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/lit/ - Literature

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12670209 No.12670209 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone want to start a literary journal? Serious question. A lot of us have talent but mainstream publications are making it hard to publish just based off of work alone. I wanna get something off the ground. Thoughts?

>> No.12670213
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>A lot of us have talent

>> No.12670217

What would starting a journal entail? Obviously people would submit, but what would you need help with?

>> No.12670257

Getting a website and whatnot in order. Who does what. Figuring out promotion and what not. ‘Virtual man hours’.

>> No.12670284


>> No.12670286

/lit/ has tried to start a journal at least three times over the years. It never ends well.

>> No.12670292

I'd participate, assuming I got paid.

>> No.12670311

Do you have any recommendations on a good website to use to start it up myself? Preferably free or low in cost

>> No.12670320

That sounds like fun. I think you should take a lot of submissions before getting started with a website or investing any amount of time and work into it. Just to see if there are enough competent anons here to make it worthwhile.

>> No.12670333

That’s a pretty good idea. I was looking forward to doing something serious with one-three other anons. I wasn’t looking to do a massive all inclusive thing. But people are good at different things and I feel like a small group of guys could make it work. Idk.

>> No.12670348
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>A lot of us have talent

>> No.12670365

What would you even want for submissions? What kind of journal would it be? Just anything?

>> No.12670384

>based off
the word is based on, pleb

>> No.12670416

Short stories, essays, articles, humor and satire pieces which I see posted often, poetry if it’s of exceptional quality. Thinking of doing a weekly selection from the ‘share what you’re working on’ threads as well.

>> No.12670442


>> No.12670542

Unironically this is a good idea and this post deserves more attention

>> No.12670648

You are being rejected because your writing is bad, not because of the bias of "mainstream publications." Become a better writer.

>> No.12670722

I can help organize the website stuff. I've been thinking of something in a similar vein, would be cool to get anons working on an internet zine.

>> No.12670735


you know, mcsweeny's quarterly originally started with rejected work, i think even exclusively. not saying that everything collected by them is worthwhile but is worth noticing.

>> No.12670748

want my email?

>> No.12670763

I’d be down for that. Could be a fun way to get work out there for people and give budding writers more practice and exposure.

>> No.12670769

Ya'll want to swap emails or something.

>> No.12670789

Create a discord or something first and then swap emails

>> No.12670796


>> No.12670813


if youre interested, i set up a discord for us to use

>> No.12670820

Bump for interest.

>> No.12670828

dumb website guy here. I suggest using github pages. It's free, good for hosting static content like text posts, gives freedom for HTML/CSS, and is a good platform for forking/pull requests. If you don't have the patience for that kind of stuff, I can do it all for now.


>> No.12670842
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I'm >>12670286 , and I've witnessed the firsthand failure of at least two of those journals. So my advice is: if you fuckers are actually serious about this, you need about three people who are absolutely rock-solid committed to the journal. Could be two, could be four, but somewhere around three. And once you have those three, DON'T LET ANYONE ELSE HIJACK THINGS. This is the core flaw of every project 4chan tries to start. All these Anons try to contribute, we have to pretend that they're all equally committed and all their ideas are equally valuable, and it becomes an unholy mix of too many cooks and a civil war of personalities and bickering and infighting.

So, get a rock-solid core of about three people and don't let anyone else piggyback, at least not in a meaningful way.

>> No.12671333
File: 523 KB, 1440x2292, livingfailures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ has made at least a dozen mags by now, and all of them have disappeared into the aether because of pure, uncontainable autism. I wish I still had access to the discord servers for the three /lit/ mags I was a part of because the conversations there were golden. I don't know why I never saved the screenshots.

It always starts off with each of the members being timid, and the only things that get discussed in the first three weeks or so is how the magazine will look, what the mag's name will be, who's in charge, etc. There's hardly ever any discussion of what the mag will contain--only aesthetics. Once people's veils come off, it all eventually devolves into histrionics and ultimately ends once people get tired of replying.

Some /lit/ mags do eventually contain the autism long enough to release a copy, and only one has released more than five. I think I still have a copy of one of that mag's releases buried deep in my old Linux.

Actually, I dove deep into my folders and found this screenshot of one of the mags that never got anywhere. This one was the least successful out of all the ones I was involved in.

>> No.12672470

bump for autism

>> No.12673255

>Does anyone want to start a literary journal?
No, there's enough of them out there already.
>A lot of us have talent
>mainstream publications are making it hard to publish just based off of work alone
Then find an existing non-mainstream publication to publish in?
This mag wouldn't offer any good theory or criticism, because people who know that shit are already connected in academia and don't have to waste time on such an obscure project. You could offer fiction and poetry instead, but considering the low standards of this board it'd mostly be pretentious shit.

>> No.12674001

What are some good small pyblications? Not necessarily to send writing to, just to read.

>> No.12674066

I don't live in an English-speaking country, so I wouldn't know. Dig around a bit, ask librarians, writers or people who follow the literary scene for recs.

>> No.12674086


>> No.12674287

I didn't ask you anything

>> No.12675479

So are you fags going to pay me for my poems?