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12689615 No.12689615 [Reply] [Original]

I just discovered that people only hold systematic resentment (for this board, its resentment towards women and anything that they do) when they have nothing substantial to look forward to in your life. By that I mean, a satisfactory job, a goal, or an involvement with something large to keep you intellectually occupied. Being any of that won't leave neither time or space in your mind to nurture lumps of resentment, rather it would help you take a 'oh who cares' position of mentality, which is possibly the most healthy state for a mind to be in.

>> No.12689702

You are right that most of us (slightly above average to considerably above average intelligence) would be better off if we just thought less when doing things.

Easier said than done though. Once you start it’s very hard to stop. And they aren’t wrong when they recognize women have been coddled to the point that they are in a sorry state rn. And they are usually right to resent the other stuff as well. The next thing is where to go from there?

>> No.12689711

Resentment isn't bad. It feels bad, sure, the situation is bad, but it leads to revolution.

>> No.12689915

not true. seen plenty of rich people and those with good jobs be like that.

>> No.12689919

>looking forward to some unfaithful roastie and crotch spawn

breeder pls

>> No.12689930

most hateful derision comes from a place of insecurity, as it's usually unnecessary to hatefully deride somebody. hate doesn't usually have a purpose so why would you spend your time hating something unless you're trying to convince yourself that thing is worse than you? if you hate it, you already KNOW it's worse than you, so why waste effort positing that? it's insecurity, and most people don't even know why that's why they're hating on things. but then you ask these people about themselves and they're usually fat, ugly, disliked by "normies", or generally have some major flaw about them that they wish they could change. hate is a coping mechanism.

>> No.12689940

You're promoting a pretty toxic and passive attitude there, frend. It's desirable to engage with society.

>> No.12689948

you're absolutely kidding yourself if you think this board is "engaging" with society. there's a difference between discourse and hate and you know that. why do I need to call you a dipshit faggot retard to get my point across? that's not discourse, that's insecurity. if i'm confident in my logic then I post my logic and my logic alone, derision only hurts my argument because it puts the other person in a defensive position and will be less likely to consider the things i'm saying.
no need to be hateful unless you're insecure about something.

>> No.12689961

There are plenty of people who have busy careers and who complain about society a lot. This shit is just an attempt to reduce the status of people who believe the status quo is bad.

>> No.12689968

The best way to curb resentment is have have people marry and get kids. For the average person, having to provide for a family will get you more occupied and make your life more meaningful than any grand ideology or political movement.

>> No.12689977

Do you also complain about the resentment of the working class? The contradiction, the interest conflict is dangerous, of course you don't want "your enemies" or groups you don't like to be resentful.


>> No.12690024

marriage and kids introduces and/or exacerbates its own set of neuroses.
t. son of wife-beater and child-beater

>> No.12690056

Naturally. Why do you think "God I wish that was me" is so popular?

>> No.12690121

That's one way, but only because having a child or loved wife is a method of forcing empathy on a person. It's easier to sympathize with other humans when you have a kid because now you're responsible for another human and have to consider their feelings, and you WANT to because you love your own child. Once you realize everyone is a child just like yours, it's harder to treat people with resentment. It doesn't always work that way, either. Some people have children by accident, thereby making said person unhappy about that birth and as such they don't empathize with the child at all, thusly treating them with resentment. See >>12690024. Or sometimes the child was planned, but it didn't turn out how the father wanted it. It's a very nuanced discussion to be had, I don't think resentment can be boiled down to any one cause. There are many reasons someone might resent something or someone, including insecurity or lack of productivity.

>> No.12690188

i can't fucking work because i need sex to function. shove a cactus up your faggot ass OP.

>> No.12690248

>this is ur brain on poon

>> No.12690270

so being a virgin is the equivalent to being a vegetable? can't function? no wonder you're all so bitter. heh.

>> No.12690327

Reminder that a husband’s suspicion of his wife cheating on him is pathological regardless of it’s actually true or not

Same applies to the resentful and disgusting claims about women that are constantly posted on here. Even if all the points you make are “true” the process by which you select facts can make the cumulative argument a complete fabrication

>> No.12690812

Why do you exist?

>> No.12690830

>implying managerial gynocracy dont real
Discourse is a waste of time to get things done you need Hate

>> No.12690842

There's a difference between resentment and general disdain.

>> No.12690844

This desu, the reason females are doing well rn is hating males enough and using mans natural submissiveness to them in their favor

>> No.12690847

You're such a retard.

>> No.12690854

>tfw you fags got baited by an OP that literally says
>if you hate women it's because you're a neet incel

>> No.12690988

OP here and I am not at all saying that. You can be married or have a sex life and still can be the same.

>> No.12691008

>I just discovered that people only hold systematic resentment when they have nothing substantial to look forward to in your life.
...Or when their substantial outlooks are being threatened?

>> No.12691033

>rather it would help you take a 'oh who cares' position of mentality, which is possibly the most healthy state for a mind to be in.
>promoting moral relativism as "healthy"

>> No.12691038

>or an involvement with something large to keep you intellectually occupied
it didn't work for Hitler

>> No.12691489

>yes goy work more think less

what goals are left in this society? is all just meaningless shit, there nothing worth fighting for anymore.

>> No.12691593

And you're coming to 4chan to "get things done"? Really? Like I said, don't kid yourself. Hate doesn't do anything but manipulate stupid people and if you need hate to do that you might be stupid yourself. I still insist hate is bred from insecurity. It's the only thing that makes sense.

>> No.12691615

no shit, why do you think so many people are obsessed with politics today? because their lives are meaningless and going nowhere so they need to feel like a part of something bigger than the subatomic particles that they truly are

>> No.12691616

not at all, virgins don't know what they're missing. an incel virgin is completely insane, they don't even know what sex is like, what do they have to be frustrated about?

just to suffer

>> No.12691633

4chan has superior discourse compared to the npcs surrounding me in school. this place is unironically the only way for most of people to get a taste of the elite discourse.

>> No.12691659

You flew too close to the sun with this satire.

>> No.12691698

I am using hate to tap into the immanent black sun kalki hitler bwo. Death is the way to eternity love shall begin when the world ends. If everyone could tune in to the hate frequency, the shit hitler and isis and charlie manson were tunning into, come on you know its the only thing thats real anymore in this fake world of screens inside screens inside screens, if we could all tune in to the hate frequency, the forbidden channel, the screens would overload and the world would annihilate itself.

>> No.12691706

about the most generic, tired and baseless claim being actively perpetuated

>> No.12691707

why do you think that way and continue to waste your time on this website then?

>> No.12691755

You misunderstand. I'm not wasting my time here, I just don't have the delusions of my peers being "npcs" or /lit/ being anything but a place to shitpost about books and their authors. Your post, packed with these sorts of delusions, is basically indistinguishable from parody. I don't mean to make you feel bad so don't take it personally.

>> No.12691757

How someone could even interpret anything there as 'work more think less' is beyond me.
However, if thinking inevitably leads to resentment for you, you're a weak human being and in that case, yes, you should think less.

>> No.12691780

this is the same guy going around saying fascism is not a nihilistic death cult.

>> No.12691782

Is resenting bad things bad? I don't see how that'd make me a "weak human"

>> No.12691811

Because you can't control yourself from falling to resentment. This is a sign of weakness.

>> No.12691812

Progressivism is also a death cult albeit a boring one. The lamest imaginable death cult. Dasein is being towards death, do you want to be put down like a dog or will you go out guns blazing?


>> No.12691831

Fascism is about love for other people and community participation.

>> No.12691845

But that doesn't answer my question. I'm asking why resentment is bad.

>> No.12691852

underrated post

>> No.12691874
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pic related
so because death is an inevitability we must, contrary to instinct and good sense, throw ourselves and our whole species into the void? and why? because it's cool and kinda macho?
what's your favorite movie, by the way?
and what does 'progressivism' mean to you?

>> No.12691878

This also applies to antiracists, feminists, and communists. Really a dumb position to take.

“Yes perhaps wealthy corporate interests are taking advantage of society to destroy our environment, wage costly wars for their own benefit, and gradually exclude you from a fulfilling social and economic life and role, but WHY DO YOU CARE? Perhaps your feelings of perpetual inferiority stem from your inability to be a valuable and high functioning member of your workforce. If you worked hard not only would you be too exhausted to care but also you could potentially be rewarded with a ten to fifteen dollar/h raise after a measly five years of full time labour”

And so on.

>> No.12691900

He’s right though. The (very) occasional worthwhile tidbits here and generally far superior to the menial droning of the Anglo-America’s future elite class.

Try having a conversation with any of those people that doesn’t revolve around their syllabus or socially correct regurgitations of cultural issues. It’s a pretty terrible state we’re in.

>> No.12691930

For every "worthwhile tidbit" here, there is a thousand in literature itself, so spending time here instead of there definitely is not for such insights. At least academic peers are somewhat familiar with the objects of study, while the level of discourse here is one step above reddit and twitter or wherever.

>> No.12691940

>more meaningful

Meaning is not implicit to experience and they are certainly not directly proportional.

>> No.12691949

You're dumb

>> No.12691961

>Breeders actually think like this
Truly the essence of selfishness.

>> No.12691978

That's how I view it as a fascist, frend.
A corporatist or syndicalist system is part of it.

>> No.12691983

Academia doesn't have these insights lol. Why do you think that doing something as profession privileges that person above all? Fucking academicucks are just gatekeeping faggots.

>> No.12691987

The best of all worlds is to read then shitpoat about it here

>> No.12692014

>what are academic libraries
I probably don't disagree.

>> No.12692032
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I am unconstrained by your moralfag mewling and your attempts at policing my thoughts. I'll do what I want, when I want it. If I want to hate the world, that's for me to decide.

>> No.12692062

fuck off, there are no actual goals in life. If you think you have some you are just stupid enogu and I'm kinda happy for you. But don't come here and tell me about your fucking useless job or meaningless family. The resentment I hold is for cunts like you who speak about goals and meaning, fuck off. Also for the record I am 3rd year in uni, with idependent income, reading a ton, no vidiya, losing a ton of weight and improving myslef, I just don't lie about it beaing meaningless.

>> No.12692077

Ah yes I too enjoyed that book.

>> No.12692107


>> No.12692167

resentment itself isn't bad. I explaine

>> No.12692168

...d on the post what kind I am speaking of.

>> No.12692190
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>I just discovered that I'm a shitty amateur psychoanalyst.

>> No.12692441
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This is an "observable" truth, and as it goes, this truth can only be applied under specific circumstances with specific groups of people. How do you account for outliers?
For example, there are many things I've come to "hate" or "despise", particular in response to the state of Modern/Western civilization. Yet, my feelings are based largely on romantic notions, idealism, and tribalistic empathies. I, on a personal level, make the best of my life however and I'm perfectly content. I am graduated, married and now living in a new and lovely area.
Perhaps you could make your statements more accurate by narrowing down to obsessive and illogical displays of "hate", however you decide to identify it.

Surrounding oneself in nature also works wonders. And I do not simply mean living in the country, but merely stepping outside with no technological distractions and surrounding your senses in the natural world.

But I would also like to reiterate that what one references makes a difference to when highlighting the problem of hate. Hate is natural, to an extent. How hate is expressed and for what reasons, however...