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12684246 No.12684246[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are those topics where 4chan is so fucking universally clueless, you have given up responding to people and correcting them?

For me, it's this idea that you can't get a good job with an arts or humanities degree.

>> No.12684253

For me, it's the whole /r9k/ mentality

>> No.12684259

commie NPCs

>> No.12684263

Is this the thread where we air our opinions that we can't back up with reason or argument yet still want to present them as correct?

>> No.12684314

I agree. Plenty of rich connected kids get jobs with their dad's friends firm despite having humanities degrees.

>> No.12684339

Anything ultraism

>> No.12684364

what mentality?

>> No.12684370


Can you elaborate? Do you mean everyone on 4chan agrees or disagrees with it?

>> No.12684619

How I interpret this is the err of
>all women are roasties
>mgtow as a cope for being incel
>muh kike on a stick
>people are inherently trapped from ascending their "caste" in western society
>everyone but me is wrong, that's why I'm alone
>fringe, extremist ideological (read: social and political) beliefs to justify their suffering a la misread Nietzsche
>ignoring the agony of their soul not fulfilling their desire to overcome suffering
>it's not wrong to be a neet because rebelling against "the man" is the right thing lmfao like these people have ever mattered in the eyes of anyone besides their mother
>somehow thinks that the way to best live is through [unknowingly being exploited by this same "the man"]
There are many others, but breaking out of this mindset did me nothing but good.

>> No.12684641

Well at least they mattered to their mother, that's something not all of us can say

>> No.12684647


>> No.12684704

Almost anything you could possibly ask. Without exaggeration.

>> No.12684708

S o y

>> No.12684713

The NEET one is true though

>> No.12684728

It's a flimsy justification for remaining in a situation which is literally intolerable to most people, and still not pleasant for the NEET himself.

>> No.12684738

Fuck yeah brother, enforce those norms. God, you're making me so hard.

>> No.12684749

Modern life is intolerable.
>inb4 muh standards of living

>> No.12684759

definitely these faggots >>12684732

>> No.12684760

It's not intolerable if you're still here

>> No.12684769

For me, it's philosophy. Specifically Kant/Hegel.

>> No.12684772

>having a healthy relationship is the norm
>bettering yourself instead of being complacent is the norm
>taking political beliefs not to spite the "other" is the norm
>not consuming for the sole purpose of escapism is the norm
Please explain how anti-/r9k/ mentality is conformity.

>> No.12684778

My suffering is bringing me closer to God

>> No.12684782

Hit the nail right on the head

>> No.12684787

No he didn’t

>> No.12684799

Maybe it is. Maybe that makes life more tolerable. But claiming your NEEThood is the same as political dissent is actually a fairly despicable way of justifying a lack of engagement with the world around you. If modern life is intolerable why wouldn't you try to change it? or at least to change your own circumstances?

>> No.12684802

for me, the blonde one is the bitch

>> No.12684804

Evolution tbqh

>> No.12684815

Stoicism never fails to bring out the hot takes from ignorant people who think they know what they're about. The only thing worse are the "I'm an atheist, debate me" types who don't understand any of the religious texts or arguments for God's existence but they genuinely think they do so they're unwilling to be corrected on anything. People just need to be humble and stop pretending they know what they don't.

>> No.12684818

There are no happy NEETs. NEET philosophy exists to keep NEET egos from being crushed.

>> No.12684828

This is actually the worst thing about 4chan. People feel the need to look like they know literally everything so they develop an interest in Marxism, or Kant, or IQ, or far-right conspiracy theories and obstinately defend their new hobby to all of their angriest friends, never giving an inch.

>> No.12684843

NEETs have surrendered their ego. If they hadn’t they would have gone back to school or taken a seminar on flipping houses or some bs

>> No.12684844

Because the amount of effort required outweighs what you get.

>> No.12684846

Economics, the vast majority of any of the so called 'smart' (/lit/ /sci/ /his/) boards do not understand it on any worthwhile level

>> No.12684855

So life is actually just tolerable enough to prevent any real dissent?

>> No.12684860

Yeah but you can make a respectable economics thread on /sci/.

That’s really the only worthwhile board to discuss it on. I think it does have literary merit but no one here knows anything about non-fiction outside of philosophy.

And even then try like Plato-like stuff, not the very meaningful categorizations of metaphysicians like Aristotle.

They like to navel-gaze. It’s pedantic, really

>> No.12684861

on one hand unworldly left-wing autism
on the other hand the notion that all things wrong in the world are caused by one single centralized jewish psyop (even though i still consider the JQ to be absolutely legitimate)
the narrow mindedness of french philosophy pseuds and freud-/lacanfags

>> No.12684873

seething ANALytic stemtard detected

>> No.12684888

It’s not like everyone falls into two categories. Everyone knows it is more enjoyable to read Plato.

But few know how much more enjoyable it is to understand Aristotle.

It’s a subtle distinction.

>> No.12684925

Plato's Republic is an embarrassment

>> No.12685009

Comfortably numb.

>> No.12685084

Now I never said that. Plato’s Republic and Laws are both masterpieces.

But they are not antithetical to Aristotle. That would be a childish assertion.

>> No.12685092

4chan knows nothing about women

>> No.12685094

Now this is a nonsensical statement.

I wouldn’t be so childish to assume if I knew something or not compared with roughly thousands of internet strangers per day.

That would be knowing nothing.

>> No.12685231
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Christianity, both the history of the church and any kind of systematic theology/Biblical doctrine.

>> No.12685235

>t. roastie

>> No.12686724

Every so often, there are some decent discussions about Christianity on /his/.

>> No.12686727

Pretty much everything desu

>> No.12686733

Modern life isn't suffering... At all.
It sounds cliche as fuck but 10 year old kids are fighting in Africa and the Middle East.

>> No.12686740

Of course the /r9k/ incel can't sincerely express himself and needs to filter his language in humor to add a level of "irony".

>> No.12686747

>/r9k/ incel
damn she got you good, anon.

>> No.12686765

This. My favourite example of this is where anons were trying to figure out what DFW was saying in a passage of the lobster because none of them knew what assets, liabilities, or equity was. 80 posts into the thread somebody finally responded answering, and at least three anons responded "why does DFW need to go into such detail?". Embarrassing.

>> No.12686772

Consider the lobster

>> No.12686775

Who is the one more injured by women, the incel or the one free of resentment?

>> No.12686788

>she thinks people are "injured" by her comments
you're taking yourself way too seriously to be posting here.

>> No.12686795

>someone called me an incel so they must be a roastie
Flawless logic. If I call you a retard for supporting Trump and Israel does that make a me a tranny muslim?

>> No.12686807

>muh kike on a stick
I mean what's wrong with that one?
>being a slave morality christcuck

>> No.12686808

anon, i'm sitting somewhere in the alps while scratching my head and wondering where the fuck you're going with this.

>> No.12686813

On an anonymous board, where your identity isn't supposed to matter, every argument quickly turn into people who will never meet making baseless assumptions about each other in order to call each other dumb, made up names. Its one of the reasons this place is irredeemable.

>> No.12686817

Are you me?

>> No.12686827

Idk that was my first post in this reply chain

Anon was criticizing the /r9k/ mentality, it is well known fact that most posters on that board are incels with a deep resentment of women. No need to get upset.

>> No.12686838

>doesn't rhyme or sound pretty

>> No.12686845

I've had sex with 26 women in my life and none of them were prostitutes, yet i still concur with the notion that bitches ain't shit but tits and clit, so please take your ever so smart "heh, gotcha" line back to whatever subreddit you came from.

>> No.12686864

Democracy and human rights are suffering. A truly just society would allow the strong to eliminate as many of the weak as he feels like.

>> No.12686880

Daily reminder that anyone who uses this term has never seen a vagina

>> No.12686889

I think you just want that to be the case because it bothers you. Getting pussy is the easiest thing in the world so stop acting like it's an accomplishment.

>> No.12686892
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keep telling yourself that, it's a magnificent word, probably one of 4channels finest neologistic moments.

>> No.12686895

Which would be you, right? You totally wouldn't get fucking obliterated in the first 5 minutes, right?

>> No.12686902

>have meaningless sex with 2 dozen lose, shallow women
>wonder why they're all trifling ass hoes
>welp, must be that all women are trifling ass hoes
No retard, it's just the women you're fucking.

>> No.12686910

All forms of moralfaggotry, Holocaust denial, pretending feet aren’t superior to arse or boobs or whatever subhumans like these days

>> No.12686918

Or you could just look at marriage and divorce statistics and come to the same conclusion.

>> No.12686919

daily reminder to shut the fuck up you stupid fucking roastie

>> No.12686935
File: 29 KB, 560x368, improv waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that guy but these women being loose and shallow is just asshurt speculation on your part since we know nothing about the details of these encounters. also, it's funny how you flipped the record and dropped the narrative that it's only incels who don't put females on a pedestal. textbook example of mental gymnastics.

>> No.12686953

I was referring to the assumption that he/she was a "roastie."

>> No.12686958
File: 86 KB, 455x675, 1499726838824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all this butthurt. Looks like I hit a nerve

>> No.12686971

Heh, people responded to me. Looks like I won.

>> No.12686973

Why couldn't I come to that conclusion about men?
Anything made by incels should only be handled with tongs

>> No.12686975

For the average 4chan type it is good advice

>> No.12686978

Because women initiate most of the divorces.

>> No.12686983
File: 351 KB, 1536x2048, 50140903_10215511194427332_8989674576992534528_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anything made by incels should only be handled with tongs

>> No.12686985

Yeah, because the men are sleeping with whores and drinking all the money.

>> No.12686997

If women weren't so awful men wouldn't have to act that way.

>> No.12687000

They were doing it before they got married.

>> No.12687001

This is getting cringe. You talk like butthurt person instead of smug person. Bad idea

>> No.12687005

Doing it with who? Other women, so there you go.

>> No.12687006

Wow, how truly fucking evil...

>> No.12687014

This thread shows that women is the achilles' heel of 4channel at least.

>> No.12687016

Yeah, so they're both shit.
Women are so awful that men HAVE to sleep with OTHER women?
It's pretty bad to be a drug addict and/or cheat on your wife yeah.

>> No.12687021

why? "you're wrong because something something incel" isn't the knockout argument you're making it up to be. it's just a variation of "someone hasn't been hugged for a while".

>> No.12687036

>It's pretty bad to be a drug addict and/or cheat on your wife yeah.

Says who?

>> No.12687037

This thread doesn't 'prove' women are the bane of 4channel because that was already true. Even the non-incels freak out and go bug-eyed when someone reveals they're a woman. Half the discussions on this board go "are women evil? Options: yes or YES"

>> No.12687044

Because you cannot talk about women without people getting uppity about it. Like (You), assuming I posted either of these things.

>> No.12687045

You're right, drug addicts aren't all bad, but betrayal, especially of someone who trusted you enough to marry you, is fucked up

>> No.12687058
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Says who?

>> No.12687089
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>Life sucks (not right now, in general)

>I'm angry (not at anything specific, but in general)

>I cannot improve myself (When asked why they accept living like a sad sack of shit)

>When I can improve myself, I don't want to (hygiene; social, personal, or work-skills, etc.)

>I hate other people different who are different than me (This is an umbrella point, so pick a handful or all of: race, religion, education, geography, sex, gender, income, age, hobbies, profession)

>I have substantial sexual hangups and have made these hangups a moderately core part of my identity

>I refuse to change my views on any of the above points, or see a therapist to try to work out these issues

>> No.12687107

if you consider that the rest of the internet is plastered with moaning about literal conspiracy theories like "toxic masculinity", nonsensical articles about how "the future is female" anticipating the abolishment of old, white men or muh patriarchy, it's no surprise that places like this are a total contrast.

also, in western culture, regardless whether online or irl, there are almost no more platforms left where men can socialize among themselves (in a non-gay way), while women are being awarded with more and more wymyn only venues where they're free to do their power yoga vagina monologue readings in absence of the evil stares of ugly incels and other undesirables.

there's no bonus points for you here just because you're a woman and don't expect anons to restrain themselves just because m'lady wants it so. if you can't deal with the abrasive and unfiltered nature of discourse here, just get the fuck out.

>> No.12687116

This gets even worse when boards have flags added. Knowing where the other guy's from is the opposite of anonymity.

>> No.12687122

People have made the comparisons between 4chan and tumblr before, but calling it a "total contrast" still seems like a reach. There are 2 threads on this one board simultaneously, which is supposedly about books, that are entirely made up of slut-shaming one woman who isn't very famous.

If you think there "aren't many platforms" where men can socialize, then you just don't get out much, which is also true of many of the people here.

>> No.12687123
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>> No.12687126

Yes, and so you're not reduced to making ridiculous assumptions. Someone here assumed that I was Australian because I used the words "cunt" and "mate" in the same post, and tried to use it for an insult. When everyone's anonymous, people just assume your a woman or a tranny if they don't like you.

>> No.12687132

the advantage is you can directly ignore posts from france and the uk for your mental hygiene's sake.
>slut shaming
>then you just don't get out much
you're clearly not from here.

>> No.12687139

Any words minted by incels are the real cancer. If you think in incelspeak then your mind is a hell.

>> No.12687140

>Someone here assumed that I was Australian because I used the words "cunt" and "mate" in the same post, and tried to use it for an insult.
Fuck off pom shithead

>> No.12687141
File: 31 KB, 266x200, L-Is-For-Loser-Taylor-Swift.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When everyone's anonymous, people just assume your a woman or a tranny if they don't like you.
Says a lot about you if people are mistaking you for a woman or a tranny.
You sound like a fucking crybaby, hurl yourself off the nearest cliff asap.

>> No.12687143

No thank you

>> No.12687148

That part's not about me. People just do that all the time here.
Isn't this the website for butthurt racists? Everyone here's a crybaby.

>> No.12687157

No, this is laotian eel kiosk.

>> No.12687162

>there are almost no more platforms left where men can socialize among themselves
Joke's on you me and my mates are always bereft of female company no matter where we go.

>> No.12687164

>then you just don't get out much
please name these platforms, instead of producing mild insults

>> No.12687165

>Isn't this the website for butthurt racists?
Odd non-sequitur. Seems those racists are residing in your head rent-free

>> No.12687170

imagine saying based, roastie or red-pilled in real life to like a cashier or something and then having to excavate the levels or irony necessary to try to explain it and realizing oh it's not ironic, i've joined a modern day support group for autism and been propagandized by what they say through a mutual bonding over misogyny and anti-semitism

>> No.12687175

I live in the Bronx currently and there are a lof of cigar joints and bars where women just won't go in. Their full of latinos and fat ethnic white guys. Most places in the world have these kinds of venues, if you can't find yours, either you live in a pretty clean place or you don't go outside very much.

>> No.12687177


>> No.12687180

>explaining yourself to a cashier

>> No.12687182

No they're elsewhere on the board accusing Savanna Brown of miscegenation.

>> No.12687185

HA HAHAHAHA! the bronx? Jesus, you live in a shitty neighborhood full of mongrel subhumans. your a fucking pathetic loser. go fuck yourself.

>> No.12687187

Rent's cheap, it's near Manhattan. Where do you live?

>> No.12687189

>you live in a pretty clean place
They're not hard to find even in suburbia. Just look for the nearest bar where the staff shows up to work stoned.

>> No.12687193

nobody cares where you live, this is not your personal blog

>> No.12687198

Well I can't point out where the men-only bars are where the other anonymous poster lives. I asked where you live. What state? I do care.

>> No.12687201
File: 74 KB, 526x300, c86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's with the redditoresque tone here all of a sudden?

>> No.12687203

hey, no slut-shaming! You just don't get out much.

>> No.12687208
File: 166 KB, 736x1109, 7f8a5e322cf41bd4f459523a98c4b77b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>points to bar that mobsters use for money laundering purposes
>here's your new hangout bro

>> No.12687232

What are you scared? Not everyone who looks like they're from the Sopranos is a mobster.

>> No.12687234

I want to go to a place with pretty women and no criminals or ugly mongrel people.

>> No.12687239

>No girls
>but pretty girls
>and tough men
>but no scary men

>> No.12687240

pretty women & no criminals = independently owned bookstore / independently owned coffee shop

ugly mongrels = bowling alley / dave & busters

>> No.12687244

Most people on here find incels vaguely annoying or amusing—there’s an art to plumbing the depths of patheticness that you see on r9k, a macabre whimsy. Other people, for one reason or another, just can’t get over it. Some kind of jammed gear, brain-error. Maybe it’s a normalising instinct. There are some people that are genuinely bothered by the presence of depraved or ill-disposed or socially unacceptable elements here. I don’t get it. I would hate if the population or culture of /r9k/ were present on /lit/ in large numbers, but they’re not.

>> No.12687245
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>are you scared
definite yikes from me man

>> No.12687246

This whole post is just one enormous strawman.

>> No.12687250
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>> No.12687253

Not him but you're the one who opened up with the baseless ad hominem attempts. He's not wrong for firing back at you, you're the one who brought the dialogue down to the mud to begin with. Now you're doing literal "cry out in pain while I strike you" type shit.

>> No.12687254

>independently owned bookstore >independently owned coffee shop
those are usually one big vice news reader circlejerk

>> No.12687259

Yeah but the girls are sometimes pretty & there aren't any criminals

>> No.12687262

The conversation was already in the mud. This isn't even a literature thread. I'm a bit surprised its still here after almost a whole day.

>> No.12687297

the fact that there's a place in your neighborhood where there supposedly are no women isn't even relevant. anon has a point if he mentions a broad scale decrease in traditional places for the everyman from the neighborhood to gather and reinforce social cohesion. there's a reason why more and more people are becoming alienated and chosing to retreat into their rooms and live the doomer lifestyle. being a smug cunt and trying to reframe that as some fringe phenomenon is either dishonest or an indicator that the person in question isn't going out much themselves.
>new yorkers

>> No.12687305
File: 138 KB, 2900x4025, leddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised no one has killed you or beaten you up because you sound like a massive redditor queer boy who takes it up the ass.