it

>> No.12698751

I read and enjoyed both. Kill yourself retard.

>> No.12698756

>5. Don't ever bring identity politics into threads on /lit/. We are here to discuss literature and not women or minorities. If you want to have a thread asking about favorite women authors thats fine but don't ever attempt to use "all white men etc" as an argument to detract from something. Also don't ever ask why literature from African authors isn't more popular (its mostly shit). Bringing up identity bullshit needlessly irritates even most left-wing /lit/ posters.

>Implying this isn't always bait or false flagging
>Attacking relatively sjw idpolers, rather rare on this board, ignoring id/pol/ers

>> No.12698762

So Harry Potter is fine yeah?

>> No.12698769

Everyone who reacts to this without seeing it as the copypasta it is should be lurking more and commenting less

>> No.12698770
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Trash thread. Only 15% of that list is worth anything.

>> No.12698773

That's really pathetic

>> No.12698774

no you are

>> No.12698776

Bullshit I know for a fact that Robbie Rotten did 911!

>> No.12698794

Stop embarassing yourself and kys yourself already

>> No.12698795

fuck off tripfag

>> No.12698797

I would like to thank the new janitors for helping prune off-topic threads as of late

>> No.12698799
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These^ kinds of posts are more of a problem than so-called "pleb" books being discussed

>> No.12698800

post feet. why don't you just post feet already? it's not like we can see your fat face, and you won't be embarassing yourself anymore than you already do by being the most retarded and boring tripfag this board ever had. post feet.

>> No.12698801
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Me too. You jannies are doing great work. Don't let mean newfriends and indolent /pol/tards put you down. We need you.

>> No.12698802

this, reporting does make a difference and should not be skipped out of laziness

>> No.12698812

You are beneath contempt
Stop posting

>> No.12698821

Is going to see this picture to simulate Jesus' pose and post it on instagram the art thot equivalent of traveling to Mecca?

>> No.12698842
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>> No.12698852

fuck off or t the least take off your trip

>> No.12698967

Politics and the English Language is the very essay that cured me of my STEMfaggotry in high school. It showed me that writing can be meaningful, logical, and effective

>> No.12698982

It’s really funny seeing that one jackass post that eye gauging pic. This is what he wants to do. Gauge his own eyes out.
Why are so many anons made of eggshells?

>> No.12698989

>anything by Vonnegut, Bukowski, or Orwell is complete pleb trash and not to be mentioned.
go fuck yourself you pseud. just because they're more accessible doesn't make them complete pleb trash.

>> No.12699023


Can someone do a thread on their favorite white male GenX/Milllennial authors who have spent the last 20/10 years stomped/suppressed/ignored by the literary establishment? Names/links/etc appreciated

>> No.12699053

I have a confession to make. Though I spent most of my adolescence browsing 4chan, I've spent the last couple years spending a larger proportion of my time on reddit. It's only been in the last 3-4 months that I started spending most of my time on /lit/ again.

I'm dismayed that I'm apparently one of many making this transition. I think something on Reddit has changed. Whatever illusion of thought, culture, and companionship once existed on that website has become more transparent. I thought it was just me changing, but I think it must be a broadly observable phenomenon. Some element of humanity, whether manufactured or sincere, has burnt out there.

Did the spam bots win?

>> No.12699113

And this is the reason why the tranny keeps posting here

>> No.12699140

Kill this word and all those who use it.

>> No.12699156

>I think something on Reddit has changed.
Yes, we purged all stormfags and can finally have comfy discussions among like minded people without anyone interfering. I'm mostly on chapo, /r/criticaltheory and r/askphilosophy and only come here to troll poltards.

>> No.12699178
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>> No.12699202

My favorite books of all time are the Harry Potter series and The Great Gatsby. I'm a liberal SJW who voted for Hillary Clinton. And there's not a single thing you can do about it. How does that make you feel, snowflake?

>> No.12699225

It's political shills who organize on discord. They've ruined /tv/ as well. They think that just because /pol/ is on 4chan the entire site is worth ruining.

>> No.12699228

This is so embarrassing, I can't handle it.