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/lit/ - Literature

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12679975 No.12679975[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

FUCK. Why is everyone in uni an uncultured swine? The highest culture people consume is Kendrick Lamar, Fortnite, and Harry Potter holy shit I cannot meet one person that has an ounce of culture. I fucking wish unis were as Marxist as cuckservatives make them out to be literally no one here reads Marx unis have been hard core infiltrated by neo-liberal capitalist ideology. I just want to be able to talk to someone about Shakespeare, Montaigne, Proust, Pessoa, Musil, Beckett, Bernhard, Perec. Borges, Artaud, Melville, Gaddis, Gass, Calvino, Kawabata, Mishima, Soseki, Whitehead, Nietzsche, Deleuze, Spinoza, Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert, Schuuman, Scriabin, Dvorak, Yudina, Sofronitsky, Feinberg, Bergman, Tarkovsky, Ming-Liang, Ozu, Lopushanskiy, Yang, Kat-Wai, Mizoguchi, Teshigahara. Where do I meet people like this /lit/? This whole world has been overrun by talentless cultureless garbage I cant find one person I can connect with i just want to make one fren.

>> No.12680010

What do you even study?

Reading isn't a very common hobby.

>> No.12680012

I'm sorry but they don't exist. You are fulfilling the quota for your location.

>> No.12680016
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We're your frens, fren.

>> No.12680024

Welcome to coleg

>> No.12680025
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You already made this thread before faggot. You sound like the typical cunt complaining why nobody wants to talk to you, when clearly the reason no one wants to talk to you because you just listed 30+ some writers that I bet my soul you haven't read. You ever think its not that everyones an uncultured swine; that maybe you push away people because your too pretentious and better than them? There are plenty of well cultured people in uni but cultured people attract cultured people and you just wanna boast about "reading" highly acclaimed writers so you don't really attract the cultured people you attract the uncultured swine infestation that has been dooming this capitalist ever since it was wrung up and began to grow. You. Make. Me. Sick. I've never seen a more pathetic post.

>> No.12680031

>*lists famous thinkers and artists*
>"guise, look how smart I am"
>Why can't anyone share my patrician tastes?
fuck off

>> No.12680050

Middle class rip-off

>> No.12680051

Being less judgemental is important so you will meet people through which you will meet who actually share your hobbies. Try to understand the perspective of other people too, human relationships are largely about making compromises.

>> No.12680054

based . op get the fuck off your pedestal unless you intend to kick it from under you with a noose around your neck. you sound like the cunts who read book bio's on my literary class and boast about it

>> No.12680058
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You probably go to uni is some gay fly-over state then

>> No.12680060

Im not complaining about why no one wants to talk to me I communicate fine with people if anything i would prefer if most people did not talk to me

>> No.12680088

>I just want to be able to talk to someone about Shakespeare, Mont-.....
>I cant find one person I can connect with i just want to make one fren.
dude seriously?

I'm not gonna be as rough as the other guys but plenty of people read good literature and i'm in a shitty community college, they just hide the fact they do because it makes them seem pretentious and usually makes them to be an ass hat. If you are displaying your whole social identity as "I rED BOOKS LUK I M SMART" no one will like you, no one likes that guy. If you were to change your perspective people would talk to you and open up...literature is not a common hobby. And even if you can't find people who enjoy literature how about make a friend and show him the ropes you wouldn't believe how quickly people eat up books when they first discover them.

>> No.12680101

nobody knows I read books

>> No.12680108

t. uncultured fortnite zoomer

>> No.12680119

People in good universities are cultured and care about worthwhile art.

>> No.12680120

This. I go to college in the middle of fucking nowhere at a school where ag is big. There's still places to meet people who are into literature for example here we have poetry nights and shit. You can't judge people by a surface level impression.

>> No.12680122

All your peers are uncultured swine? Maybe you would like to enlighten us on the evolution of the market economy in the southern colonies.

>> No.12680135

>make post about not finding people as literate as you
>people offer advice
>no, your wrong
fuck off retard jesus

>> No.12680171

If you know any people who are into classical music it shouldn't be too hard to find someone to discuss Mozart and Dvorak with

>> No.12680176


>> No.12680185

You have to seek out people with similar interests. If you seriously can't find them then you're at a terrible university and should've tried harder in high school.

>> No.12680190

I felt the same way in uni and to be honest I still had a long way to go myself in terms of literature. But not a single person enjoyed cool movies or music except one girl that was so awkwardly shy and autistic it took me a year and a half to realIe she liked some cool stuff. Wish there was more time to get get to open up to me more. She might of been a raging sjw though which is the pertinent thing about anyone that watches anything that isn’t marvel or reads anything that isn’t Harry Potter. Any person male or female scraping the surface of anything more interesting is almost always also super progressive and believes in astrology or some other nonsense.

>> No.12680271

"I read this books by this guy Philip k. Dick, it was really cool man, time travel and stuff, man I should really get into better books at some point..."

"Pfffff, that SWINE? That moron is nothing, you hear me? NOTHING. Have you read Shakespeare, Montaigne, Proust, Pessoa, Musil, Beckett, Bernhard, Perec. Borges, Artaud, Melville, Gaddis, Gass, Calvino, Kawabata, Mishima, Soseki, Whitehead, Nietzsche, Deleuze, Spinoza, Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert, Schuuman, Scriabin, Dvorak, Yudina, Sofronitsky, Feinberg, Bergman, Tarkovsky, Ming-Liang, Ozu, Lopushanskiy, Yang, Kat-Wai, Mizoguchi, Teshigahara? Get back to me when you're something, bucko"

>> No.12680314

"Hey Anon, do you know where the cafetería is?"
"DON'T EVER TALK TO ME YOU SWINE! Have you read Shakespeare, Montaigne, Proust, Pessoa, Musil, Beckett, Bernhard, Perec. Borges, Artaud, Melville, Gaddis, Gass, Calvino, Kawabata, Mishima, Soseki, Whitehead, Nietzsche, Deleuze, Spinoza, Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert, Schuuman, Scriabin, Dvorak, Yudina, Sofronitsky, Feinberg, Bergman, Tarkovsky, Ming-Liang, Ozu, Lopushanskiy, Yang, Kat-Wai, Mizoguchi, Teshigahara? Get back to me when you're something, bucko"

>> No.12680346

If you want to find marxists just talk to the kids with nose piercings smoking cigarettes. You'll quickly find out they're just as conformist as the normies except they're more pretentious and way worse people.

>> No.12680379

you live in america? i dont blame you the country is fucking garbage just keep reading books and be comfy.

>> No.12680469

Nobody reads anymore and of the people that actually do read, the only ones that constantly brag about how much they read are insufferable douchbags. I feel like i only discuss my reading habits with close friends who view it as a quirky hobby.

Thus /lit/

>> No.12680481

College, since the end of WWII, has largely been a place to prepare a skilled workforce for specialized labor and/or professions. This has only led to the decline of what could only be typified as 'classical liberal education'-as technology, mass literacy, declining religiosity and increased globalization has essential led to the effective death of the archetypal scholar. Absurd schools of thought have been propped up to keep the illusion and 'viability' of the scholar caste afloat. This is why 'gender and racial studies' are actual things and why formerly respected institutions offer classes on Game of Thrones to undergrads. The University system exists solely to rake in money. It's racket, no matter how many Marxist professors it employs it exists primarily to print shiny pieces of paper for gullible undergrads to pay exorbitant amounts of money so that society can give them attaboy points.

>> No.12680496

kek, what did you expect nigger. Since daycare I knew no institution would ever meet my demands. If you were really smart and cultured you would have realized that 20 years ago. I mean it.

>> No.12680629

>go to a state school
>Everyone just smokes weed and talks about memes
>Transfer to an elite school
>Everyone just snorts coke and talks about memes

>> No.12680659
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It really is over, isn't it? If it ever really began.

>> No.12680673

>You can't judge people by a surface level impression.
Don't tell me what to do, uncultured swine
t. OP