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/lit/ - Literature

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1268085 No.1268085 [Reply] [Original]

How about a wishlist based suggestion thread. We post our lists and then look at others and suggest authors according to there lists. and maybe if someones feeling nice get some gifting going on!

>> No.1268092

Sounds good!

>> No.1268097
File: 16 KB, 600x450, celeste2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd like suggestions, but I'd like gifts even moreso.

>> No.1268103


I'm just wondering, is Blood Meridian a better place to start with Cormac McCarthy? I read The Road in school last year, and while it was alright, I didn't really like it.

>> No.1268104
File: 16 KB, 250x289, 250px-PeteRoseSlide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been waiting for a wishlist thread. Buy me some shit, NOW.

>> No.1268101
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>mfw all the time, everytime.

>> No.1268116
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my wishlist grows and grows, lots to look through here lol

>> No.1268135




>> No.1268136
File: 8 KB, 130x183, Elton%20John-JTM-043815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw no one suggests.
I would but im to much of a literature newbie to suggest.

>> No.1268140

Someday i will get you a book! SOMEDAY!!!!!!

>> No.1268148


I actually mainly posted (in this thread, god knows I'm a filthy beggar in other wishlist threads) to get people's opinions on Blood Meridian.

Is there another book I should start with, or will I just not like McCarthy at all if I didn't like The Road?

But, hey, if you can, I'd appreciate it a ton, haha.

>> No.1268156

Is anyone even suggesting?
I'm interested in what people think I should add.

>> No.1268157

A clockwork orange..DO IT

>> No.1268168

Try "Doorways in the Sand" by Roger Zelazny, and The Count of Monte Cristo

Most of you need to add more books, more variety.

>> No.1268183
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>> No.1268187

I suggest the Fagles translation of The Iliad

>> No.1268224
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Thanks for checking it out if you do.

It's a pretty long list. Just a general list of books to read. Amazon is how I keep track of them. I want some more than others. Inquire further if you want details about that bit. Suggestions/comments welcome.

>> No.1268272


I actually have a copy of The Count Of Monte Cristo, it was on my wishlist before I bought it at a local bookstore. But I added Doorways in the Sand, thanks.

>> No.1268291

anything appreciated. As always :)


>> No.1268304

For the price you'll pay to get Titus Groan, you ought to just get the "Gormenghast Novels" omnibus.

>> No.1268311

I see you have added the new pengiun hardbound classics... so much want :(

>> No.1268329
File: 288 KB, 1280x960, 1286334281557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, they look really nice. Someone awhile back posted this pic and that got me interested. I don't have any yet. I'm considering collecting them when I have a source of income, but they're kind of expensive to collect so I'm not sure if I'm up to spending the money.

>> No.1268341

Thanks for any gifts/suggestions


>> No.1268418

Darwin's Voyage of the Beagle.

>> No.1268558


>> No.1268565


I tend to only add one work from an author on my Amazon wishlist, so I'd like author recommendations more than anything, if anyone has any!

>> No.1268569


Currently aiming to read stuff on Metaphysical Naturalism (Pro and Con), Atheism (Philosophical aspects as well as some of the bigger named "New Atheists" for the sake of knowing), A bunch of lit genre suggested stuff.

>> No.1268627


>> No.1268673
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>there lists

>> No.1269466
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Thanks for anything

>> No.1269500
File: 126 KB, 1001x399, gift25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gifts for you two! You should be getting the thing I got you last time tomorrow, Mr. Blair. And well, I already got you First Snow on Fuji, Breegy, but. have another!

>> No.1269509

I am not either of those people, but I want you to know that you're awesome.

>> No.1269513 [DELETED] 


>> No.1269537

House of leaves, by danielewski
Post office bukowski
Fountainhead, ayn Rand
Breakfast of champions, Vonnegut
Cities of the red night, burroughs
Hemmingway, but not Faulkner

There are plenty of others. Overall, the 60s just got it right.

O and less than zero. A good book by the guy that brought us American psycho

>> No.1269559


You have shit taste.

>> No.1269574

Thanks. What books do you like then?

>> No.1269583

Well, I guess it is better to taste shit then nothing at all

>> No.1269615


>> No.1269649



>> No.1269663
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>> No.1269699

Paradise lost is quite difficult. I congradulate you if you did read it and comprehend it. It was a little behind me

>> No.1269711

I don't think you're understanding the point of this thread - we're putting up our Amazon wishlists looking for recommendations. These are books people WANT, not what they've already read (most of the time).

>> No.1269714

Your right I did miss that. I assumed it was books read, and give other recomendations...oops.

>> No.1270052

bump for actual suggestions

>> No.1270070
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>> No.1270073


I have a fairly decent spread, spread over four or five pages, so as you may imagine my tastes are quite varied.

>> No.1270088

I can't see any books that I could recommend in any list.

My general recommendation would be to pick up some economics books, people need to know more about how the world and money works.

>> No.1270234


and... which ones would you recommend?

>> No.1270250


Not as many as I would like, but it's a start.

>> No.1270495 [DELETED] 


>> No.1270571

You've gifted me three times, Raven. I keep on telling you when I have a source of income I'll gift you back (and I will), but damn. You are really fucking awesome *hug*

>> No.1271192


wouldn't mind some suggestions

>> No.1271217

I suggest changing your name.

>> No.1271261
File: 26 KB, 235x391, 025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm always late to these shindigs
>also mfw I'm not well read enough to be able to suggest to others
Hmph. Someday, someday.


>> No.1271286

Question to all the wishlist people:

I was gifted a book about 2 to 3 weeks ago and have never recieved it. Is there anyway to tell if i actully was gifted it or something?

>> No.1271290

What was it?

>> No.1271291
File: 21 KB, 253x365, debs..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did it disappear from your wishlist or is it still there? When I've been gifted the book disappears from mine (though I made sure of that in the settings - don't know the default). What book was it?

>> No.1271293

It was Ham on Rye.

>> No.1271297

i made sure it did too, because i was worried of double gifting.

>> No.1271307

also this is my list, maybe people who arent me can see the status or something>>1268101

(im really new to using amazon)

>> No.1271309
File: 11 KB, 76x211, KNGCMan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could just be stuck in the mail, one time I had ordered a used book from the U.K. and it took like five weeks to get to me

>> No.1271314

oh okay, thanks i was confused. i thought maybe someone had taken it from my mailbox or something thinking it was something more then a book lol

>> No.1271322

It IS possible that, assuming it was shipped by a user rather than by Amazon, it got lost in the mail. I've had it happen when buying things for myself and had one book never come, and another book come almost a month after the expected delivery date.

>> No.1271398


>> No.1272174
