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12672053 No.12672053 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm going to read it now

>> No.12672059

it's fucking shit actually

>> No.12672076

explain pls. not op but this is on my list

>> No.12672080
File: 549 KB, 766x439, Me IRL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, it's your friend Pewds here. Brofist!
I'm just here to tell you that you should stop browsing or posting on /lit/ from now on.
Don't forget Like and Subscribe to my Youtube channel.

>> No.12672089

yeah right anon, you just want to invalidate pewds because hes a "normie"

>> No.12672090


>> No.12672101

No, it's a badly written novel with choppy, lustreless prose. Teshigahara's adaptation is miles better.

Kobo Abe isn't remembered for his authorial ability, but rather his themes.

>> No.12672121

pewdiepie actually has fantastic taste.

>> No.12672123

Is there anything sadder than a weeb?

>> No.12672125

Gonna be honest, I really didn't enjoy reading this book. The writing was so unexceptional, so bland. The description of sand was good but there's only so much Abe was able to say and express with it. The was definitely an economy to the words, but it held no weight to me, unlike, say, something Kawabata might be able to achieve. The are certainly better prosaic ways to explore the themes, themes which I suppose were interesting maybe but nothing I personally feel that was new.

How are Abe's other books compared to this?

>> No.12672129
File: 565 KB, 784x638, pewdiepie kierk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude buddhism is good because it supports my passive and secular millennial lifestyle but christianity ew that's icky and gross who would have actually want to have convictions or faith in anything lmao

>> No.12672136

His perspective and views on Buddhism and Christianity are at the level of a naive uncultured early-twenties privileged white american college student. The thing, I know for certain he can do much better. At least he tried to read different shit, so I'm sure his perspective will become wiser and worldlier

>> No.12672152

You should've stopped with God Emperor, the series really jumped the shark after that.

>> No.12672154

okay but is it shit? is it literal garbage not worth wasting your time on? i'm a relative beginner, will i be equally well-read as i was when i had not read it?

>> No.12672162

Not him, if you like Kafka you'll probably like Abe, and its super short, its almost novella length.

>> No.12672163

>relative beginner
Then don't read it. You won't enjoy it
Read shit you like first

>> No.12672168

I hate him but Christian wannabe intellectuals are worse and his fanbois are the worst so...

>> No.12672181

just watch the film instead

>> No.12672183

Pewdiepie is the definition of a 100 IQ. Like, he sits perfectly on the baseline.

>> No.12672225

Had read it before "LE BASED AND REDPILLED PEWDS xDXD" even knew it exists. Cool concept, bland execution. Dry even for a sci-fi writer. Pure 2,5/5.

>> No.12672238

Is the movie any good?

>> No.12672246

the movie is better desu.

>> No.12672247

desu you cant know what you like before trying it

>> No.12672251

Okay, but is it good?

>> No.12672263

As >>12672162 said read Kafka, or just watch Teshigahara. Abe isn’t really essential unless you want to be well read in Japanese literature in general.

>> No.12672264

Yes, it’s freaking good. The opposite of shit.

>> No.12672292

The more I hear actual asian buddhists talk about buddhism, the more I realise, though, that western buddhism is to buddhism what american prosperity gospel is to christianity. Buddhism in the west is just "i hate my parents": the religion.

>> No.12672297

He's slowly becoming that late 20s/ early 30s bloomer
It's quite nice to see his growth

>> No.12672301

thats a totally fair point, anon. then, >>12672154, read the first couple chapters of the book and see if it pulls you in.
if possible, try and see what your mind likes or doesn't like about it. this skill will inform the rest of your reading career

>> No.12672305

>quite nice to see his growth
same here. it's nice to see growth and the general willingness to consider new things
while currently hes still a learning a lot of these ideas and has some retarded baggage on some things, i feel pretty hopeful that he'll grow into a deeper appreciate of wider philosophy and religion

>> No.12672385
File: 49 KB, 600x578, 130221984383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if I'm being bamboozled but I will try it either way

>> No.12672519

If Christianity wasn't so normalized you would see it as the creepy cult that it is, it's on the same tier as Scientology. It is an awful fear based religion telling everyone they are sinners who will go to hell if they don't live the "right" way, that's insane.

>> No.12672536

Kangaroo Notebook was better but Dunes was interesting in some areas.

>> No.12672539

not even close to what Christianity is, maybe some burger version is like that.

>> No.12672624
File: 222 KB, 731x1114, Endo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think pewdiepie should read some Shushaku Endo, it's the kind of Japanese lit he seems to enjoy so much, but the author was a Christian. It'd be interesting to see how he reacts to ideas he seemingly doesn't like when they're presented to him from that Oriental perspective he enjoys.

>> No.12672626


Silence would be a much more interesting choice I think.

>> No.12672638

I think so too, I just liked the cover

>> No.12672666


I'm actually pretty curious what he would make of Ferreira's character.

>> No.12672789

Wow! You knew about it even before Pewdiepie?! What a hipster!

>> No.12672791


I know you're being sarcastic but Abe is one of the most well known Japanese authors.

>> No.12672903

>Pewdiepie's "Literature Club"
what the fuck, I never knew this was unironic

>> No.12672921

Imagine if millenials followed actual buddhism.
Freeing yourself from all desires sounds pretty hard for the most hedonistic generation we've had in a long time.

>> No.12672962

Felix didn't make that list. I think he was just using it so he could do the doki doki intro. And I think fans just had nothing else to call it

>> No.12673002

>an awful fear based religion
If you want christianity to be fear based that's totally up to you, it's literally your decision. I guess you're thinking of the christians going on and on about sin, hell and death? Well there's also groups who are the opposite of that, like the jesuits. The fruits of the holy spirit are "joy and peace" not fear, so I'd argue this fear-based spirituality isn't even biblical.

>> No.12673031


>> No.12673051

Haven't read Woman in the Dunes but I liked a couple of his short stories

>> No.12673070

more like pseudipie amirite

>> No.12673084


>> No.12673099


>> No.12673298

The book is good but the film is the real masterpiece.

>> No.12673325


They have sex less than previous generations though.

>> No.12674002

Ark sakura is better. About a fat neet trying to get laid and make friends.

>> No.12674004

Perfect for the medium

>> No.12674009

Hedonism =? Sex
That said, the guy you're replying to is an idot

>> No.12674179

I think that's mostly for Americans, not the West in general, though I'm not sure. I saw some American women having favourable views towards 'paganism' and kneejerkingly saying they were more 'pagan' than their friends beside them. Really emphasised that me me me oneupmanship. I wonder what this 'paganism' is to these people, they probably don't know anything about it, or realise that it's intrinsically tied to ethnicity. So it seems some Americans are obsessed with their (wrong) image of Christianity and try to overcompensate in a childish, unselfaware manner.

>> No.12674207

Im not even religious, but you'd be surprised to see just how your values/morals and ways of living are just cannibalised from christian-jew religion.
Human's "rights" activists are just as fundamental and cult following as any other religion.

>> No.12674219

pseudo buddhists are everything that big companies want people to become.

>> No.12674265
File: 121 KB, 783x1393, 1550956605860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Freeing yourself from all desires
As if that is even possible lmao. That dualism of body/soul is utterly shit.
The moment you stop having any desires you'd be probably dead.

It has nothing to do with sex. Even so, western pseud buddhists would probably prefer even more to be promiscuous with everyone and not engage in serious relationships for the fear of "getting too attached to things". Pseudo Buddhism is just staying a passive meek consumerist, indiferent to everything and without any will to power. A good slave.

>> No.12674471

I think we should all give Pewdiepie the benefit of the doubt. So many people here are angry that he's reading, calling his tastes shit etc, and yet most of the shit he reads and reviews on his channel are the same shit that's been discussed here every day for years.

My guess is that you're all pissed that he doesn't fully grasp the content he's reading, but give him a break. At least he's learning and shit.

>> No.12674537

>literally commie propaganda

I thought you guys told me he was red pilled

>> No.12674543

protip: he finds all his books from the wikipedia page on japanese literature

>> No.12674578

Why has 4chan become little more than an advertising spot to shill e-celebs?

>> No.12674615

This isn't 4chan, this is 4channel.

We split for the purposes of advertising, you forgotten already?