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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 77 KB, 500x397, Art Hoe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12698508 No.12698508[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Art hoes invariably:
>Live in up and coming cities
>Live in gentrified areas
>Attend university
>Live on daddy's money
>Purchase expensive vintage clothing
>Chase 6 foot fashionable fuckboi white chads
>Claim to be non-racist but all their friends and partners are white
>Work white collar jobs which provide no real benefit to society
>Inspirations are all bourgeois authors and artists
>Claim to be ecological but their actions actually do greater damage to the environment
>Claim to be feminist yet desire dominant boyfriends that will slap them around in bed

What's wrong with these people?

>> No.12698515

This is a fake category, nobody is like this

>> No.12698517

women lack moral agency

>> No.12698518

whats wrong with you making assumptions based solely on jpegs found on a board full of hermits

>> No.12698528

>What's wrong with these people?

>> No.12698529

why do people pretend all generalisations aren't all untrue and all boring.

>> No.12698533

I know people like that

>> No.12698542

not exactly like that i should think

>> No.12698544

all white people are racist

>> No.12698545

No u

>> No.12698546

i hate cunts

>> No.12698553

seriously need to excise 'chad' from your working vocabulary if only because it will imediately turn a reader outside your puahate/redpill/manosphere fora off whatever it is you're saying, regardless of content or verisimilitude or whateverrrrrr.

>> No.12698557

Are you sure you're not just stereotyping people who make you feel insecure for whatever reason?

>> No.12698571

All female posters. Seething.

>> No.12698574
File: 40 KB, 600x532, 1542143512751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leave 4channel retard jesus christ

>> No.12698584

Why do you waste your time on people who mean nothing to you?

>> No.12698590

but i have the wavy picture, and i dont remember the name of it... :(

>> No.12698592

hating stuff is nice

>> No.12698593


>> No.12698594

I only knew two girls like this. One dated a guy who wasn't even white nor 6 feet, was middle to lower class, and practiced wicca. The other was a feminist who claimed she didn't like guys at all then ironically makes a dating profile page and argued against the teacher claiming the Jim Crow era wasn't as bad as portrayed.

>> No.12698595

another argument won

>> No.12698601
File: 45 KB, 499x499, 4Chan_Meme_Pepe_Smiling5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just fucking hate women to be honest lads

>> No.12698607

are you lost? what the fuck are you doing here? do you have even any idea where you are? fuck off. stop posting. leave. go away. begone.

>> No.12698614

>Live on daddy's money
>provide no real benefit to society
Stirnered & Aynpilled

>> No.12698628


I've fucked several people like this and even been a relationship with one for about a year.
I really realized her secret racism quite late, she was the most extreme sjw you could imagine... It was nice (like everything) in the beginning though, that is important to remember.

>> No.12698632

*not her racism

>> No.12698643

I hate art hoes but this thread is off-topic
Over-privledged girls are NOT literature

>> No.12698649

Begone THOT

>> No.12698650

lmao a lot of people are clearly like that

>> No.12698654

Fuck off art hoe apologist

>> No.12698655

It's the only kinda girl I attract
I always try to find fringe art girls who have actually read a book and won't just fuck me for the art hoe cred (yep I have some underground fame)

>> No.12698663

>implying i'm a grill
i know it's distressing when you pull the string and the familiar noise, the one you were expecting, is instead ust your dad calling you a faggot

>> No.12698669

No one gives a shit about your gay blogpost
Anyone can fuck these whores; you are not special for having sex with so called art HOES

People like you are why this board has gone to shit. This thread isn't even remotely on topic
Go back to /mu/ or /fa/ or whatever faggot board you came from. You clearly don't give a shit about books

>> No.12698677

assortative mating is a known biological phenomenon. it shouldn't be surprising that people generally want to mate with people like themselves regardless of their views on race or immigration or whatever.

>> No.12698678

None of this is racist, you ass-clown.

>> No.12698680

You're an incoherent fag and I'd love to kill you :))))

>> No.12698688

you're free to try bb ;^)

>> No.12698694

You *are what you *are. Ebonics is for retards.

>> No.12698695

be careful what you wish for sweetums

>> No.12698707

this is the worst thread on /lit/
death to roasties tho

>> No.12698710

you probably don't even realize you're of a type