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/lit/ - Literature

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12682705 No.12682705 [Reply] [Original]

>reading Lazzarato's Making of the Indebted Man
>read a particular relevant paragraph in Anti-Oedipus, cited by the above; both refer to the Genealogy of Morals and the importance of the debtor-creditor relationship and how it is necessary to breed an "unnatural" man who has a moral imagination, or "memory" of the FUTURE: of future expectations of repayment, of fulfilling promise, etc
>understand it

It is happening, friends. I am Slightly Catching On. I am engaging with the text by comparing it to other related texts. Soon I will read select Freud, Nietzsche, Marx, and Smith. And then I will be ready for the meme.

>> No.12682715

You’re reading philosophy which basically means you’ve already lost

>> No.12682727

i like this

and i am excited to see where it leads

>> No.12682784


I've been spending a bit too much on books lately, but it's obvious that reading Nietzsche (which I've never done) will be helpful. Even ATP puns on the title with "The Geology of Morals". Reading a later book prompted me to directly look at something in the text, a bit, a fragment. I also want to read Sophocles so I have the basic cultural background on the Oedipus myth, now. But I put these things on hold today for a bit, to re-visit an art exhibit about the Tale of Genji, a classic with its own incest themes, using a summary:


One thing leads to another, and the simple fact of wanting to read a "/lit/ meme" properly is prompting me to read things that I know are related, which I'd never done before. I had this notion that things had to be read "hierarchically", chronologically, in order, but increasingly it seems as though a more tenable approach is to grab hold of one bit, and then do a related bit nearby. It is more advantageous, in certain circumstances, to go about things in a wandering, non-hierarchical wa-

holy shit

>> No.12682808
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>This is how it should be done: lodge yourself on a stratum...

kek. i know those feels anon. god be with you wondrous wandering soul

>> No.12682817
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& i suspect this thing resembles an alien starship because it is one

>> No.12682838


To reiterate, another personal happiness in recent years of reading is that I've rediscovered something I remember very well from early childhood: I am a more productive reader when I am reading multiple books, a bit at a time each. I forgot how to do this in my early adulthood, and happily I'm rediscovering it now. A good stretch of my 20s passed with almost no reading once out of college (long hours of working, exhaustion afterwards).

>> No.12682866
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it happens. sometimes there are long bouts of depression, or boredom, or even just good times playing vidya and having a life. then there are other times when the thirst for books hits too. comes and goes in waves

anybody who's not having fun with philosophy these days is missing out bad tho. way way too much interesting stuff to read and think about to be miserable & ruled by the sad passions