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File: 76 KB, 940x736, B8C996DC-4EFF-477E-A942-368B22C13B5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12669668 No.12669668 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize Mark Fisher was the greatest philosopher of the 21st century?

>> No.12669687

>there hasn't been any musical innovations in the 21st century

uhh what is trap music you dunce

>> No.12669714

When I realized he's literally me - a depressed music nerd who thinks about capitalism too much.

>> No.12669777

and who isn't that bright (can only examine it under a cultural lens) and killed himself, the weak faggot

>> No.12669783

Kill yourself butterfly

>> No.12669802

I can tolerate your edgy atheist tirades, but for dishonoring Fisher I shall find you and cancel your future.

>> No.12669805

not the real butterfly i suspect

>> No.12669813

Not even me. Not even a trip

>> No.12669815
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I didn't and I never will because he's not.

>> No.12669825

Don't ever (you) me again

>> No.12669840

You're a real asshole, butterfly

>> No.12669862

Get a name

>> No.12669868

Can I kickfuck your pussy?

>> No.12669878

trap music is actually very old and white people are just stupid and dont know it origins

>> No.12669952

>no musical innovations
I beg to differ


>> No.12670056

>Boy im sure sick of trannies and russel brand haters ruining my brocialism

This is all i took from that one article He wrote. Marxist revolution can only be led by an armed proleteriat of cis males w/ guns. British culture doesnt fosters the material conditions for creating that.

>> No.12670084

I dont like this post, but I actually think there is a lot of truth to it.

Fisher was a cuck, for committing suicide. I hate to say it, but it's what I feel.

He had a platform. He had a wife and kids. He had an opportunity to present an alternative way.

But no. He just killed himself. Few men could have ever achieved the influence he could have.

From an academic perspective, I think Fisher's work is shit. He doesn't understand Neo-liberal actors, the entrenched nature of institutions. Its less of a thesis and more of a never ending 'why'.

>> No.12670118

industiral techno started in the 90s if not earlier

>> No.12671704
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>> No.12671719


>> No.12671723

Sounds like he was depressed in the same way DFW was. Sad.

>> No.12671873

Seems like he was a very intelligent and humble man with great intentions, and his cultural criticism is pretty good, but only pretty good, contributes very little new and is often redundant and always derivative of Zizek and Jameson (tho he does have the real utility of articulating them in more accessible ways)

>> No.12672326

>Neo-liberal actors

>> No.12672655

Interesting. Which essay? Because he appreciates Russel Brand.

>> No.12672693

You wanna know how I know you never had depression before?

>> No.12672722

>tfw been avoiding reading Fisher

>> No.12672988

Bump for based Marky Marky senpai

>> No.12673014

pretty sure speeding up anime ops to over 500 bpm and putting in amen breaks started in the 2000s

>> No.12673027

Trap was made in the 90's out of the south.

>> No.12673046


>> No.12673890

He made a jungle record with Kode9, so I can fuck with him.

>> No.12674029

It's not too different then Industrial music of the 80s and 90s

>> No.12674550

Exiting the Vampire's Castle

it's included in this post along with a small homage to Mark

>> No.12675903


>> No.12676817

Sure, kid. Sure.

>> No.12676824

>that wedding ring cutting off his circulation

>> No.12676846

reminder there are multiple virgin faggots with the butterfly trip

>> No.12676882


>> No.12678348

I'm gay

>> No.12678378

literally paul to nick land’s christ. why would i waste my time

>> No.12678506

Nick Land is a nonsensical schizoid methhead who has literally never made a single affirmative statement.

>> No.12678532

unironically when he killed himself. he opened the only exit to this wasteland.

>> No.12678535

Do you think he martyred himself?

>> No.12678540

tribal retard

>> No.12678541
File: 30 KB, 640x480, cymothoa-exigua-insect-parasite-eats-fish-tongue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nick land infiltrated Capital and devoured its tongue and replaced it and now speaks on behalf of the undead alien fish god.

what have you done with your life

>> No.12678585

you don't know what that means do you?

>> No.12678693
File: 72 KB, 1024x1008, 1495062866783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ride never ends, but moments like this make it worthwhile.

>> No.12678697

i wish that were me on the right

>> No.12679040

of or relating to a personality disorder marked by dissociation, passivity, withdrawal, inability to form warm social relationships, and indifference to praise or criticism.

>> No.12679071

Socrates is the greatest philosopher of every century. He's timeless.

>> No.12679310
File: 17 KB, 171x266, GABIDULL IZ ZENDIEND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gabidull zo bad id gud
Wow, so deep.

>> No.12679320

If that's all you took from it you are a horrible reader and incredibly close-minded.