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1267423 No.1267423 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for a new fantasy series to dig into

Is "A Song of Fire and Ice" a good choice?

>> No.1267434

Very good my friend.
Go for it.

>> No.1267462

I know people seem to really enjoy it, and one friend in particular that raves about it to the point that between the last two Christmases he'd gotten me the whole set so far..
..but I still haven't been able to force my way through the first book. It isn't badly written or anything like that, but there's a reason it is the leading example of the so-called 'Dark Fantasy' sub-genre. I mean I read plenty of books where bad things happen to good people, horrible things to loved ones, or characters you've grown attached to are killed.. I'm not sure how exactly to explain the differences, but somehow trying to read it has felt like being made to watch a puppy kicking contest and the only time someone puts a stop to it to comfort or pet a puppy is to lure it into a false sense of security before snatching it up and drop kicking it for bonus points.

>> No.1267472


That's a pretty apt description, actually.

It's also why I love the series so much.

>> No.1267474

Yes, just don't expect closure on the series anytime soon. It was initially supposed to be a trilogy, but now it has seven parts, only four of which have been written. The fifth book has been delayed for several years running, and is still probably nowhere near release

>> No.1267495


1996, 1998, 2000, 2005, .....

I don't like where this pattern is going

>> No.1267499
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I have hope that the HBO series will be able to do something that GRRM's fans could not.

Make him fucking finish Dance.

>> No.1267514

Best choice there is, OP. Best choice there is.

But prepare to find everything else mediocre once you've finished this.

>> No.1267520

This. I had a bit of a hard time reading it at times, but it's also the reason I enjoyed it quite a bit.

If you do not like (or rather can't stand) seeing bad things happen to good people a lot and hate waiting for books, I'd suggest going with some other finished/nearly finished series.

If that does not bother you, go for it. It has quite good characterization and lacks the usual black and white moral nonsense fantasy generally employs.

>> No.1267521
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Yeah, OP, go for it - it's a great read.

Other fantasy I'd recommend:
The Lies of Locke Lamora
The Blade Itself
China Mieville's books
The Name of the Wind

... but choose ASoIaF first - it's pretty damn good.

>> No.1267533

2nd book is much better than the first too, so fight through it.

>> No.1267543

Yes, Ice and Fire is great, and now is a great time to get into them.

You'll likely finish the first four books by the time the Show is released on HBO, then you'll have that to go through, and hopefully by the end of the season they'll be revving up the release of the 5th book.

>> No.1267560

OP IM STARTING THIS TOO! I'm waiting for my friend to finish A Game of Thrones. I cannot wait, I'm literally drooling

>> No.1267627

hehe, good to see so many people expressing interest.

it will take him no more than 5-6 weeks to finish the 4 books. The HBO show is expected around springtime.

>> No.1267630

>no more than 5-6 weeks

that's assuming a lot about his reading habits, isn't it? they are fairly long.

>> No.1267632

Eddard dies.
Robert dies.
Catelyn dies.
Robb dies.

>> No.1267633

Douche, etc

>> No.1267635


I am a slow reader, and that's how long it took me.

>> No.1267796


What a faggot. If you see that, OP, don't let it discourage you. There's a whole lot more going on in the books.

>> No.1267804

Yeah, ALOT more people die than that.
Like pretty much everyone.

>> No.1267848

The witch fire series by James Clemens is pretty good.