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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 86 KB, 1324x632, bens life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1267807 No.1267807 [Reply] [Original]

Well the thread kinda died before i could post mine so...

Heres Ben's life!

>> No.1267834
File: 20 KB, 312x278, 411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>figure out life
>plan to enlist in military

>> No.1267853

>Retire when im 45 with full pension and excellent benefits.
>Work for the national security of my country.
>Life figured out.

>> No.1267860


>$10 trillion deficit

hey, I'm happy for you

>> No.1267862

>Live in Canada
>Considerably less debt

U jelly?

>> No.1267867

admittedly, considerably gelatin.

>> No.1267870

"realize how stupid fashion is"
hurr durr

>> No.1267874

I know, how culturally inept of the OP to devalue materialism. What a loser.

>> No.1267875

Like a boss.

I dont get it. You are hurring and durring at my rad as fuck realization of the silliness of fashion?

>> No.1267880

OP here, on a side note. How fucking great is jazz? Im really opening up to it. Coltrane? Miles Davis? Bitches dont know 'bout their swinging grooves.

>> No.1267885

Thelonious Monk, or get the fuck out.

>> No.1267887

Its the darnedest thing, youtube "recommended" them to me and the name kinda weirded me out.

>> No.1267889

I think the word fashion doesn't mean what you think it means

>> No.1267891
File: 50 KB, 328x480, NOPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1267892

>implying thelonious isn't a first name

>> No.1267894

you go girlfriend. tellem.

>> No.1267897

Fashion isn't silly. Your idea of what is fashionable was silly. Saying fashion is stupid is akin to saying something like music is stupid - it's not. Good fashion requires taste, and as with music, what's popular and considered good by teenagers is usually garbage.
Mingus will get you started.

>> No.1267898


Dude, listen to this record:

I took a jazz appreciation class to fill in an open elective last semester, so I've started to listen a bit myself. This shit is by far the best thing I've come across.

Duke Ellington > everyone

also, inb4
>entry level

>> No.1267903

If you want a taste of what the record sounds like, try this:

>> No.1267905

Ornette Coleman, Pharoah Sanders and Erick Dolphy

>> No.1267907
File: 4 KB, 344x326, 1284155034779.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1267914

Oh, /lit/, discussing jazz. What an inferior genre compared to the real music of the era.

That is blues, of course.

>> No.1267916

keep saging it

here I'll help

together we'll kill it

>> No.1267919

You heard Money Jungle with Mingus and Max Roach? Very surprising and fascinating album.

Seasonal trends can be a bit silly, but there are certain absolute rules that are always worth following (i.e. wearing clothes that fit properly, no obnoxious logo bullshit). Being well-dressed will make you feel more comfortable and confident, I assure you. I've been where you are and the other side is better.

>> No.1267925

I only listen to electroacoustic jazz such as otomo yoshihide & john butcher

>> No.1267933

Before academia took hold, many jazz musicians called their stuff "blues" and genre lines were a lot looser than they are now. Nobody batted an eyelash back in the 20s when Lonnie Johnson played on Louis Armstrong records or Papa Charlie Jackson was playing with Tiny Parham. It's just music, brah.

>> No.1267960

"Figure out life, give up university plans."


>> No.1267961

The only notable music released in the 20th century came from Saint-Saëns, Debussy, Ravel, Satie, Prokofiev, Stravinsky, Shostakovich, Holst, and Rachmaninoff. Nothing else needs to be discussed.

>> No.1268203

Well fuck thanks everyone. Dat jass.

University as in humanities. Im no scientist.

>> No.1268229


do you actually believe the shit people on here say about liberal arts degrees, man?

any degree is better than none.

also, as long as you have some semblance of a career plan and network and shit in college, you'll be okay. landing that first job with the English degree is what sucks, after that you'll probably at least make average money. or you can go to grad school or w/e.

>> No.1268240

Well lets look at the options. Liberal arts degree, 4 years in university, most likely debt with high interest at the end of that. Then theres the job hunt.


Military intelligence, guaranteed employment after training. Excellent benefits, and retirement at 45.

It doesnt even seem like a decision.

>> No.1268252

whatever floats your boat, i suppose.

i was fortunate enough to pay for undergrad through scholarships, so debt wasn't an issue. i understand that changes things, but someone could probably get a good chunk financed if they applied themselves.

also, i really cherish the experience. yes, i'll end up teaching, but that's actually a pretty sweet gig, despite Americans being stupid about prestige.

higher learning's the shit. don't cheat yourself.

>> No.1268267

Ive thought about it, no doubt. Teaching would be alright, but as far as higher learning goes, if im truly interested in learning something theres nothing stopping me. We live in the information age, if i want to learn about literature, il google it. Not to offend, but i dont need a certificate to know im educated.