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12677029 No.12677029 [Reply] [Original]

Any e reader users here?What e-reader do you use is it worth it?Are kindles good?

>> No.12677067

You need to drop around $500 on a large device that can handle PDFs natively.

>> No.12677083

are none of the cheaper ones any good?

>> No.12677095

If you're a light reader that reads mostly fiction and doesn't need to cite anything, sure you can get by with a cheaper device like a kindle.
If you want to read PDF effortlessly, then you need to shell out the big bucks.

>> No.12677111

No retard, you just need calibre which is free software that converts files to ebook formats.

>> No.12677120

I have a kindle paper white I got on sale for less than a hundred bucks and I like it a lot. The front lit screen is pretty nice and it’s convenient. There are still some books that are better physical but I just buy those. With libgen/calibre I’ve already saved more than cost of the paper white. It’s also a lot more practical for traveling with which I do a bit of. I’d say it’s worth it

>> No.12677124

You can't convert PDF to epub without major formatting issues. Even copying and pasting from a PDF had formatting issues. Converters "solve" this by space splicing but this fucks up dialogue and paragraphs.
You also disregard the fact that 25% of PDFs have not been OCR'D. It isn't worth the effort of conversion to the inferior epub or mobi format.

>> No.12677127

Also kindles read PDFs natively. I can use calibre to load PDFs or just email it to my paper white and read it no problem.

>> No.12677129

Screen size is too small for most PDFs.

>> No.12677135


>> No.12677144


>> No.12678684

Is a Kindle good for reading technical or academic books?

>> No.12678739

borrowed a kindle paperwhite and I was glad I didn't buy one.
rather pay for paper than reading from that shit

>> No.12678807

Duokan your K4NT (25€) and get perfectly reasonable PDFs. Even the regular firmware can handle good quality PDFs. Fucking consumerism shill-nigger

>> No.12678813
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You're too small you fat faggot