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File: 284 KB, 1440x934, Screenshot_20190228-024719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12677273 No.12677273 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit it's fucking happening lads. /Ourguy/ Peterson is finally going to BTFO zizek

>> No.12677279

this is going to be such a shitshow

>> No.12677280

the chad zizek

the incel peterpipsqueek

>> No.12677287

does anyone really think peterson has a chance

>> No.12677298

Zizek is a better rhetorician

>> No.12677299


>> No.12677306
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>> No.12677316

I just want to see Zizek get called a postmodern neomarxist

>> No.12677319

He could just use some post-modern dialectic to confuse Peterson as to what a neomarxist really is.

>> No.12677331

I really don't see why he doesn't. I'm not an expert of the modern pseud canon, so forgive me if i'm wrong, but zizek is just a bumbling sniffling retard who says stupid shit to make people angry. You make him out to be some sort of god of debate and rhetoric when all he does is give lectures to lefty university students. Beberson, a simillar pseud who doesn't really say anything after talking for 10 minutes actually argues with and debates people who disagree with him...So uh...yeah.

>> No.12677363

>the absolute state of great thinkers in 2019, 21st century, the most advanced civlization

>> No.12677384

can peterson ever articulate his words without looking like he's furious to the point of tears? jesus christ

>> No.12677395

so we are in for the greatest shitshow of our times.
This is litrally why people get into philosophy. Think back to plato getting butblasted by diogenes. Zizek being the later.

>> No.12677400

zizek is the least obnoxious of the two

>> No.12677401

The only thing better than the Peterson fans is the zizekfags who don’t remember how poorly he did in that interview with pleb willself. Peterson has the advantage of not having to pretend he isn’t a basic bitch liberal.

>> No.12677404

The battle of the cringiest fanbases on the planet

>> No.12677405

I hope they make an epic rap battles of history episode out of this


>> No.12677408

so the discussion boils down to zizek eventually calling beterson out for saying nothing or for veering off topic into preformulated areas of circular reasoning or rhetorics

>> No.12677492

I had a dream about zizek the other night. He owned a barbershop and he was my go-to barber, the only guy I trusted with my hair.
I go inside and sit down to get a hairstyle but he isn't the one doing it, instead he is instructing a random girl giving her directions on what to do. I ask what's going on and zizek tells me she's his new apprentice and he has to train her and so on.
Now I get very upset, it's obvious she doesn't know what she's doing, so I demand that zizek is the one to cut my hair, but he won't listen to any reason. Since I can't talk him out of it and she already started, I try to argue that I should receive the haircut for free or at the very least largely discounted, given that she's not a professional and that I wouldn't have gotten the haircut if I knew she was the one doing it.
Now the dream gets a bit fuzzy, I don't know if I managed to convince him. Next thing I remember is I'm in the barbershop at night, it's supposed to be closed but the apprentice girl got me inside. Then she shows me a backroom with a lot of weird tools. On a table are laying a bunch of photographs. In them, zizek is shown torturing, mutilating, and eating people. I realise he is a serial killer. I try to turn him in to the police but he comes up with some excuse and they believe him over me.
I don't know what it means.

>> No.12677497

You forgot “RAWRR”

>> No.12677500


>> No.12677508



>> No.12677514

Zizek is a much much more insightful as an intellectual and I dont even like him all that much. Peterson is the more polished up rhetorician though. I fully expect Zizek to throw at Peterson some ironic statements that will expose Peterson's shallow understanding but Peterson not even being able to understand it and come up with corny ass response "well you just cant do that young fella. This is what neomarxists like Zizek dont get. Life is suffering and you have to slay the dragon and prevail despite the pain." and the audience then hailing Peterson as winning the debate because they cant follow a theme beyond a Disney cartoon-level depths of meaning.

>> No.12677536

Peterson is a much much more insightful as an intellectual and I dont even like him all that much. Zizek is the more polished up rhetorician though. I fully expect Peterson to throw at Zizek some ironic statements that will expose Zizek's shallow understanding but Zizek not even being able to understand it and come up with corny ass joke "*sniff* how does *sniff* how does a joordan petersun fan masturbate? *sniff* you see, he digs a whole in the earth *sniff* puts it in *sniff* and waits for an earthquake" and the audience then hailing Zizek as winning the debate because they cant follow a theme beyond a Disney cartoon-level depths of meaning.

>> No.12677545

both sides have already decided their guy won. This isnt a debate. Its for publicity

>> No.12677585

I'm going to buy tickets
Trips decides what I say to Peterson

>> No.12677588
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>> No.12677589

Really? From my memory, Will Self ended up looking like a total know-nothing prick from that video. He didn't seem like he really wanted to engage with Zizek properly and kept making cheap jokes and remarks to the audience about Zizek and his mannerisms and so on...

>> No.12677594

Zizzy will point out that Petey is fucking miserable so obviously capitalism has already failed.

>> No.12677597

drinking game: take a shot every time žižek implies or calls peterson stupid

>> No.12677598

>/leftypol/ vs YouTube

I'm dissapointed in myself because I'm going to end up watching it

>> No.12677610

start with the greeks

>> No.12677612

I actually can't imagine much of /leftypol/ has read Zizek, to be honest. I mean, I'm sure they love him as a meme but do those retards actually do anything but share le epic maymays about gulags or whatever the fuck... Don't they all think Zizek is a pomo loony anyway? There's no way those people are behind the Lacanian psychoanalysis, there's no way they've read Hegel... To be fair, my frame of reference for /leftypol/ is that dipshit youtuber Xeizexy or whoever the fuck he was and all the other cretins that he surrounded himself with, I guess that group of people was like the pre-Contrapoints "left"tube

>> No.12677616

zizek is going to call him a pervert, then someone is going to throw a chair and then a technical difficulties sign will go up

>> No.12677620


>> No.12677627

They're both charlatans, but Zizek has the advantage of being funny.

>> No.12677632

>how does a joordan petersun fan masturbate?
>he opens up reddit and waits for other JP fans to jerk him off

>> No.12677644


I know 3D people who like Zizek, but they don't read his books, just articles and watch lectures. There's not any reason to read a Zizek book, he hasn't written anything focused on a topic. Political activists don't want to read some guys collected ramblings.

>> No.12677651


I forgot, he wrote a book about Lenin in 1917, but that was analysis, no new research.

>> No.12677653

>but Zizek has the advantage of being funny.

>> No.12677657

Yeah I think this is correct for the most part, although I reckon that Sublime Object of Ideology is pretty solid, and the titles like In Defence of Lost Causes and First as Tragedy... are not bad either. I agree with the general sentiment though, that his books are often all over the place and repeat themselves to an almost tedious degree at times

>> No.12677666

This one's better.

How does a Jordan Peterson fan clean his penis? He puts in the earth and waits for an earthquake.

>> No.12677673

Kermit the frog DESTROYS communist coke addict with FACTS and LOGIC

>> No.12677678

zizek's career is officially over

>> No.12677684

They both did an interview with Cathy Newman and Jordan Peterson BTFO her, meanwhile she BTFO Zizek on every topic.

>> No.12677690

But the debate is "Happiness: Capitalism vs. Communism" lmao.

>> No.12677689

Does Peterson even read?

>> No.12677692
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>> No.12677695

He has read The Gulag Archipelago.

>> No.12677697
File: 525 KB, 1880x1105, Capital Is Epistemology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are these retards who thought Self won? Where do you come from? Have you ever read a book?

>> No.12677706

"Climb your dragon, slay your princess, rescue your hierarchy."
What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.12677710


On one hand he doesn't know what Dialectic even is, on the other hand Zizek is hopelessly burdened by Marx.

>> No.12677715
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Pic related: the debate.

>> No.12677719
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Lots of people here have read him, but still don't have a clue what he's talking about.
Never forget.

>> No.12677726


I liked that Lenin book and I'm really excited about reading 'Less than Nothing' as the epilogue to my my Hegel list.

>> No.12677730
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I'm genuinely looking forward to this.
Also Peterson's fine, but Zizek is obviously the superior philosopher.

>> No.12677733



>> No.12677735

What do I need to read to understand this debate?

>> No.12677750
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Zizek is a walking dirty room.

>> No.12677762

It already ended for Peterson:

>> No.12677769
File: 210 KB, 600x800, 767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll be surprised if Zizek doesn't try to befriend Peterson and find common ground

>> No.12677776

actually this is quite a funny take. Peterson is the clean your room get your shit in order guy who is trying to be the stern father arechtype

and zizek is your dirty chaotic uncle who buys you hookers and just undermines everything

>> No.12677777
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>so the discussion boils down to zizek eventually calling beterson out for saying nothing or for veering off topic into preformulated areas of circular reasoning or rhetorics
erhh, you could use exactly the same words to describe any Zizek debate, except he tells a few jokes first to try and confuse the public into liking him

>> No.12677780


>> No.12677782
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i hope they don't debate and just talk, debate is a retarded medium either way unless it's done in the form of papers or books answering each other, and even then it's often people talking past each other instead of something actually productive

>> No.12677783

carl jung vs jaques lacan +hegel +marx

>> No.12677788
File: 103 KB, 647x541, Redditorson666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did they mean by this?

>> No.12677790

Zizek had no answer to any of the points where Will Self pushed back, you think Zizek won because Zizek appeared as friendly and warm like he always does, and Self appeared as an autistic anglo being smug, people prefer friendly wacky characters rather than smug anglos, so you came out with a better image of Zizek even though he got literally intellectually raped

>> No.12677793



>> No.12677799


It's 6-7 weeks away so I hope you're a NEET anon, else you're fucked.

>> No.12677803

>Political activists don't want to read some guys collected ramblings.
not only that, but collected ramblings that get randomly copy/pasted from one book to another, so if you buy 2 of his books 25%-50% of it will be probably reading the same thing twice

now some retard Zizekian will tell me how this is actually good because of the concept of REPETITION

>> No.12677811
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I think Peterson ended up disavowing Solzhenitsyn after he turned out to be too redpilled

>> No.12677815

>Have you ever read a book?
educate yourself, bigot!

>> No.12677816

a classic meme, 7/10, good to see the old girl still has some life left in her

>> No.12677826

is Hegel useful on any sense to read our current predicament? I've been meaning to get into Hegel but all hegelians seem clueless at this point, so i've kind of veered into other avenues instead

>> No.12677829



Im unironically disappointed if he did

>> No.12677835

I thought it was just common knowledge that Solzhenitsyn was a rabid anti-semite

>> No.12677838
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>Talking outside his field:
this is literally the job of all intellectuals
>Peterson is a bad influence:
>Many of his ideas don't even make sense:
could have been good, but just turned out to be a shit list of even more retarded assumptions

>> No.12677841

hegel and kant are pretty much two of the most important philosophers of all time post the greeks.
Also thier books are impossibly hard to read, even for people into philosophy

>> No.12677842





>> No.12677843

i hope both lose

>> No.12677844

Absolutely THIS, he's bananas

>> No.12677853
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as far as i know the book is not translated from russian or wasn't until recently, so people who liked Solzhenitsyn sort of side-stepped that part of him

he also wrote a book about the US being soulless and garbage, people seem to pick only the anti-communist parts of the guy

>> No.12677854

Zizek sniffs because he's a fat fuck whose stomach produces so much acid to digest all the food he gobbles down it refluxes HCl all the way up to his nose bathing his sinus passages in irritating pH 1.5 fluid that in turn produce continual mucus flows as a last ditch self-defence mechanism that constantly drip out front and back. Peterson wins by not being obese.

>> No.12677860

Also his shirts are full of disgusting stains. I would think he was a hobo if I met him in the street.

>> No.12677866

wrong board retard

>> No.12677869
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>tfw i realise this is probably how i looked munching down those dim sims this morning on the way to uni

>> No.12677877


Not really. Anything useful in Hegel is in Marx with added BBQ sauce. I would love for someone to point out how wrong I am, a lot of it I'm barely grasping.

Although the most seemingly anachronistic idea in Hegel, that the bourgeois revolutions were the end of significant historical development, feels relevant. It feels like that is the cause of alienation, this weird post-historical feeling, just as much as Marx's separation from the means of production. Interestingly, Alexander Kojeve saw Japan as the model for post-historical man.

I also liked Hegel's analysis of nihilism (Buddhism) as the negative side of freedom, a result of freedom meaning 'no constraints' - everything in the world is a constraint.

>> No.12677887
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>> No.12677901

If peterson is /Ourguy/ then we deserve to be doomed as well.

>> No.12677902

When is it again?

>> No.12677905


>> No.12677906

>The topic: Happiness, marxism vs capitalism

>> No.12677914


Philosophy of History is the easiest, Philosophy of Right is harder, Phenomenology of Spirit is instant death. Before reading P of S read something supplementary, e.g. Kojeve's Intro to the Reading of Hegel.

When I've finished the Phenomenology I plan to cap it with Zizek's book 'Less than Nothing' to get a modern take on Hegel.

>> No.12677926

Peterson realized he's fading into irrelevancy. This is just what his career needs.

>> No.12677937

kek JBP's comment section is a goldmine. Literal npc's

>It won't be easy for Peterson. This Marxist ideolog knowingly tells opposite of true. You can't always catch him on lies but you always know that he tells opposite of true. Peterson has truth as his weapon. But it's not evident that telling truth inevitably leads to victory over them. Lies are more atractive. People love lies. Truth are complicated. It's easier to lies and dismiss and manipulate.
>sasha bondarenko True. Especially when the words marx uses in his works has more than one meaning.
>@Jagdeesh Dogra I hate words that have more than one meaning. It's practically inviting postmodernism in through the front to create chaos in our lives.

>> No.12677938

Neither, both are a mismeasure of man.

>> No.12677943

i think Kojeve goes autistically into the master-slave part of phenomenology, but does it cover much more than that?

>> No.12677945

Zizek's answer was to revise the theory, self on the other hand couldn't answer his own question.
In conclusion read less than nothing

>> No.12677954

>documenting the true and objective history that jewish people actively genocide europeans is anti-semitic

>> No.12677957
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both Zizek and Peterson have no insights in the current years, Peterson is a slightly smarter boomer conservative that wants to go back to naive modernity, and Zizek at this point is basically just selling normie internet right-wing talking points to the left with a clever twist so they are palatable to marxists

>> No.12677962

goddamnit, are those real?

>> No.12677967
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>> No.12677969

>This Marxist ideolog knowingly tells opposite of true. You can't always catch him on lies
kek, the opposite is true, you can literally push Zizek on any single thing he says and he won't give you a straight answer unless you allow him to go into a 15 minute tangent of jokes and movie references that answers nothing

>> No.12677971

Psychology is for women and gays, get a real job

>> No.12677975

What points did he fail to push back specifically though? The most I got from it was that Zizek would talk about the kind of violence he endorses and then self would go “yeah but we’re not talking about THAT kind of violence...” without really elaborating on the difference.

>> No.12677976

>i would tell you the answer
>but just read my book instead
kek, this is leftist intellectual laziness at its peak

>> No.12677982
File: 54 KB, 640x517, Eternally Uncleansed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over.

>> No.12677988

He’s not ourguy at all. OP is a pol troll

>> No.12677991

Sincere yikes.

>> No.12677994

Listening now, Zizek is rambling all over the place, Self is just trying to squeeze the damn point out of him.

>> No.12677995

what's gwyneth paltrow known for? i am not into Hollywood gossip

>> No.12678013
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>le postmodern neomarxist

>> No.12678020

>peterson: is a bad philosopher and some of his arguments are so poor even twitter trannies should be able to refute them
>his critics: LOBSTERS LMAO!!111

>> No.12678024

Marie Kondo vs Zizek when

>> No.12678026

I didn't think people still paid attention to Peterson. Of course the cultists will always be there but I figured everyone else moved on.

>> No.12678027

I think he only skims, and reads wiki intro paragraphs to gain some confidence

>> No.12678033

these are the kind of people who say "so THAT's a thing :DDD" and "folks/folx"

>> No.12678036
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Some juicing diet or something.

>> No.12678038

Goddamn, hentai with those two would be glorious.

>> No.12678043

Contrary to what kids think these days, debates are not mma fights to win or lose, but to converege, combine and conflict multiple ideas on both sides. Each debater and watcher takes what they can from the encounter.

>> No.12678044

Again, what point is he trying to “squeeze” out of him? Self doesn’t really elaborate on what kind of violence he wants Zizek to address, so of course Zizek is gonna go off on a bunch of different tangents until self can actually formulate his point. As far as I’m aware he never really does

>> No.12678054

This isn't a meme. Unless you've had serious food allergies you'd never know, and a serious case of insomnia due to a feeling of impending doom really is like being dead.
Probably too much nutmeg in the cider, or he's just sensitive to it. Or you could prove your science and go overdose on nutmeg and let us know how you feel.

>> No.12678056

i thought the one with the retarded diet was his instathot daughter

>> No.12678060

i mean Peterson is irrelevant but there's nowhere to move to, no new big guy has appeared yet, so it's always good to follow his antics for dramatic enjoyment

>> No.12678061

>What I want to understand because we're meant to go away and learn learn learn, is how to fit your favoured theorists Hegel, Lacan, Marx, Freud... how I'm meant to fit them into my learning so I can understand what the fuck I should do about the shit we're in?
>What will the world communist government look like?
>What exactly do you believe in?
Self's a twat but his straightforward line of questioning is on point.

>> No.12678064

We're all Kondorians now. Get with the times.

>> No.12678069


For sure. Master-slave is the backbone, but there are whole chapters (lectures) where it's not discussed.

I think any politicised summary/commentary/intro of a philosopher is going to have its favoured topics of interest, but non-political commentaries are always dull.

>> No.12678073

what about Sam Harris OBLITERATES 95yo christian granny who believes in god?

>> No.12678081

yep, the intellectual history is the left has been basically trying to change the subject for the last 40 years

>> No.12678094
File: 2.77 MB, 640x360, 1551037514240.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marie Kondo OBLITERATES spaghetti plate with JOY and ORDER

>> No.12678099

He followed her because it cured her problems. Probably sensitive to gluten-saturated/Monsanto grains.
And he said he doesn't even take depression meds anymore. This would make sense as the latest studies suggest that depression is caused by inflammation in the body, so the person ends up in something like a permanent flu state.

>> No.12678100
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>my frame for leftypol is the person that everyone hates for being a retarded leftcom

>> No.12678109

This thread was moved to >>>/his/6218151