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File: 51 KB, 600x400, V_for_Vendetta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1267719 No.1267719 [Reply] [Original]

V for Vendetta is almost a perfect reversal of the actual situation in England today. In the film, an ultra nationalistic and Christian theocratic government uses state terrorism to coerce the masses behind a repressive right wing agenda. The Church of England rules the moral landscape. Muslims, homosexuals, and immigrants are all imprisoned or deported. Guy Fawkes is a long forgotten hero who struck a blow against tyranny.

In the actually existing England of today, the English flag is considered a racist symbol. The officials of the state are told the Red Cross is offensive because it reminds those oppressed Muslims about the Crusades. Six year olds are investigated for racism. The leader of the Church of England is busy advocating for Muslim Sharia law. The state maintains that Islamic terrorism must be labeled “anti-Islam activity” so Muslims do not have their feelings hurt. It is not criminal to be a homosexual – it is criminal to criticize them, even in the mildest of terms. Perhaps most revealing, political leaders have actually admitted that mass immigration offered no benefits for England but was a tactic to make electing conservatives and libertarians impossible in the future by flooding the country with Third Worlders dependent on the welfare state. In essence, by their own words, the English government is a conspiracy against their own people.

It should be noted that Guy Fawkes, of course, thought that the English government of his time was actually too tolerant and wanted to restore Catholic autocracy, which would have strangled any Enlightenment rhetoric about rights and freedoms in their cradle. If you are a traditionalist Catholic Guy Fawkes might be a good hero, but for postmodern hipsters, Fawkes isn’t actually the best.

>> No.1267728

I hate the 13 year olds who watch that film religiously

>> No.1267731

V is not Guy Fawkes.

V for Vendetta is written by Alan Moore who is an avowed anarchist.

The rest of the stuff in your post sounds like you're scared. Why so afraid?

Buttsex is nice.

>> No.1267741
File: 25 KB, 478x468, brofist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking liberal decadence destroying the once proud and powerful Western civilisation.

>> No.1267747

I'm assuming you're European by your spelling of civilization?

>> No.1267750

I hate nationalism and racism, but I hate free trade and open immigration (read: cheap slave labor) even more. I was British I would totally be on the side of the BNP. It's a shame it's Brittan's only good-looking option.

>> No.1267753

>It is not criminal to be a homosexual – it is criminal to criticize them, even in the mildest of terms.

Your entire post is just exaggerative conservative butthurt

Ingle land will be fine. And if it isn't, humanity lives on. Islamotards will disappear eventually too, along with all the other dogmatic organized religions. There'll just be spiritual and non-spiritual secularists. And probably some buddhists since they have less of a track record of being dicks.

>> No.1267756


>exaggerative conservative butthurt
I did not exaggerate. Which parts do you doubt? I'm willing to provide sources to back up my statements.

>> No.1267760


>since they have less of a track record of being dicks


>> No.1267762

>islamotards will disappear eventually too, along with all the other dogmatic organized religions

Cool Pipe Dream Bro

>> No.1267763


It's too bad that your kids are going to be slaves to gay muslims.


>> No.1267776

Look at China and you'll see what's going on in the west has happened before. Society is being clamped down on by authoritarians, fascists who believe that the individual doesn't have the sense to rule themselves.

The liberal agenda has been co-opted to allow greater control.

Stop criticizing the skin they're wearing, if it becomes untenable they're just get a new one. Instead sweep away the cobwebs and the masks, and target those things which are not debatable or disguisable. Target those who spread fear. Target those who talk about 'sacrifice'. Target those who claim the country is in trouble, from financial issues, immigrants, or those of a 'radical' bent. Target those who suggest that some are more equal then others.

It's not liberals that are ruining anything, it's the same rich dictators that funded the likes of Hitler.

>> No.1267785


>> No.1267793
File: 36 KB, 318x472, idontthinksotim3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Islamotards will disappear eventually too, along with all the other dogmatic organized religions.

>> No.1267816

you think a movement thats barely 800 years old, with this recent revival in the face of modernity, will last another thousand years?

lrn 2 history. nothing lasts.

>> No.1267822

this. even if the islamocunts somehow manage to win, then in 500 years, theyll be the ones struggling against a minority threatening to overtake them

lol at ppl with no sense of perspective

>> No.1267829

stay classy, /lit/

>> No.1267833

>nothing lasts
Ephemeral fads like socialism and liberalism especially.

>> No.1267835

asshole-ism lasts.

that sound is your mind being blown.

>> No.1267840

I generally hate the conclusions people superficially make on the works of Alan Moore. Well, mostly about the abominations made using his comics as base, such as V.

>V is a metaphor for big government, more power to corporations!

>Watchmen is a metaphor about how liberals want to destroy the world, and conservatives are the only thing they want to save.

>Swampthing is a metaphor about how Greenpeace and plants will kill us!

>ahurp deru hurf duuuuuurrrr

>> No.1269163

V for Vendetta just has somebody wearing a Guy Fawkes mask. It in no way involves or represents Guy Fawkes, who was a Christian fundamentalist that wanted to blow up the English parliament for being too liberal and replace it with a conservative Christian theocracy.

Seeing idiot children using Guy Fawkes as an emblem of anarchy makes me cry inside.

>> No.1269170

Alan Moore did not want you like V. I realized this one day when watching a Monty Python skit, and Guy Fawkes was put on the same level of evil as Adolf Hitler during a scene in Hell.

To Alan Moore, he basically put a mask of Adolf Hitler on his character. Americans don't have this connotation for Guy Fawkes, so it goes over most of our/their heads.