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/lit/ - Literature

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12666010 No.12666010[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What makes you think books are better than GRAPHIC NOVELS? Graphic novels are actually a higher form of art since they include actual art you fuckwits, you could take a book and add pictures for the dialogue and improve it.

This means every book is an incomplete graphic novel. You could be reading Plus Sized Elf but you faggots can't put down the dictionary long enough to stop giggling about all the things "ass" makes you imagine long enough to branch the fuck out

>> No.12666015

That's manga, you retard, not a graphic novel

>> No.12666019

Philistines think synthesizing more forms of art into one piece of media is somehow artistic when really it distills the true essence of artistry and craft. You probably think Vidya is impressive cuz it has mediocre music and stories, get this, combined!

>> No.12666028

>when really it distills the true essence of artistry and craft
You know that's a compliment right?

>> No.12666032

If both were better the product could be considered better than the two parts without the other, right?

>> No.12666033

Uhh i mixed up distill and dillute

>> No.12666034

No you didn't, distill is reducing to a base

>> No.12666036

Yah, not the sentiment I want. Why would making amalgams of forms

>> No.12666039

Reduce it to it's base. I want to say the opposite.

>> No.12666042

You called it mediocre, reducing fantastic art to basic art would certainly accomplish such and prove your incorrect point

>> No.12666046

What Vidya is fantastic art pleb. It's mostly all corporate bullshit

>> No.12666067

Final Fantasy VII is the one I feel should be the judge on if videogames could be real art. It has everything; a gripping story, themes that reflect current problems like capitalism, they even threw in a nigger so people would actually pretend to like it

>> No.12666077

Give me an example where that's the case. But i mean my point is that real beauty is found in the essence of the art. Not in the poor chimeric attempts combing them to create "fantastic art". Imo nier automata sucks

>> No.12666083

I haven't played it. My fav games are the mother series idk if I think they are art but they are definitely artistic. It can be done well but I still prefer just plain old personal writing or music. Idk shit about comics when that's what you wanted to talk about. Watchmen had some amazing art and paneling but really didn't get into the story. It's dialogue was good and so was rorschach

>> No.12666084

SMT: Nocturne is another of my favorites. The plot is good, it deals with religious questions but has a silent protagonist. As a book, the narrative would totally ruin the idea of the ending which changes. The music itself is boring alone for ten minutes but perfect for grinding. Every aspect of it would be worse if separated from the entire game, it truly is one to experience

>> No.12666091


>> No.12666101

Yet Nier Automata doesn't just combine things chimerically but it coheres it all together into one core Nietzschean theme about finding meaning in life. Every single part of the game reinforces this theme. Even the genre combinations are elevated by the meta questions it poses to the player by the end of it. It is art at its essence and a perfect example of how it manifests in the video game medium.

>> No.12666108

What is art about to you. It's only about beauty to me. NA do not think it's beautiful at all. Ghastly

>> No.12666109

And now we can talk about Plus Sized Elf 2

It comes out in March. I may go outside for it

Also I'm realizing this board only has female posters. That explains the literal shitfest this place is

Not because men are better, because you're singling this board out again


>> No.12666110

Final Fantasy is a bad choice, mostly because of >>12666019
Dwarf Fortress is a better example either way since it's a pretty "pure" videogame. Especially when you consider that the artistry of videogames comes from Its existence as software rather than from the resulting gameplay.

>> No.12666118
File: 815 KB, 800x798, 1543307094908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you need pictures to accompany your writing in every part of the story, your writing is shit. If you need words for your paintings to make sense, your painting is shit.

The highest forms of art are ranked as follows:
1. Literature
2. Music
3. Paintings
4. Film/theater

Vidya, comic books, porn, and photography don't make the list.

>> No.12666123

For someone who's so concerned with beauty, you write like a primate.

>> No.12666127

>paintings below books

woah faggot, Van Lerius

>> No.12666128

Nice pic you have there buddy. I guess your writing is shit too.

>> No.12666131
File: 40 KB, 375x499, 51kADemjj2L._SX373_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts trashy manga
>calls it graphic novel
writing a book is harder then writing a grphic novel
t. fagg that writes comics and has tried writing short novels

>> No.12666133
File: 40 KB, 312x615, idyll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just proving paintings are better

>> No.12666134

Not an argument. Tried to have sincere discussion and you obviously not interested. Troll. Sage

>> No.12666136
File: 11 KB, 300x291, 1522102872064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>painting below lit and mu

>> No.12666140

>If you need pictures to accompany your writing in every part of the story, your writing is shit. If you need words for your paintings to make sense, your painting is shit.
Yes but you're missing something very simple here. Comics are not straight books and comics are not straight paintings, they are comics. Just like movies incorporate a variety of forms to produce the whole, comics incorporate elements of visual art and the written word to produce a final product that is all their own. Something that neither a painting or a piece of literature could achieve on its own. That is not to say that they are "better" or "worse", ranking art forms is retarded but it's equally retarded to assume that comics are just paintings and prose mashed together. Those who approach the comic making process that way produce shit tier garbage because much like you, they don't understand what makes a comic work or how to take advantage of the medium.

>> No.12666144

Also I think beauty is the most important part of art but experience is what makes art different than beauty in life

>> No.12666167

>trying to intellectualize a medium aimed at children and retards
Comic books are literally pictures with words. It can never be greater than the sum of its parts.

>> No.12666175

But words are pictures with words. So comics are just words.

>> No.12666178

Art is supposed to give you appreciation for something basic, like paint or symbols

>> No.12666180

You’re just highlighting your own ignorance. If you only read comic books made for children and retards then of course that’ll be your opinion. Just like you wouldn’t be able to appreciate literature if all you read was Ready Player One and Tom Clancy novels. You shouldn’t outright dismiss an entire medium, especially when your exposure to it appears to be so shallow.

>> No.12666201

>t. high-school stoner feeling deep

I read comics from time to time. They can be somewhat entertaining. Just like mobile games. It's not art though.

>> No.12666233

Thanks guys

This was fun but I have to hide now

Please read Plus Sized Elf, trust me for once

>> No.12666236
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>> No.12666271
File: 380 KB, 1146x1650, mmmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck lads, i don't know what it is about them but chubby anime girls are so fucking hot. In reality the perfect chubbiness is almost impossible to find, the skin corrupted and stretched, the folds excessive and misshapen. But in the platonic realm of anime the perfect chubbiness is manifest: perfect soft luminous skin, a perfect fat ratio, perfect proportions, and perfect cute faces and expressions. Every time i see a cute chubby anime babe posing with a burger or milkshake, giving a cheeky but honest expression my fucking trousers tent in record time. What i would do to have those thick thighs wrapped around my head... truly to look upon the perfect form of beauty without succumbing to desire is feat befitting a god! Forgive me temperance, i'm only human!

>> No.12666283

You are thinking of Light Novels. these are literally just pictures with words.