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/lit/ - Literature

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12698161 No.12698161 [Reply] [Original]

>ywn read the lost Homeric Epics
>ywn read the Titanomachy
>ywn read hundreds of Aristotle’s essays
>ywn read the full of Aeschylus’ Prometheus trilogy

There is no justice in this world

>> No.12698166

>ywn read Suetonius' Lives of Famous Whores

>> No.12698235

We know enough about Agrippina

>> No.12698371
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>tfw you may never mystically experience the Revelation of John for yourself in this life

>> No.12698391

Aeschylus' hurts me the most

>> No.12698401

I've actually astral projected back through time and read all these. Aristotle was a manlet with a high pitched voice btw.

>> No.12698420

I already know Plato was a chad but can you confirm for me.

>> No.12698421

>ywn read Bataille's first book
>ywn know what happened inside the secret order of Acephale
>ywn experience what a satyr play actually is
>ywn know the Northern Mythology in any way close to how people who believed in Asatru did
>ywn meet your favorite writer, because you are a /lit/fag and a writer has to be dead to be good.

>> No.12698430

>>ywn read the full of Aeschylus’ Prometheus trilogy

this one makes me unironically sad

>> No.12698550

Bit unrelated, but is Zeus supposed to come out as a cunt in Prometheus Bound?
That seems like a bit of blasphemy, but he seemed to want to end humanity

>> No.12698552

>Gogol will never finish Dead Souls

>> No.12698561

Blasphemy doesn't really work the same with Greeks as with Christians

Diomedes literally tried to kill Apollo and wounded Aphrodite, but he was favored by the gods and eventually semi-deified in Greece.

>> No.12698576

>ywn read Dostoevsky's sequel to The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.12698582
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>tfw ywn read Pynchon