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/lit/ - Literature

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12672120 No.12672120 [Reply] [Original]

So, after a thread was posted here about Yukio Mishima's book Sun and Steel I downloaded a copy on libgen to see what it was all about. Just the first page got me. The way the book presents itself, the prose it uses and the seemingly endless vocabulary of Yukio just left me feeling self conscious. Like a lot of people on this board, and even more so this site, I am a low IQ individual. I struggle to convey my thoughts and feelings adequately and usually have am left with using sentences like "you know what I mean" and "you just had to be there" to summarise my speech. But Yukio was different. After having such a wonderful time reading Sun and Steel I downloaded another one of his books called confessions of a mask. Funny story about me reading that, there was a point where he talks about playing with a toy. The way the you was described made me wonder if there's more to this toy than I thought. I looked for other translations to see if I could get a better idea and upon going back I realised he was talking about his penis. Wild. But anyway, just seeing the wide vocabulary he had and the depth of his lexicon just made me feel so inadequate. I tried replicating his feats by writing my own essays but at every sentence I was stuck as to how I should explain myself. I tried going on Google to find synonyms of words I was gonna use to try and be more verbose. I even tried to try different sentence structure but couldn't replicate what that man did. It made me feel so made and made me realise more how chained I am. Just looking at his work and the freedom he had in his speech to convey actions and concepts in such a vivid way made me envious of him. I also desired to have that freedom but can't imagine I ever will be able to. Is there any cure to this?

Wow, this became such a rant. To make this thread somewhat meaningful let's have a Sun and Steel discussion thread.

>> No.12672578

>why marvel at the glory of creation when you could just succumb to pride
absolutely ebin

>> No.12672587

It also extends to each other. For example you can see your fellow man as a piece of the image of God and treat them respectively.

>> No.12672622

You are gay

>> No.12672758


>> No.12672866


Truly the most putrid work of Catholicism is "Heliocentrism" applied to one's Self. Jesus, Plato, and Paul alike weep.

>> No.12672876
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Sun and Steel is Yukios hardest book, so don't feel too bad. Just ease into reading, Mishima can be really fun.

>> No.12673974

Actually, I didn't find it too hard. I actually enjoyed it and it gave me a new way of looking at myself. Thoroughly enjoyed it and want more books like it.

>> No.12673987

Also, I'm on the the third chapter of confessions of a mask and I'm starting to lose interest. It was much better when he was a gay kid in middle school and whatever. His relationship with sonoko is really making not wanna carry on reading. But before that it was really enjoyable and a fun read. But I get that his attraction to sonoko is probably like a brotherly love. It still. When he walks having his arms around her waist I was like "ugh". I'm really not enjoying this.

>> No.12674024

>Someone who spent their lives developing their ability at something they're passionate about is good enough at that something that I, a complete amateur, couldn't immediately replicate it, and I'm bummed out about it.
Welcome to reality. Get used to that feeling of slamming your dick in a drawer, it doesn't go away.

>> No.12674047

Read few pages at school but the translation was pretty hard to read (muh ESL) so I quit. I still plan to read it as I enjoy Mishima quite a lot

>> No.12674196

I didn't want to replicate it exactly. Rather, I wanted to replicate the freedom he had in his writing. To just let his pen go and have enough lexical ammunition to never be at a loss of words or to stop and think but display all his thoughts and feelings adequately.

I want that freedom.

>> No.12674206

You should. It changed me. In a way.

>> No.12674332

>To just let his pen go and have enough lexical ammunition to never be at a loss of words or to stop and think but display all his thoughts and feelings adequately.
Motherfucker, I don't know who told you this is what writing is, but you should smack the shit out of them for lying. Writing is the act of using symbols to transpose your thoughts and feelings into other people's heads, and it's really fucking hard. Highly acclaimed authors have to write and rewrite sentences dozens or even hundreds of times because quantifying things improperly conveys the wrong thing.

That's the thing about skill. Once you've become skilled enough at something, you make it look effortless. Then a bunch of people, who have never bothered to develop their skill at that something, watch you do that something and believe it genuinely is effortless and there must be something wrong with themselves for failing to live up to the bar you've set.

>> No.12674741

>That's the thing about skill. Once you've become skilled enough at something, you make it look effortless. Then a bunch of people, who have never bothered to develop their skill at that something, watch you do that something and believe it genuinely is effortless and there must be something wrong with themselves for failing to live up to the bar you've set.
This is so me. I just tie good writing abilities with IQ and genetics and believe that I will never ever be able to live up to that.