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/lit/ - Literature

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12687722 No.12687722[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Shakespeare was a faggot
>Proust was a faggot
>Herman Melville was a faggot
>Thomas Mann was a faggot
>Walt Whitman was a faggot
>Arthur Rimbaud was a faggot
>Hart Crane was a faggot
>Oscar Wilde was a faggot
>Balzac was a faggot
>Marquis de Sade
>Gogol was a faggot
>Socrates was a faggot

Holy shit. I'm not even memeing this time. There are so many that i'm not even going to bother writing here. You can actually go on and search this shit. EVERY MAJOR WRITER IS A FAGGOT! Even second rate writers like DH Lawrence, Paul Bowles, W.H Auden, John Cheever were faggots. Fuck, this explains so much why i "suddenly" want to fuck traps.

>> No.12687729

Ummmm.... What about Nabokov?

>> No.12687734

he said major

>> No.12687736

Didn't really find anything on him. But he was a faggot nonetheless based on "le aesthete man".

>> No.12687746

I think you perhaps forgot Mister Thomas Poon-lover-chon

>> No.12687751

Just because you're a faggot too doesn't mean you're a good writer

>> No.12687757

he said faggot

>> No.12687765

Shakespeare was not gay, Socrates was not gay.

Gay men tend to excel in art because their lives are characterized by immense loneliness. Artistic pursuit becomes the love they could not have.

Many would-be creators or obsessive pursuers found joy in dedicating their time to wife and child instead.

>> No.12687766

The best authors are degenerates. Faggotry just happened to be the most common outlet for degeneracy in the time great works were written.

>> No.12687771

Melville was a fag??? At least a third of those are wrong.

>> No.12687774

Have you read Moby Dick?

>> No.12687776

>Fuck, this explains so much why i "suddenly" want to fuck traps.
Go ahead and do that instead of going on tangents trying to justify your homosexual leanings on /lit/

>> No.12687785

Yeah, thought he was joking around or going for some 19th century metaphor or making fun of transcendentalists with the sperm and nigger bunk bed stuff. Know his wife left him but he had kids and shit.

>> No.12687788

Obviously it doesn't mean i'm a good writer but now at least i can see that i'm related to them, even if on such a tiny thing. You see, i started writing for real a few months ago. I write a lot on my free time now. And since i've started writing, i noticed i was getting aroused rather than disgusted by random trap posting that you see in blue boards, usually epic anons trying to "troll the jannies". I'm not sure if i'm a faggot but i have this urge to fap to tranny porno and i'm absolutely disgusted and ashamed by it but fuck, it's too hot. I ended up learning about the faggotry of these guys at random, just reading random bits of anecdotes here and there, reading biographies etc. I'm not using them to explain my faggotry.

>> No.12687805

>i'm related to them
stopped reading here

>> No.12687807
File: 36 KB, 482x427, 1434478495939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Socrates killed himself
>Virginia Woolf killed herself
>Mishima killed himself
>Hart Crane killed himself
>Akutagawa killed himself
>Sylvia Plath killed herself
>DFW killed himself
>Kawabata killed himself
>Hemingway killed himself
>Cesare Pavese killed himself
>Osamu Dazai killed himself
>Jerzy Kosinski killed himself

Holy shit. I'm not even memeing this time. There are so many that i'm not even going to bother writing here. You can actually go on and search this shit. EVERY MAJOR WRITER COMMITTED SUICIDE! Even second rate writers like Anne Sexton, Robert E. Howard, Hunter S. Thomson, Charlotte Perkins Gilman killed themselves. Fuck, this explains so much why i "suddenly" want to fucking kill myself.

>> No.12687808

Well you're actually right. Almost a third of the list is questionable. Gogol, Socrates and Melville. The rest are confirmed faggots.

>> No.12687814

Being a faggot is a mental illness. Not surprised here. But no, your little witty post doesn't match the original intent. It simply does not follow that "EVERY MAJOR WRITER COMMITED SUICIDE!". While every major writer being a faggot is actually the truth, since writing is by definition a very feminine activity, and most of them were actually faggots.

>> No.12687818

I really do not understand this phenomenon. You must have always been a homo. Can't understand how this could happen any other way. Though I have heard theories that with all these betas not getting laid and modern female hypergamy some low status dudes are going gay just to get off like arabs do with all the women in harems. Sad shit.

>> No.12687830

Dude, i swear to god i've never had these thoughts. I'm not even memeing, it started with 4chan. It really gets in your head. Same thing about feet. I never even thought about feet before going to 4chan. Guess what now. I like feet. Though i wouldn't say i'm actually a fully degenerate foot fetishist who wants to suck toes and shit, but a nice feet really does makes my dick extra harder.

>> No.12687845

I can't tell if this is bait, but you need to relax if it's not. Writing words doesn't give you the gay. You're out of your goddamn mind.

If you're this fucking dumb, why do you think your thoughts are important enough to be written down let alone read by other individuals with a limited amount of time for recreation?

>> No.12687846

You can't get laid by a woman so your mind is entertaining homosexuality to stem the sexual tide and cure your loneliness. Plus your brain is also probably rewired in some fucked up way from watching porn every day since you were 12. That or you were always gay.

>> No.12687851


>> No.12687853

If shakespeare isn't gay he's at least bi, judging by some of his sonnets

>> No.12687856

I'm not really saying writing makes you a faggot. I'm just saying that being a writer is a feminine thing, and it makes you on touch with your feminine side of being a passive observer of the world, instead of the masculine side which takes aim to understand and change the world. That and maybe repressed homosexuality that i was not aware of, may have given birth to these kinds of thoughts.

>> No.12687862

Your first sentence may be correct but the rest is NOFAP memery trash. Dude, jerking off isn't "wiring" your brain or making you depressed. You sound like a schizophrenic.

>> No.12687866

Cervantes, Baudelaire, Tolstoy, Borges?

>> No.12687871

>OP was a faggot

>> No.12687875

Watching porn everyday is definitely rewiring your brain.

>> No.12687880


It sounds to me like:

1) you're either gay, bi and don't want to be.
2) you have OCD with intrusive thoughts about being gay or bi
3) you're super dumb and think false dichotomies are important revelations

writing isn't inherently feminine. attributes & ideas of femininity ebb and flow society to society. Being self-aware and observant doesn't inherently appeal to women & gay people.

Writing doesn't make you gay - but your gay writing gave me cancer.

>> No.12687891

>writing isn't inherently feminine. attributes & ideas of femininity ebb and flow society to society. Being self-aware and observant doesn't inherently appeal to women & gay people.
>he thinks feminine means women and faggots

>> No.12687898

I'm sorry, but i'm going to need the peer reviewed Neurological studies on this one. Nope, i'm not accepting some YourBrainOnPorn dot com or whatever meme site. I'm talking about real science.

>> No.12687910

The fact that you think it doesn't points to #3 in this guy's post:
>3) you're super dumb

>> No.12687924

You can't throw out your schizo delusions and think normal people will simply accept them as axioms like you did. Where are the studies?

>> No.12687932

What do you disagree with?

>> No.12687935

Bro, you look at dicks everyday and can't get laid and now you want to fuck a dude in a wig. None of this is natural and your brain is coping and resorting to faggotry as a last resort.

>> No.12687964

Rimbaud wasn't a faggot, a disgusting old faggot tried and almost succeeded at grooming him into faggotry, but he escaped and started a new and completely normal life of fucking Abyssinian slave girls and gun running in east Africa.

>> No.12687966

whitman wasn't homosexual

>> No.12687984

Knowing what love looks like to women is a byproduct of grasping humanity in and of itself.

>> No.12687985

Bloom probably had a lot to do with creating that mythos if it's in any way widespread.

>> No.12687994

>yeah bro i sucked dicked and got fucked in the ass for years but i wasn't a faggot... i was just under the influence of this handsome guy i met in paris

>> No.12687997

I agree

>> No.12688192

>2nd rate
Fuck off

>> No.12688599

>Kant was an incel
>Kafka was an incel
>Houellebecq was an incel

>> No.12688605

Kant was a volcel.

>> No.12688628

Houellebecq was an incel when? Not a big fan of the guy but know he's pretty explicit with his whoremongering in his books.

>> No.12688644

>Being a faggot is a mental illness.
How is superior aesthetic taste a mental illness?

>> No.12688702

Dante, Goethe, etc

>> No.12688703

>believing in modern petty bourgeois propaganda