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/lit/ - Literature

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1268574 No.1268574 [Reply] [Original]

okay /lit/,

after a thread that no less WORSHIPPED this book, I finally decided to get it.

Holy mother of God, what a piece of crap.

I'm about 50 pages in and I'm convinced this is pretty much the worst piece of literature I have ever read. Are there any redeeming qualities further along or should I just burn it now?


>> No.1268577

You're just dumb. It's fine. Goodbye.

>> No.1268588

Okay, well... for starters, what don't you like about it? Then maybe we can start to have a real, interesting discussion about what's probably one of my three favorite books ever.

Also, 50 pages in means you probably haven't gotten to the asphyxiative sex rituals and gay alien orgies yet.

>> No.1268589


>> No.1268591

Are you reading it in chronological order? Because even though I haven't read it myself, I've heard that that's the worst possible way to read the book.

>> No.1268603

Okay, honostly, I'm just a seventeen year old who was recommended this book by a friend. When I asked my English teacher and my librarian, they told me not to go near it. I was just a bit conflicted and turned to /lit/. Do you think this book would do it for someone my age, or too deep you think?

>> No.1268613

you lying cunt

>> No.1268615
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You really should have seen this coming.

>> No.1268620
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>> No.1268622
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There's some person here that thinks it is the greatest piece of literature in the 20th century.

Or maybe most influential of the 20th century...

Either way, it is pure rubbish.

>> No.1268625


No it's not, it's a great book.

>> No.1268632
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>> No.1268647

good god, as a patron of /fa/ i HATE it when my friends wear big dog apparrel...


>> No.1268648

so just a no then? :/

completed avoid?

>> No.1268660


Read it, it loves you.

>> No.1268719

The average denizen of /lit/ enjoys atlas shrugged, a clockwork orange and catcher in the rye. The average denizen of /lit/ hates Naked Lunch. Hmm...

Naked Lunch is an extended, valuable exercise in giving up on the contemporary fixation on causative narration, whereby A causes B causes C causes D etc and we can read the thing page by page and understand the whole sequence of events, gee whiz that's great, the boxcar kids followed the clues and got the bad guy and tied up the loose ends and it is given that what is important in such a sort of narrative is precisely that sort of programmatic procession through neatly related events to a satisfying conclusion.

It's really juvenile, is what. This fixation on narrative order and neatness, which restrains prose the same way nursery-like rhyme schemes restrain poetry and reduce both to caricatures.

In Naked Lunch, Burroughs says: fuck that shit. Going through the sequentialist motions is just that, and is not what good prose (and art) is about. Art is about evoking and exciting and inspiring and eliciting, is about punching you in the fucking face with an idea so vivid you have to read with a tissue pressed up against your bloody and battered nose. And then punching you with another one, and another, and another. And who cares if these jabs are related in any cheap narrative sense?

So that's why Naked Lunch is awesome and essential, because it transcends the bondage of causal bookkeeping that other books let themselves be ordained by. And, having transcended it, it can engage in the exciting and breathtakingly novel business of slapping your shit in ways it's never been slapped before.

>> No.1268762

This book is basically a mind destroying morass of fucked up imagery, metaphor, and blatant insanity.

If you really want to get down in it, there's a lot there. But it ain't the Great Gatsby, man.

>> No.1268774

Naked Lunch >Fountain Head > Great Gatsby

>> No.1268780

This guy is right.

Indeed. It's much better, and more interesting, than that.

>> No.1268787


this. pay close attention, but at the same time just let the book wash over you

>> No.1268795

this shit is hilarious.

>> No.1268800

The Great Gatsby >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> Naked Lunch

>> No.1268808


A masterpiece, it is not. Poor quality shock literature for 15 year olds.

>> No.1268924


No. It's not about shock. Shock is only the beginning.

>> No.1268941

you sound fucking retarded. This isn't a shitty trailer, you know.

>> No.1268947

Why do people see the new to "express their individuality" (i.e. complain like little bitches) when they read a book they don't like?

>> No.1268956

It reads like a porno, I love it. About halfway through. Hoping the Sailor makes a return.

>> No.1268975

It's not even that. It's teenagers who think they've "ascended" beyond the immature satisfaction of reading/being/watching something edgy and they need everyone else to know how superior they are. Like a "dumb kids. curse words aren't cool." type thing.

>> No.1269003

...are you a crazy person?

>> No.1269008


So true, it's a pain in the ass.

Well done kids, you scorn all the advances made in literature in your parents' lifetimes. For your next trick, prove Chaplin isn't funny.

>> No.1270074

I agree that Naked Lunch shatters the narrative, but aside from that I find nothing in the book all that interesting. To me it just feels like a big unfocused gimmick piece.