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12693733 No.12693733 [Reply] [Original]

per the laws of the land your last words, which will also be inscribed on your headstone in the prison churchyard, must be prepared in advance and must be no longer than fifty words.

You are guilty of the crime, but the sentence is likely too harsh, but some view it as entirely just.

What do you write?

For me, I'd go with straight up plagiarism and write
>No coward soul is mine

>> No.12693737

Traps are not gay

>> No.12693751

If you're reading this, you're gay

>> No.12693753

>Per the ancient laws, as the noose is drawn tight about your neck, the prison warden in his black frock coat mounts the scaffold. He draws a thin document from his waistcoat, and, with a booming voice announces: "The prisoner, Mr. Anon, wishes that the world may know his last pronouncement, it reads: "Traps are not gay."
>The lever is pulled, and as you hear your own neck snap, another sound, somehow louder, fills your ears, thousands of voices, the whole crowd in unison, shouting "Yes, but you are!"

>> No.12693758

How am I being executed? Firing squad like the pic or something different?

>> No.12693763

Let's say firing squad since it's in the pic

>> No.12693781

>jizzes on the crowd in a tsunami of bukkake after being asphyxiated

>> No.12693783

Let be said that I faced death like a worn and unraveled bowline.

>> No.12693790

not dead, just dormant
i'll be back

>> No.12693798

>Wasting your last statements on being a complete and pathetic edgelord

>> No.12693799

Lol real spooky faggot. I’m gonna pee on your grave now

>> No.12693802

It's alright. Don't be afraid. It's only the end.

>> No.12693805

I would certainly prefer to be killed by firing squad than hanged. I'm aware of the theory that when you die, your brain secretes hormones that effectively slow down your perception of time so that your final seconds last an eternity. If my eternity were to be spent with the sensation of falling, with that rough rope burning my neck, with my hands tightly bound, then I should know what Hell is.

>> No.12693807

Depending on how i’m feeling

>Adolf Hitler should have won. One day all the Jews who have ruined society will get their just punishment. Read Mein Kampf, read Culture of Critique, pay attention to who rules society, look at crimes rates, your interests are your races interests.

Not caring
>Come on, i’m really tired. Just let me sit down.

Gallows Humor “assuming electric chair”
>Anyone want to hold my hand?

>> No.12693808

Dear future archaeologists: we predicted this would happen

>> No.12693810

Fifty words is tough. I'd like to go out with a poem, but this one, while short, is still 102 words.

Sunset and evening star,
And one clear call for me!
And may there be no moaning of the bar,
When I put out to sea,

But such a tide as moving seems asleep,
Too full for sound and foam,
When that which drew from out the boundless deep
Turns again home.

Twilight and evening bell,
And after that the dark!
And may there be no sadness of farewell,
When I embark;

For tho' from out our bourne of Time and Place
The flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my Pilot face to face
When I have crost the bar.

>> No.12693815

Sorry anon, you get shot right at fifty words

>> No.12693824

Hitler did nothing wrong

>> No.12693827


"To thee the world is like a tomb,
A desert's naked shore;
To us, in unimagined bloom,
It brightens more and more!

"And, could we lift the veil, and give
One brief glimpse to thine eye,
Thou wouldst rejoice for those that live,
BECAUSE they live to die."

>> No.12693831

I'm also going to plagiarize
>I had only to wish that there be a large crowd of spectators the day of my execution, and that they greet me with cries of hate

>> No.12693833

I would run

>> No.12693834

This is stupid. Waste your last words on nonesense

>> No.12693849

That's beautiful. I have never read Emily's poems but always preferred her to her sisters prose-wise. I guess I should check her poetry out.

>> No.12693856


>> No.12693860
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Such is life.

>> No.12693862

Lol okay you cheeky bastard. I'll die to the tune of this 46 word Housman poem then., reciting it and thinking of home.

Into my heart on air that kills
From yon far country blows:
What are those blue remembered hills,
What spires, what farms are those?

That is the land of lost content,
I see it shining plain,
The happy highways where I went
And cannot come again.

>> No.12693863

I would rather be fishing

>> No.12693867

A death worth dying for.

>> No.12693869

Prep my wife’s bull

>> No.12693875

"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner."

>> No.12693876
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Threadly Alternative: what are your final 50 words as a scrotum-jingling male? They will be read before the local gathering of feminists and their allies.

>> No.12693892

I would rather be fishing

>> No.12693897

I would rather be fisting

>> No.12693900


>> No.12693904

Her poetry is great and she is really fascinating. Arguably on an entirely separate intellectual plane compared to her sisters. Not to her benefit, mind - she had schizotypal traits (purportedly saw visions on the moors, often talked to herself, unable to make friends) and, despite being the daughter of Anglican clergyman, held to her own private form of Christian mysticism and even flirted with what some call pantheism.

>> No.12693906

You just need something sufficiently allusory and esoteric

"jet fuel can't melt steel beams"

>> No.12693928
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If Im allowed a few extra words
>There’s a hand to turn the time, though thy glass today be run, till the light that hath brought the towers low find the last poor pretrite one, till the riders sleep by every road all through our crippled zone, with a face on every mountainside, and a soul in every stone.

Most likely one
>God speaks in the least of creatures

>> No.12693930

"All this buttoning and unbuttoning."

I always found that one terse and powerful.

>> No.12693943

>I would certainly prefer to be killed by firing squad than hanged. I'm aware of the theory that when you die, your brain secretes hormones that effectively slow down your perception of time so that your final seconds last an eternity. If my eternity were to be spent...
Sorry anon, that’s 74 words

>> No.12693953

Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,
And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell,
And poppy or charms can make us sleep as well
And better than thy stroke; why swell'st thou then?
One short sleep past, we wake eternally
And death shall be no more;

>> No.12693956

I might do this one too
>I’ve seen hoofprints cloven in the stone...

>> No.12693984


>> No.12693993

Take my wife, please

>> No.12694012

I will steal mine from Keats.

"I can feel the daisies growing over me."

>> No.12694119

To all assembled here to put me to death, I thank you. This is a great kindness.

>> No.12694171


And all men kill the thing they love, By all let this be heard, Some do it with a bitter look, Some with a flattering word, The coward does it with a kiss, The brave man with a sword!

>> No.12694173

Fuck jannies

>> No.12694177
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>> No.12694233

Forgive them, Lord. They know not what they do.

>> No.12694284

Après moi le déluge

>> No.12694330
File: 711 KB, 790x767, 1551502848109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats that
Can't tell
Hand held dream
Shot in hell
Deep space ghetto (streets)
Show me somethin'
I ain't seen before
Mystery hind that
Death door
Juke step electrocute the floor
Whats the science on
Flyin' that high
Got a no-no goin', one time

>> No.12694434

Youre making us antisemites look bad, fag

>> No.12694438

Read Crtique of pure reason

>> No.12694451

The laws of the world, by and of men, subject to all the nobility and folly of men, mean naught to one whose kingdom is not of the world.

>> No.12694460

it was fun, dude

>> No.12694951

History will prove me right, faggots.

>> No.12694970

Fuck, I love this.

>> No.12695000


>> No.12695031

Kill them. For the Lord knows those that are His own.

>> No.12695108

your mother will die in her sleep if you do not bring flowers to this grave. i want roses and tulips of the highest quality only. they are to be half height of my gravestone. measure them. MEASURE THEM!

>> No.12695144

Rei is best girl

>> No.12695147

Does nobody understand?

>> No.12695166
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>> No.12695196

I want to fuck Anchovy from girls und Panzer. I want to fill her pristine pussy with Spaghetti and slowly slurp them one by one

>> No.12695501

Incredible. I've never thought about the possibility that you can eat something out of a girls vagina. I will have to try to try, do you think spaghetti is suitable, considering taste an all?

>> No.12695516

I hid the gold at...

>> No.12695533

Кoгдa пyля пpoнзилa мoй чepeп, зacтpялa в cepe мoeгo мoзгa, зaмeтив, кaк мoё тeлo cлoвнo кyклa yпaлa в cнeг, бeз ocoбoй жaлocти oпycтил pyжьё, caжёг пaпиpocy.

>> No.12695553

The treasure is burred in....

>> No.12695849


>> No.12695975

dude you are actually so fucking sick haha yeah imagine how ebic it would be if I was nonchalantly just like i dont care give me a chair before i died xdd

>> No.12695981

I have no fear, for fear is the little death that kills me over and over. Without fear, I die but once.

>> No.12696256

>not dipping your literal wiener into brown sugar
never gonna make it

>> No.12696271

plop plop schlop schlop slurp mwah sluuuuuurp *farts* yes yes a toast to mysirs at literatuer and books board of 4channel finnegans wake was a waste of time

>> No.12696275

Alte masti, aceeasi piesa,
Alte guri, aceeasi gama,
Amagit atit de-adese
Nu spera si nu ai teama.

>> No.12696303

I would thank the executioners for letting me finally die and be at peace. I never wanted to live.

>> No.12696310

Look, I'm being executed. I would select one of my executioners, lets say it's Leonid, and I'd just casually assert something like
"Leonid's wife preferred my cock, because his is tiny"

>> No.12696317

"Fuck all of you. You will all die alone when the time comes."

>> No.12696428


>> No.12696505
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May you never find yourself in my place; live a long happy life, marry a beautiful young woman and sire many children. Love your family and your people, fight your enemies with burning passion. Read, write, play music and create art: life is short, don't waste yourself. I envy you.

>> No.12696525

Fuck niggers, fuck kikes, fuck muslims
And most of all

>> No.12696540
File: 943 KB, 2069x1735, Joan's last words.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12696544


>> No.12696554


Soldiers, when I give the command to fire, fire straight at my heart. Wait for the order. It will be my last to you. I protest against my condemnation. I have fought a hundred battles for France, and not one against her ... Soldiers, fire!

>> No.12696785

I take as warp the evening shine
As weft the morning brilliance
My loom is all you left me
So now I weave all softly
this thing's martyr bed.
My clots stain the soil
I need no more
It is yours
I leave

>> No.12696799

Here lies the unbroken one, forgiven.

>> No.12696931
File: 911 KB, 1136x1012, 1550188290373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hating yourself feels powerful
Like drinking from a cool well
Beware, for you don’t know yet
That water is poisoned, 'tis a sure bet
A hundred times you mimic the motion
And still you are bound to forget.

>> No.12696946

xd dabbed hard to this post upvoted!

>> No.12696950

>a frayed knot


>> No.12696988
File: 204 KB, 1074x937, smug_swede2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please delete this image asap

>> No.12697018

I like how Apu is content with his station in life.

>> No.12697253


>> No.12697468


>> No.12697549

you sir win the internet!

>> No.12697579


Those would be my last words.
I wish to be cemented as a fag in the books of history

>> No.12697615


>> No.12697624

woah buddy, that's problematic

>> No.12697639
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Your time will come perkele-chan

>> No.12697671

"Death is but a door. Time is but a window. I will return!" *Speaks evil sounding gibberish to make everyone think they've been cursed

>> No.12697672


>> No.12697802

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

>> No.12697813


>> No.12697839

“One day my spirit will rise from the grave and the world will know that I was right”

>> No.12697888

Fuck jannies and fuck niggers

>> No.12698270

the_zionald loves israel though

>> No.12698286

the white man marches on

>> No.12698291

BTFO I guess

>> No.12698304

Father, when my grave is filled up crumble a piece of bread on it so that the sparrows may fly down; I shall hear and it will cheer me up not to be lying alone.

>> No.12698319


>> No.12698432

Why is Dosto so aesthetic? Word to word he's kind of stilted but his imagery and choice of scenes is impeccable.

>> No.12698439

Tell them I've had a wonderful life.

>> No.12698452


>> No.12698459

I love the humour on this website. It's so quirky and fun. There's a lot of references and in jokes and if you aren't a /pol/ster you probably won't get it. #NewfagsGetOut haha

>> No.12698463

Fucking based

>> No.12698465

I.......I..........I'm gay.

>> No.12698497
File: 1.01 MB, 1135x1555, 57734945_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who doesn't want a piece of DUCE?

>> No.12698565

peepee poopoo

>> No.12698642

Good taste

>> No.12698803


>> No.12698876

>brain about to secrete hormones
>some guy in the squad shot your brain

>> No.12698890

Here lies Anon. He never scored.

>> No.12698893

yeah but what if that causes him to become enraged and pull down your pants, revealing your small shriveled penis and your last moments are spent in false bravado and then shame

>> No.12699167

I'm pretty sure firing squads usually aim for the heart.

>> No.12699170

What if I don't have a heart?

>> No.12699180

My executioners can go suck a big fat STD-ridden dick

>> No.12699183

They can if they wish because they aren't about to have their futures terminated

>> No.12699192

Gone fishing

>> No.12699335


>> No.12699343

>he hasn’t read “Bullet in the Brain”

>> No.12699809

There ain't nothing like a friend who can tell you you're just pissing in the wind.

>> No.12699845

It’s been a privilege

>> No.12699963

See you soon

>> No.12700064

Wandered Enough
Learned Aplenty
Nudged Who Needed
And Watched The Outcomes
I Wanted To Conserve The Earth
So They Put Me Into It
Elements Come Together
And Then They Are Shed
I Am One Or None

>> No.12700075

"FIRE", a cacophony of noise--I am crumpled in the snow. In my dying breath I draw the last of my strength to choke out a final sentence:
>"Loss of blood......my only weakness......"

>> No.12700360

Industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for human race

>> No.12700396

This one feels too genuine.

>> No.12700401

Best answer itt

>> No.12700408


>> No.12700415


I loved the world.

>> No.12700418

I wouldn't have that problem, my cock is big. Worst case Leonid takes out his own to prove me wrong and freeze his dick in the cold. Worth it in any case.

>> No.12700425

Et in Arcadia Ego.

>> No.12700426

History will absolve me.

>> No.12700434

Si le ciel et la mer sont noirs comme de l'encre
Nos coeurs que tu connais sont remplis de rayons !

Verse-nous ton poison pour qu'il nous réconforte
Nous voulons, tant ce feu nous brûle le cerveau,
Plonger au fond du gouffre, Enfer ou Ciel qu'importe,
Au fond de l'Inconnu, pour trouver du *nouveau.*

Roughly translated:

If the sky and the sea are like the blackest ink
Our hearts, that you know well are brimming with sunrays
Pour us some of your poison so that we be comforted
Our brain are so burned by that fire that we want
To dive deep in the chasm, Heaven, Hell, whatever !
Deep down in the Unknown, to find something *new*

Last verses of the last poems of Flowers of Evil, the poet is talking to Death.

>> No.12700437

Hit or miss
I guess they never miss, huh?
You got a boyfriend, I bet he doesn't kiss ya
He gon' find another girl and he won't miss ya
He gon' skrrt and hit the dab like Wiz Khalifa

>> No.12700450

>I committed the crime but not against you. Who tells you to kill me and the other prisoners is a murderer of hundreds and oppressor of thousands. Who is worse?

>> No.12700466
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>You are guilty of the crime
Okay, 'I would have done the same.'

>> No.12700478

My only regret is never getting a catboy bf

>> No.12700521
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>Soldiers, when I give the command to fire, fire straight at my heart. Wait for the order. It will be my last to you. I protest against my condemnation. I have fought a hundred battles for France, and not one against her ... Soldiers, fire![17]

>> No.12700584

My fortune is yours for the taking, but you'll have to find it first.
I left everything I own in one piece.

>> No.12700806

"Now fingering the devil's dick"

>> No.12701066

"OP is faggot"

>> No.12701288

Only good one desu

>> No.12701330


>> No.12701339

Basé et rougepilulé.

>> No.12701428
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How can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence!

>> No.12701452

“Just bury me face down so the world can kiss my ass”

>> No.12701456

"thou shall not kill" - Christ is watching you.

>> No.12701465


>> No.12701467

fuck off ted

>> No.12701576

Wow I’m a little bitch compared to Ney

>> No.12701783

Fuck niggers and jannies

>> No.12701834

a simple "fuggg :DDDDD" will do

>> No.12702249

Oh shit, i'm sorry.

>> No.12702300

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as pedophilia, is in fact, hebephilia, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, ephebophilia. Pedophilia is not merely the attraction to anyone under 18, but rather a totally separate disorder (not a legal term) listed as a sexual-psychological disorder categorized under paraphilias, a group of sexual-psychological disorders in the DSM-IV and considered a disorder under the standards of the American Psychological Association. Many people could be considered ephebophiles despite the fact that they themselves may not know the term, much less what it means. Through a peculiar turn of events, ephebophilia and hebephilia became grouped under the very general and inconclusive cultural term "pedophilia," and the majority of people using the term are unaware that they are referring to non-paraphilic sexual preferences that are unmentioned in the DSM-IV and occur relatively harmlessly in a great deal of the population. There really is a pedophilia, and these people may be referring to it, but nevertheless it is a small part of what is labeled under "pedophilia." Pedophilia is labeled as a paraphilia because it is by nature unhealthy. Paraphilias are all unhealthy and destructive to relationships, but are restricted to the definitions set forth in the DSM. Pedophilia is simply grouped with the non pathologized conditions of hebephilia and hebephilia because they share a few similar traits. In reality, pedophilia separate from both and should be treated as such, and many people described as pedophiles would be better described as hebephiles or ephebophiles.

>> No.12702308

I wish I took a real subject in college

>> No.12702310

Bury me together with a pear so I'm more useful in death than your leaders alive

>> No.12702581
File: 212 KB, 640x632, 1548355116007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creeps up behind me
Over my shoulder
Turn around try to see
But its nowhere
Noided, noided
Static on my blindside

>> No.12702739


>> No.12702753

Why a pear?

>> No.12702764

A plague on both your houses, they've made worm's meat of me!

>> No.12702770

With a bit of luck a peartree will grow

>> No.12702781

Anon. Formerly alive.

>> No.12702785

That's nice, anon. I would water your grave.

>> No.12703538
File: 24 KB, 278x300, Peter-Wessel-Zapffe-278x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the bullet.

>> No.12703638

>Whaddaya gonna do, shoot me?

>> No.12703701

I mean I'd either say bruh or depending on context "what class of man would want to be shown mercy by his own enemy"

>> No.12703782

Based Ned

>> No.12703803

Shoot coward you'll only kill an incel!

>> No.12704224

This life is my last. I wish the best, for all the souls in torment

>> No.12704558

Here lies Anon, he never scored.

>> No.12705945

Birds are very important

>> No.12706421

If you're looking for perfection, inhale the dust of the world, smile at the anguish of life, for perfection can only be achieved through embracing all things and while it is easy to fight against reality and fate, loving them can be the hardest. As I prepare for my return, I recommend enjoying the turbulence of life before reality reveals the truth and fate strips you of your agency.

>> No.12707125

"I am the Way; I am Truth and Life". John 14, 6

>> No.12707178
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>> No.12707209

>tfw no gf

>> No.12707219

I like to imagine the content of this post being what's inscribed on the headstone without any context

>> No.12707581

Fifty bucks if you miss.